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What ever happened to...


Still Tagged Accordingly
Are there any games that you were interested in or really hyped for that have dropped off the face of the planet since they were revealed?

Recently I've been wondering what ever happened to Shantae Advance. I never played the GBC one, but I heard nothing but good things about it, and the screens for Shantae Advance looked nice.



Anyone know what's happening with this game? Anyone else have a game they were interested in that's disappeared?


Junior Member
GameSpot says it's been canceled...

Looked amazing tho..

Edit: Wow, and those screens are from two years ago - still looks better than most of games released today..


The Inside Track
u_neek said:
GameSpot says it's been canceled...

Looked amazing tho..

Edit: Wow, and those screens are from two years ago - still looks better than most of games released today..
Phantagram said something last week in an interview about Strident not being canceled after all. After since Kingdom under Fire I'm really looking forward to what these guys will do next. They have some incredible artists.

Mr Gump

That xbox game that allowed you to play as this guy in a 3rd person action/stealth blade runner esque environment. What was it called? It was around at the same time as strident.


Chili Con Carnage!
Mr Gump said:
That xbox game that allowed you to play as this guy in a 3rd person action/stealth blade runner esque environment. What was it called? It was around at the same time as strident.

Duality? that was phantagram aswell, not sure an Xbox release was ever confirmed though (was a PC game) everyone thought it looked great then they showed actual gameplay footage and it didnt. Another victim of NCsofts purchase of Phantogram (Why the fuck did they buy them?)
I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this but ...

Korean developer Phantagram, Ltd., in which NCSoft purchased about a 70.0 percent stake back in August of 2002, has announced that it has taken-back all of NCSoft's holdings in the company and is once again its own independent entity.
The company added that it is now focusing only on completing the development of Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, an action-strategy game for the Xbox.


This is super old stuff from January.

Wow, this Bonx game looks pretty cool. Never heard of it before.

As for Shantae Advance, there used to be a guy here that was easily the world's biggest fan of the GBC version. He'd be the best person to know. Too bad he was so annyoing he got banned.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Used to be Alien Polack in the old GAF, and then registered as Agent Dormer in NEO GAF, I think.

Probably finally snapped when he realized that I was right, and he was wrong. Shantae GBC sucked. ;p


Shantae was great. It reminded me a lot of a side-scrolling Zelda, as well as Wario Land 3 and the Monster World games (well, MWIV, anyway). I doubt we'll ever see the sequel, though -- is WayForward even in business anymore?


A while ago I would have said Mother 3 (was recently revealed to be 60% complete), and the DK GC platformer (revealed to be DK:JB).

Now I wonder about Golden Sun GC and Kirby GC.


Newbie said:
Magical Vacation
I weep for this as well.

Newbie said:
WTF!? Was this a planned sequel to Warlocked!?!? How did I miss this? And now that I know of it's exsistence, I shall continue weeping.

As for my contribution, though it was never cancelled, the fact that there is no domestic Mother 1+2 release planned is a crime against humanity.


Arc the Lad: Online (PS2)
Yeah, yeah, I know IGN is reporting that Generations is the Online game, but from all the press Sony has released about Generations, and the scans, it seems like another single player installment. Story driven, static characters, Twilight of the Spirits engine, the works... How is this even remotely like the Action-based "Arc the Lad Online" unveiled a few years back?

Perhaps the game has changed a lot in that time, and Generations is what it turned into? Or maybe IGN is off it's rocker, mixing up Generations' online component with the full Arc Online title? Anybody know?

Star Wars: Galaxies: An Empire Divided (PS2, XBox)
This was announced for both PS2 & XBox at E3 2002 (I believe), and estimated to be released sometime in 2003. I'm assuming with that target date, it was well into development. So what happened? One day SOE just decided that the title will skip this generation's consoles, and see release on the next's, ...if it sees a console release at all. Why? I don't think anybody but SOE really knows.

The Lost (PS2, XBox)
I'm sure a lot of people remember this one. Coined as a "Survival Horror RPG," and it looked to be coming along nicely. Unfortunately, it lost it's publisher a year (or two?) back, and it doesn't look like anybody else is interested in picking it up. Too bad, as I've always wanted to try a Survival Horror take on an RPG (no, Koudelka doesn't count :p). I guess there's always Resonance, but that doesn't look as good...

To be honest, though, Arc Online was the only one I was really hyped for.
Newbie said:
Magical Vacation:

It was released in Japan, though, so it's not like it became vaporware.

And besides, you didn't exactly miss out on a great title. :p

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I hear Warlocked was awesome (9.0 at IGN), I just figured Wizards came out and I missed it.

Just looked it up, Bits cancelled all their GBA development because of cartridge costs. Pity. Maybe the DS will be cheaper, that'd be perfect for such a game (do we know if it's gonna be cheaper?).


On the subject of

I managed to track down Bonx Racing's lead programmer; it's both about 98% done, with just a bit of multiplayer code left to be finished, aaaand officially dead. Once Planet Interactive bit the dust, Ubisoft decided to just let all their open projects die. Even if they were very very nearly complete, even if they looked radical.

I've been working on a little piece about Bonx's demise for a while, hope to have it finished soon.


Gold Member
Redbeard said:
RIQA (N64). A sci-fi adventure that was being made by Bits studios.

Riqua most likely became Rogue Ops:

Same developer. Rogue Ops looks A LOT like a next-gen version of Riqua so it is most likely the same game.




I guess I'll mention Too Human.

Though its funny how its developer SK seems to have fallen off the edge of the world since they left Nintendo.




Eric-GCA said:
I guess I'll mention Too Human.

Though its funny how its developer SK seems to have fallen off the edge of the world since they left Nintendo.

My goodness. Why would someone want to rip off of that awful movie?



The game was from the now dead Tremor. There is a video on the July 2002 OXM disc. It shows Moira dancing to a great track at a club.


Another one that was scheduled to be published by MS from Tiwak. Tiwak said the game was almost complete before MS dropped it and was scheduled to come out Fall '03. Ubi purchased Tiwak late '03, but still no word on Tork. Since it was nearly complete, it should have cost Ubi peanuts to finish.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
God, one of these days I am going to have to search out a copy of Shantae and Ninja Five-O. Clearly I have been missing out for too long...


lordmrw said:
All things considered that actually looked pretty good for last generation. I kept looking forward to it up until World Driver Championship came out.

Top Gear Overdrive also has some of the best graphics for a N64 game. It is almost up to WDC.


This thread reminds me of the Kameo and Donkey Kong Racing pictures that are on the back of my Nintendo GameCube box. :(
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