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What Dual Analogue Setup do you use?

Reading the Metroid Prime controls topic got me thinking on the whole dual analogue controls that have become the standard in FPS. I think they are probably the best you can do without a dedicated keyboard and mouse.

Now back in the N64 days I played a game called Turok... and boy I thought those controls were strange at first. But they didn't take long to get used to at all as they were essentially a keyboard and mouse put into a control pad. The N64's analogue stick is your "mouse". You turn and look up/down with it. The yellow C-buttons are the arrow keys of your keyboard. Up and down for moving forwards and backwards and the left and right for strafing. Perfectly logical. I also liked pulling back on the analogue stick to look up and pushing forward to look down (just like an aeroplane).

Now when Goldeneye came out I couldn't understand how anyone would want to use the default 1.1 control scheme. Using digital buttons for looking around sucks arse. I immediately changed to 1.2 Solitare/Turok controls and have used that control scheme ever since.

Now with all controllers featuring 2 analogue sticks.. the Turok controls have basically disappeared (at least as a standard control setting). The first thing I did when I first played Bond: Nightfire (my first dual analogue FPS) was to change the controls to as close as I could to Turok controls. Therefore, left analogue stick = N64 analogue stick and C-stick = C-buttons. I find this works great. I could not get used to using the C-stick for turning and looking as my brain had gotten so used to using my left thumb on the N64 for doing these functions. Plus the fact that the C-stick is a bit harder to use because its harder to grip and turn as accurately because of its size.

So basically what I am asking is what control scheme did you use back in the PSX/N64 days and what do you use now? And do you pull back on the control stick to look up and push forward to look down (inverted) or vice versa?


N64 days:

Main/left analogue = looking/turning
C-buttons = walking/strafing


Left analogue = looking/turning
Right analogue = walking/strafing

Viewing = inverted.

I wouldn't have it any other way. I was suprised to find Bond: Nightfire had strafing and looking on the same analogue stick and turning and walking on the other analogue stick which makes no sense to me and I find completely unusuable. Is this somewhat similar to 1.1 controls from Goldeneye?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Now back in the N64 days I played a game called Turok... and boy I thought those controls were strange at first. But they didn't take long to get used to at all as they were essentially a keyboard and mouse put into a control pad. The N64's analogue stick is your "mouse". You turn and look up/down with it. The yellow C-buttons are the arrow keys of your keyboard. Up and down for moving forwards and backwards and the left and right for strafing. Perfectly logical. I also liked pulling back on the analogue stick to look up and pushing forward to look down (just like an aeroplane).

You must be lefthanded.
I use my mouse with my right hand, and the keyboard with my left for FPS games.


N64-DC days: Left analog (duh?) for looking, face buttons for movement. ie "Turok" controls. It was hilarious to say the least to kick peoples asses who used "Goldeneye" buttons in Goldeneye. It was automatic kills.

Xbox: Left analog for movement, right for looking. Because it's important to be able to cycle through weapons/items etc while still being able to move (dodge incoming fire). I tried "Turok" config in Halo for all of 20 seconds.... obviously it blows nowadays.

Oh and like the last thread, view/look definitely inverted.
I just play it standard, really. I don't invert on consoles because I'm not able to aim as precisely with that enabled.

On Turok and Goldeneye I used C to move and the stick to look around. I think I liked FPS games most with that controller, strangely.


Speaking of c-sticks, I dunno how people get accurate "looking " with that thing. Part of the reason why I'd never buy a FPS for Gamecube.

That said, I've since changed all the c-sticks on my GC controllers to analog sticks(left duh) from others.
Suikoguy said:
You must be lefthanded.
I use my mouse with my right hand, and the keyboard with my left for FPS games.

Well there weren't many FPS that supported the D-Pad on the N64... so I was forced to use my left thumb for the "mouse".
raYne said:
That said, I've since changed all the c-sticks on my GC controllers to analog sticks(left duh) from others.

I have considered that since two of my GC controllers are completely useless now.

Does it make that much of a difference?


Well both the c-stick and left analog use the same interior mechanics, so after the switch the c-stick will feel and behave just like the left analog (ie good). The switch gives you more surface area for better control compared to the little nipple the default c-stick is.

On one of my controllers there was verrrry slight rubbing on the new stick in the diagonal right section, but that went away after a few days of use. Now it feels like it came with that stick in place. No problem whatsoever with the other 3 though.


hyperbolically metafictive
i prefer a setup in which the right analog switches weapons while the left stick crudely trundles me along as if i was a geriatric with rickets, or a badly built robot. if i want to aim, or strafe, or look around? two words: lock, on. if i want to do more than one of those things at once? well i don't want to. that's for babies.


Lock on? wtf?... someone's been playing too much Metroid heh.

In addition, if you do indeed have lock on then you don't need a dual analog setup to begin with.

p.s. Lock on is for scrubs... :p
p.p.s. and n00b scrubs at that. :p x2!
raYne said:
Speaking of c-sticks, I dunno how people get accurate "looking " with that thing. Part of the reason why I'd never buy a FPS for Gamecube.

That said, I've since changed all the c-sticks on my GC controllers to analog sticks(left duh) from others.

Another reason I use the primary/left joystick for viewing and strafing. I really wish I could get used to the standard dual analogue though as I have to essentially stop moving to change weapons. But I'm so uncordinated with viewing/strafing on the right analogue!
Red Dolphin said:

N64 days:

Main/left analogue = looking/turning
C-buttons = walking/strafing


Left analogue = looking/turning
Right analogue = walking/strafing

Viewing = inverted.
same here

Red Dolphin said:
I wouldn't have it any other way. I was suprised to find Bond: Nightfire had strafing and looking on the same analogue stick and turning and walking on the other analogue stick which makes no sense to me and I find completely unusuable. Is this somewhat similar to 1.1 controls from Goldeneye?
yup, that's 1.1
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