Recently got a chance to play Chaos Code on original Ringedge hardware, so I downloaded the PSN updated version (has two more characters and a few minor tweaks, including widescreen) to mess around with. It's a fun anime fighter. There's an emphasis on counters and grabs (it has running grabs, similar to Under Night: In-Birth) so it plays very aggressively. Still learning the nuances. Rui is the best so far. Kagari (the first character I tried) is second-best. Every character I've used so far is really solid, truth be told. Impressive fighter coming from a no-name developer. Apparently they also made NekoBuro on PSVita which I thought was a fun puzzle game.
Also playing the Puzzles & Dragons port on 3DS. Going through the Mario campaign and then I'll try out the "real" version which apparently has more depth, especially when it comes to customizing your team and raising monsters. It's a bit too grindy, though. Certain stages seem impossible to beat unless you've grinded up teammates with the correct element. This makes it less compelling to get good at the puzzle mechanics, but it's still fun.
Lastly, practicing no-bomb 1cc runs of DaiOuJou. I can consistently no-miss the first two stages. Third stage is doable, but stage 4 is where it falls apart.