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What do you think the biggest leap in science/tech will look like (in your lifetime)?


I was hoping for robot arms or legs. Like being able to do winter soldier stuff would be awesome. No pipe wrench needed to fix pipes.
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DNA/RNA level revolution in healthcare (BionTech and Moderna vaccines will accelerate it).
Self driving vehicles (not soon, but perhaps in 10-15 years)
New types of transport (hyperloops, flying cars or whatever).


Self Driving Cars
mRNA medicine curing cancer
Cosmetic CRISPR. Think glow in the dark blue hair at will.
Neural Link type device.


Right now there is a good chance that it will be "the great leap forward" of a man-made pandemic.
With the great advance in modern medicine without any kind of oversight and with the calls that Covid is just about the smallest incident that could have happened.

Sam Harris has a great guest on in his latest episode and it's quite chilling.

We are looking at a greater and speedier revolution that personal computing was but for biology.
We are getting better and better tools but without the wisdom to use them correctly.

So it has the potential to get rid of all the worst hills affecting humankind right now but also a good chance of killing a large amount of people.

As for the biggest leap I foresee, it's probably AI assisted design.
Just as every product and processes right now use computer assisted design to help us make better decision.
I think we are going to get all kind of tailored AI for specific purposes.

If we can find a good way to make AI and design them, just like we design a computer program.
There is probably multiple revolution in other domains that would use it as their foundations.
So not AGI as people commonly understand AI, but a narrow AI tool that's accessible to many (think photoshop but for AI)
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I'd agree that the biggest leap has already happened with PCs and the internet.

I could see the next big leap being cheap air taxis, it will be amazing seeing a bunch of these drones flying people around. Will feel like we're in the future.



Cell phones/internet. Communication is key. I can't imagine people still using road maps, phone booths, mailing letters to each other, etc. It's prevalent throughout our entire civilization now.
Cell phones/internet. Communication is key. I can't imagine people still using road maps, phone booths, mailing letters to each other, etc. It's prevalent throughout our entire civilization now.
I can. When it all comes crashing down, you're gonna wish you had a paper map.

World's reliance on computers is too damn high. Anything digital can be defeated very easily. Motherboards with sneaky circuits phoning home, single point of failure in gsm towers, stuxnet, apple disabling your account....

The world is very much assuming the current level of technology is not going to decline.


I can. When it all comes crashing down, you're gonna wish you had a paper map.

World's reliance on computers is too damn high. Anything digital can be defeated very easily. Motherboards with sneaky circuits phoning home, single point of failure in gsm towers, stuxnet, apple disabling your account....

The world is very much assuming the current level of technology is not going to decline.
There is push for the adoption of Web3.0 that will prevent this. Everything will be decentralized and the only way it ends is if the world ends.

It is not all going to come crashing down. Creating a local neighborhood network is doable if the world ends. Computers will forever be part of our lives going forward and looking at the current trajectory we will form a symbiotic relationship with technology.

I think Starlink is the biggest leap in tech as it will give internet access to over 50% of the world which does not have access. I also think Neuralink has a massive potential to change the way we interface with data.

mango drank

There is push for the adoption of Web3.0 that will prevent this. Everything will be decentralized and the only way it ends is if the world ends.

It is not all going to come crashing down. Creating a local neighborhood network is doable if the world ends. Computers will forever be part of our lives going forward and looking at the current trajectory we will form a symbiotic relationship with technology.
Could still happen with EMPs frying electronics over a large geographical area (e.g. nuclear missile detonating in the atmosphere above). Dunno how realistic that threat is anymore, though, haven't heard anyone bring it up in a long time.


Could still happen with EMPs frying electronics over a large geographical area (e.g. nuclear missile detonating in the atmosphere above). Dunno how realistic that threat is anymore, though, haven't heard anyone bring it up in a long time.
Yeah the outcome is not impossible but statistically very unlikely. Even if it did happen there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. Someone would figure out how to make newer computer chips and electronics.

It is always good to have backup plan incase you are without power and tech for awhile but I doubt eh eradication of technology in our lifetime will happen.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Everyone has a handheld computer with internet 24/7.

Instead of being used for legit info, they waste time trying to get likes and watching influencers. Now kids don't go outside and have no social skills. Such a shitshow.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Biological immortality.

I believe that in my life time, we'll develop a way to slow down and then totally stop the aging process.


Because I'm colour blind I've always kind of wanted some sort of bionic eye (just the one) to see what the colour hype is about.
I mean perhaps having one eye colour blind and one not but be messy for your brain.

Maybe there'll be some other fix for it on your current eyes. But yeah just a personal wishlist.
Lot of people believe in science fantasy these days. I blame Rick & Morty style stuff.
Remote surgery performed via virtual and augmented reality.
This is happening now from what I can tell.
Because I'm colour blind I've always kind of wanted some sort of bionic eye (just the one) to see what the colour hype is about.
I mean perhaps having one eye colour blind and one not but be messy for your brain.

Maybe there'll be some other fix for it on your current eyes. But yeah just a personal wishlist.
They might just come up with a procedural fix for color blindness. Eye surgery has really come a long way in recent years so I think this stuff is a good possibilitiy.

IMO the most plausible advances are medical technology that prolongs life. New ways to repair/replace organs, more augmented and cybernetic bodies.

But not "immortality", that is pure science fantasy. The core of the human experience will remain uncopiable and nontransferable. Our souls have permanent eternal DRM from God. No uploading of your brain or soul or "You" will ever be possible.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Stop entropy?



Well there are already lifeforms on earth that biologically immortal. Just need to crack the code and apply to humans. There are people already working on this now. I give it 30 years before they've cracked it.
Honestly, I think the sky is the limit for us still. It feels like we're really on the brink of something big and a lot of dominos are going to fall in the coming decades bringing us possibilities we never could've expected 10 years ago. Or maybe I've been reading too much Cathie Wood shit.


Well there are already lifeforms on earth that biologically immortal. Just need to crack the code and apply to humans. There are people already working on this now. I give it 30 years before they've cracked it.
If you want my blood just say so! It's 87% Norwegian, and it goes for days (and decades!)


But not "immortality", that is pure science fantasy. The core of the human experience will remain uncopiable and nontransferable. Our souls have permanent eternal DRM from God. No uploading of your brain or soul or "You" will ever be possible.

It is not impossible, all it is required is that the computer or new brain experiences the belief that it is "You"... there is no need to copy "souls" or particles 1:1. Give it a few memories and world models you created in your head, problem solved. The sense of you is just an experience, a by-product of an emergent property of the brain that we call the mind. People who lose the ability to have that experience, they are gone.
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I give it 5 years before molecular nanotechnology stops aging and brings about immortality. People were already very insistent that Fully Autonomous Molecular Nanotechnology would not be possible for another 50 years
and had argued with me specifically saying physics states such an incursion on technology was impossible while there I was.. stating Computer Science says it will be possible within a year.

Now it exists and it is very obvious lots of people, as I thought - had no idea what they were on about.

Molecular Technology, Nanorobotics, ect - will within our lifetime - probably easily within 20 years give us haptic armor suits that appear at will, allows us to stand at all times without sleep, give us immortality, allow us to go without food yet fill completely satisfied and allow us to break physics metrics at a recurrent pace ad infinite. We will be able to use our bodies for work... on Auto-Pilot - while fully immersed in some type of fantastical BCI induced reality that literally exists only to fulfill our every fantasy.

And that's just the start.

We are also entering this era in lock step with the age of abundance, as molecular nanorobotics technology is in fact a bi-product of the abundance era and would not exist without it - and there is no shortage of molecules or molecular materials to build from. Molecular Nanorobotics is supposed to make such technologies extremely cheap and viable for mass market. So such technologies will eventually become cheap, widely available and relatively soon.
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Countrywide tram systems. Poor people will no longer be able to afford cars because of the laws against gas engines, so running parallel to highway systems they will have high speed tram pods to get you around the country. They will all be automatically controlled, so they can travel much faster than cars could because the accident risk will be low.


Remote surgery performed via virtual and augmented reality.

Already here and has been for quite a few years. Say hello to the Da Vinci Surgery Robot….


Watching this robot work with the surgeon sat in the corner controlling it looks insane. It gets even more out there when the surgeon is controlling it from another hospital with only a nurse in the operating room.
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The singularity point... I think that’s whats it’s called..
The point where ai intelligence, will succeed human intelligence...
At that point we just need to pray that it won’t turn on us and destroy us.. or maybe we will be able to expand our intelligence with it.. but at that point we won’t be humans anymore.. and I’m not sure that some people (if any) could handle that kind of power, with out there emotions destroying everything..
Think school shootings and other mass murder is bad? When someone will have the power to destroy the world in a blink of an eye, just because they where feeling depressed that day..😕
Game running at 8K with RT?
Robots doing every manual human stuff like factory work, gourmet cooking - even if partially - or taxi driving
High speed travels, like crazy speed
Advanced vr games
Being able to taste and smell, or touch something before buy online
Time travel? Don't know enough to say if this could be dangerous, example I go back in time and kill someone, but just being able to only SEE the past on a screen would be mind blowing
Full meal pills, you eat one and bam! You just ate a full breakfast for example
Something i'd really want so bad is a hologram tattoo maker, you want a sleeve? Done
You want to remove it? Done
And a hairstyle, beardstyle, haircolor instant change, like in videogames, but I assume this would be 1)a dead end for barbers 2)like 1000 years in the future from now lol
I have decent, neck long curly hair, I sometimes feel curious to try a short hairstyle again, then I think " damn, making them grow again would take another 2 years, fuck"
I'd also instantly volunteer for some sort of superhuman - super soldier serum experiment

Basically, I expect nothing in regards to making things cheap, like unlimited energy supplies or anything that goes against industry colossus or big pharmas, so no cancer cure sadly

I'd also like a Detroit : become human future scenario, 10 or so years from now, human and androids living together and helping each other
I'd be very kind to androids and treat them like lifeforms on par with every one else, i'd never be able to be bad with them and treat them like shit, like some assholes in the game do lol
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Gold Member
I view the advent of the internet as the foundational requirement of civilization that will enable most of the ideas listed here. I'm just astounded at how much the world has changed from when I was a kid. I wouldn't believe most of what we take for granted today if you told me about it when I was 10 years old. It would seem like sci fi to me. I think somehow we still don't give it the transformational credit it deserves. And not all good. With the amount of change in just a couple of decades, who the hell knows what the world will be like when my kids are my age. 30 years from now? I would guess fully functional (ie no loss of function from original limb/part) and maybe even designer cybernetics will be a thing. Self driving cars should be a regular thing too, though maybe it will take root first in the transportation industries and you'll see people hanging on to driving their own cars for a while. I also think somebody is going to figure out how to put knowledge on a chip and download it to people on demand. Our children will see someone land on Mars.
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The singularity point... I think that’s whats it’s called..
The point where ai intelligence, will succeed human intelligence...
At that point we just need to pray that it won’t turn on us and destroy us.. or maybe we will be able to expand our intelligence with it.. but at that point we won’t be humans anymore.. and I’m not sure that some people (if any) could handle that kind of power, with out there emotions destroying everything..
Think school shootings and other mass murder is bad? When someone will have the power to destroy the world in a blink of an eye, just because they where feeling depressed that day..😕
Impossible, I am a Singulartarian.

Not only do I believe the Technological Singularity is an event that is happening currently, but if you just look at the exponential strides in material sciences alone - the breakthroughs have been too numerous to follow.

Now nanomaterials exist that float when a light source is aimed towards it, now fluid can essentially cling to a surface, get turned on it's ear - and remain without dripping away instantly.

Both of these advents (and many many more) simply defy physics.

The breakthroughs in Robotics and ML alone, where our best programmers have given multiple examples confessing they can no longer adequately explain, replicate or follow ML derivative programming methods.

Fortunately, what you claim is impossible given multiple scenarios - none of which a sentient AI would want to quit existing.

And more importantly, none of these technologies you worry about are replete without counter technologies. Mechanisms will exist that are just as sophisticated and nuanced, and numerous... as more fatale/lethal technologies come into existence - so will the counter mechanisms.

I believe US Military has created Multiple Singularities, and most of the counter mechanisms are live now and we are none the wiser.

In the public sector however, we are literally vaulting towards an Era of self replication, molecular food materialization and infinite molecular compute capability. Pair that with Deep Dive BCI and Nanorobotics and the future looks bright indeed.

Let alone with the added advent of Multiple sentient AI coming online alongside advanced Molecular Nanorobotics and a myriad of other technologies that we can not hope to comprehend even after these technologies come into existence.
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