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What ever came about Nintendo's Fund Q?


Remember the fund H.Yamauchi set aside for the development of certain games for the GC/GBA using connectivity? Whatever happened? Do you think the fund is still effective?
I suppose PacMan Vs. and it's free-ness also stemmed from the fund.

speaking of that. Can someone get LTF of Pacman VS.. Talk about a HUGE WTF moment at ebay. Like it was fuckign revolutionary and new and exciting! I can taste my bile.

I meant E3 - not ebay :D


TheGreenGiant said:
speaking of that. Can someone get LTF of Pacman VS.. Talk about a HUGE WTF moment at ebay. Like it was fuckign revolutionary and new and exciting! I can taste my bile.

I meant E3 - not ebay :D

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