there is a war that is supposed to wipe out 1/3 of mankind. this war is NOT armageddon but is supposed to preceed armageddon. that's about roughly ~2 billion people that will die. obviously in some sort of nuclear exchange. this war is known as '6th Trumpet war'
after the relatively small disaster that was this recent earthquake+tsunami's that has killed roughly a quarter million people, and all the tension in the world. the crazy shit that has been happening since 9 || || i feel that the possibility of this war that kills a third of mankind, is pretty strong within the next 5-10 years or so. it would be horendous. not the end of the world, but a catastrophe that tops
9 | | and the tsunami disaster (two unreleated things, or are they?). and you know how things just get worse and worse......
after the relatively small disaster that was this recent earthquake+tsunami's that has killed roughly a quarter million people, and all the tension in the world. the crazy shit that has been happening since 9 || || i feel that the possibility of this war that kills a third of mankind, is pretty strong within the next 5-10 years or so. it would be horendous. not the end of the world, but a catastrophe that tops
9 | | and the tsunami disaster (two unreleated things, or are they?). and you know how things just get worse and worse......