Business programs are impossible to fail as long as you show up. It’s one of those kinds of programs as long as you can skim textbooks and write a case study well you barely have to put any effort into it. I didn’t. I was always one of those study the night before guys. Although the only class I’ve seen people flunk out even with effort is finance and economics. If the prof doesn’t bell curve the class, if you suck at numbers and can’t remember the formulas then ya you can get 0’s on test questions. But all the written case study stuff everyone should be able to get at least a C with little effort.the general educations requirements were a scam. psych 101 i showed up on the first day, the midterm and the final and i still passed
Dude, metaphorically or physically?But suffered brain damage during my third semester and had to drop out.
Is that gif you during class?I studied Forestry and Aboriculture and had a blast.
Lol when I went to college in 1995, I just got out of the military and was 22. Started going to college and was wasted all the time. I vaguely remember the night before my history blue book final drinking half a bottle of gold schlager. I was still pretty tipsy and must have reeked of alcohol. The professor looks at me, shakes his head, and hands me the test. Pulled off a C+. Lol I thought I was going to just pass out in class.AmericaCollegeGAF be like:
A lot of my professors gently hinted that "electronic" copies are available.One thing about going to school now is the professors are looking for ways to make books cheaper for students. My tech text books cost me hundreds of dollars and so far my psych textbooks have been less than 100 a piece...
No, but I have reenacted that scene with a Husqvarna chainsaw.Is that gif you during class?![]()
Physically. When I was 2 weeks old I had fluid on my brain and surgery to put in a shunt/drain. Only so much tubing can be put in a 2 week old and I'm now 6'4", it just chose that time for the drain to break in 3 places.Dude, metaphorically or physically?
A year at most of the public 4 years in Washington state are around the same cost which is around 12k. The community college i am going to is about 8k thereabouts. It gets expensive when you go to an out of state school.I've seen a ton of Reddit posts about how Americans are saddled with an enormous amount of dept through going to college, is it really that expensive? Over in the UK/Ireland it's cheap as chips in comparison but you guys seem to be saddled with a house mortgage at the end of it or does that only really apply to those studying to be a Doctor at Yale or somit?
Random fact, my niece's best friend ended up with a free international student scholarship to Harvard, cunt landed on his feet there, I imagine you'd need to be one smart cookie...
Private universities are expensive as hell too. Figure 50-60k a year last I checked. Of course there's need based financial aid at privates so unless you're a foreign student you're not paying full price. Of course I'd make the argument easy loan money is what really drove up the cost of college.(Plus everyone going) And I always like to bring up the fact the federal government nationalizing the student loan industry in 2009 didn't seem to fix anything.A year at most of the public 4 years in Washington state are around the same cost which is around 12k. The community college i am going to is about 8k thereabouts. It gets expensive when you go to an out of state school.
University of Washington's tuition is $12,242 for in-state and $40,740 for out-of-state students.
It's because there's some ridiculous notion that you should be completely independent the moment you leave high school. People go to universities out of state so not only do they pay out of state tuition, they also have to find a place to live. A lot of people also look down on local community colleges but they're significantly cheaper compared to universities. Yeah, it's true that most fields want a bachelor's degree at minimum but there are associate's degrees that are quite valuable such as nursing. Heck, the signing bonus of a nurse probably covers half of the tuition needed to get an ADN.I've seen a ton of Reddit posts about how Americans are saddled with an enormous amount of dept through going to college, is it really that expensive? Over in the UK/Ireland it's cheap as chips in comparison but you guys seem to be saddled with a house mortgage at the end of it or does that only really apply to those studying to be a Doctor at Yale or somit?
Random fact, my niece's best friend ended up with a free international student scholarship to Harvard, cunt landed on his feet there, I imagine you'd need to be one smart cookie...
My grad program was good. Made great friends as well i still see to this day and even get an Xmas card from out of province. I remember we each agreed to do a cooking contest to see who was the best cook. I didnt give a shit and just ordered pizza for my day so my day wasnt serious. But for others they cooked up the shittiest food ever. I couldnt even get through two of them. One guy cooked up the spiciest food ever nobody could get through. Then another day a girl made some homemade bread or some shit and it was gross. But hey, I still speak to them today!Had a fucking blast first, got a degree second. And my loan was forgiven so weeee
Maybe they were all natural numbers.Waste of time. People there didn't even know what a negative number was. I'm not joking. So I said screw it and quit after a semester, then traveled half the world before covid