Fuck, did i ever. We had five encounters total. The first time i was unexpectantly nervous and she was really self-conscious about her body, but we pretty quickly overcame that.

i can't say the sex was phenomenal, just that it lasted longer than with the women i dated my own age (twenties). i think the oral was much better than the intercourse, but like i said earlier, i don't really have a preference.
She talked a lot about her husband (whom she was then recently divorced from) and each time we were together it was obvious how much she missed him, and that i was a physical replacement for him. i think that was kind of a breaking point with her.
Things ended kinda odd though. i called her since i was in her area, seeing if she wanted to meet for "lunch", and she never called back. That was like two or three months ago. All i know now is that she's still with the company.
And no, i did not FHUTA.