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What do you guys think is the biggest/most known rivalry in college football

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First tragedy, then farce.
olimario said:
The biggest one down here is A&M and UT.

I call bullshit. UT/ATM isnt even really a rivalry, at least not our primary one. The Aggies seem to think so, but they are more akin to an annoyingly stupid little brother that keeps announcing their superiority despite an upswelling of evidence to the contrary. (OU has a similar situation with OSU)

Most everyone assoicated with UT considers our main rival to be OU. There is legitamate hate there. I have been in no less than 3 bar fights during Texas/OU weekend (more like brawls as most of the bar got involved). I would even argue that Arkansas is much more hated than ATM, considering ATM has had no success at any sport and we beat them the vast majority of the time.

Also of note: Texas Tech, U of H and Baylor consider UT to be a 'big' rivalry', of those I would say Baylor would have been a big rivalry half a century ago, Tech was never a rival, and UofH was a rival for about 10 years from 83-95, and have since fallen off of the face of the sports world.


Online Ho Champ
Yeah but rivalries are about hate more often than competition history. Its all about a team that you can beat and lose all other games and ya still have a bright spot in the season (probably cause you screwed em out of the bowl game they wanted hehehe).
Uh, in terms of sheer power and deciding factor, then the obvious answer is Florida St. vs Miami.

Texas vs A&M is a damn joke because A&M fucking reeks. I hate living in Texas during college football season...


Ummm...what about UCLA versus USC? Not only is it every bit as bitter of a rivalry...but both sides are in the same CITY.
-jinx- said:
Ummm...what about UCLA versus USC? Not only is it every bit as bitter of a rivalry...but both sides are in the same CITY.

Yeah, problem is, that city is LA, home of the "Best Fans in the World that Think a Baseball Game has 6 Innings"


Also, you can't really debate the effect winning/losing the OSU/UM game has on a coach. Cooper kept taking OSU to top 5 rankings, won the Rose Bowl, but he never really beat Michigan.

And he was axed.

By the way: only 122 days until the big game!

Tell me another game that is more important as far as the BCS is concerned.


ConfusingJazz said:
Yeah, problem is, that city is LA, home of the "Best Fans in the World that Think a Baseball Game has 6 Innings"

Ain't that the truth...I went to a game in LA a couple of weeks ago. Gagne was sent in the 8th to close the game and half the fucking crowd left. I was like, WTF? That would never happen in New York or Baltimore. Even the fans in San Diego get up and leave early...


HalfPastNoon said:
Tell me another game that is more important as far as the BCS is concerned.

That isn't what the thread is about. It's biggest rivalry, not biggest rivalry that determines the national Championship.


Ohio State beat Miami, Lonestar. ;)

'course, we're all going to have our little biases here. Hell, like it isn't already painfully obvious by my avatar and tag already...hehe...

Out of all the shit I throw at Michigan, though, I just have to love their helmets. Classic design, although not as classy as Notre Dame's or OSU's.


Around here, the big stuff is always Penn State/Notre Dame

And it's odd, because they don't play very often at all. But it you live here, and you like one team, there's shitloads of backlash from fans of the other.


Another hot rivalry out there is West Virginia/Marshall. Great rivalry overall, and it's always an excuse for drunken hillbillies to run around with fire.


ConfusingJazz said:
Yeah, problem is, that city is LA, home of the "Best Fans in the World that Think a Baseball Game has 6 Innings"
And that is relevant because...? We're talking about college football, not professional baseball. The crowds at UCLA/USC games don't leave in the third quarter.
ConfusingJazz said:
Norte Dame Football: Irrelvant since 1995

It really pisses me off that all their games, for reasons I haven't figured out yet, are still broadcasted on NBC every year. The team sucks. Give a REAL team some spotlight.


Man, you people are stupid. It's obviously Georgia vs. Florida. It's the only rivalry where they don't play in the teams home stadiums, they have to meet up halfway, and it results in the world's largest cocktail party every year. Trust me. I've been.
Raoul Duke said:
Man, you people are stupid. It's obviously Georgia vs. Florida. It's the only rivalry where they don't play in the teams home stadiums, they have to meet up halfway, and it results in the world's largest cocktail party every year. Trust me. I've been.

Well, it's the same for UT vs OU. They meet up in Dallas at the Cotton Bowl every year where Texas proceeds to get bent over and owned.


Yeah, forgot about that. The GA-FL rivalry used to be more balanced, but now FL just stomps us into the tundra everytime. And we've been better than them for like 2 years now.
I'd say OSU/Michigan as well, despite being a Tallahassee resident for all of the 1990s. The main reason I'd give OSU/Michigan that credit is that they have the same kind of electricity in their matchups no matter what-when Miami was down and out and FSU was hauling them in the later 1990s, there was a certain rust on the rivalry. OSU and Michigan go rip each other out every time they play no matter what sport it is.


As a casual observer, I'd say it's NCAAA-diehards vs NCAA haters.

"Man, you gotta check out the _____ bowl!"
"That's not even real football, anyone can play NCAA."
"No way, they work harder than NFL players!"
etc etc.

Reminds me of "tastes great/less filling" arguments.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I would say that OSU-Michigan is the best-known, highest profile rivalry, though I'm not familiar with details/specifics of it living down south.

For football only, I can't imagine anything being more intense than Alabama-Auburn. It's hard to describe what it means to some people, you'd just have to talk to them about it.
I can't believe no one put Harvard vs. Yale in here. The Ivy league has been bashing heads as long if not longer than any other rivalry in football history. Dartmouth vs. Princeton is pretty good too.
Don't put down Dartmouth vs. Princeton as any premier rivalry of any sorts. That's just revisionist history.

Princeton's big rivalry in football was axed 15-16 years ago when they begged off their series with Rutgers (The first rivalry in football might I add - but certainly not the biggest). That was probably for the best, because back then Rutgers was a half decent I-A team and Princeton plays in I-AA. No I-AA team stands a prayer of a chance against a half-decent I-A team.

Army/Navy, Michigan/OSU, or USC/ND. IMO, those are the biggest rivalries in terms of history and vehemence.
I'd put up Florida vs Florida State versus any rivalry though.

I think this one certainly was one of the best when it was Spurrier versus Bowden. Those two had some very memorable games and plenty of off-field shenanigans, often with the coaches (especially Spurrier) involved. Spurrier's whining after the '96 loss and the great "Choke in Doak" in 1994 are two of the highlights of my time in Tallahassee.

Now it's lost some of it's luster. I think the rivalry was fueled for so long off Spurrier and his vivid on and off the field actions that it's had a hard time regaining its past intensity.

Edit: WTF someone sooo did not put a PAC-10 team in this thread. They hardly play football, much less have the capability of having rivalries.
Here in Texas the big rivalries have been UT- A&M, UT-OU, and recently Tech-A&M.

The UT-A&M one is so significant because of the amount of venom spewed out by the aggies. As a longhorn, I really don't care all that much, but I am pleased that we beat the crap out of the every year (They f__k sheep, it makes them weak). But thats nothing compared to the hatred and loathing given to us by A&M. Their fight song is dedicated to beating us, they wear overalls andorned with "BEAT tu" (don't ask about the tu thing, its really stupid), they used to light a damn tower of logs that made all other bon fires look like a spark. The scary part is their cult like determination to hate us. People in here may say they have school spirit and all, but CHRIST. Read this if you don't believe me, its scary.

I deem it the world's biggest and longest case of penis envy in the world.

The only thing I can say about UT-OU game (The Red River Shootout) is that its 5:50, AND OU STILL SUCKS!

..yeah, screw them. If you look at the rankings the past few years, this is usually a top 5 team vs a top 5 team, and where UTs hopes of winning anything significant goes down the toilet.

The A&M - Tech one isn't really all that important, but I just like to tell the story of how, after Tech pummled A&M, the Tech students rushed the field, tore down the goalpost, and threw it into the A&M section while they were still singing the fight song.


Drunky McMurder
OSU-Michigan and Army-Navy are very close, but I give the nod to the latter. Even when both teams are absolutely horrible(read: about 90% of the time), people all around the country still care.
I'm a big 'Canes fan, but...biggest rivalry definitely goes to Alabama/Auburn. The Iron Bowl doesn't get as much national hype now because neither team has been in the national title hunt for a while, and the interest is entirely within a small Southern state. But in terms of how much the fans care and how nasty the rivalry can get, 'Bama/Auburn is in a league of its own.
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