Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn.. I gave it a shot after it was on sale for I think 20 bucks with 4 expansions. I really dig it. I wish they didn't throw copious amounts of xp at you though. Every time I want to do a dungeon, I'm over leveled then have to remember how to play minus my recent skills.
Playing skyward sword on switch for the first time. I personally am really enjoying it and haven't been glued to a game in a while. I always liked the Zelda games that had you running around towns and dungeons and after this I'm really hoping to get a twilight Princess remaster so that I can make up for missing out on it too. Never had any interest in the Wii and Wii u, so I spend my time gaming on pc and PlayStation during that time.
Are you using motion controls or standard buttons/stick ? Curious.Playing skyward sword on switch for the first time. I personally am really enjoying it and haven't been glued to a game in a while. I always liked the Zelda games that had you running around towns and dungeons and after this I'm really hoping to get a twilight Princess remaster so that I can make up for missing out on it too. Never had any interest in the Wii and Wii u, so I spend my time gaming on pc and PlayStation during that time.
Buttons/stickAre you using motion controls or standard buttons/stick ? Curious.
Skyward Sword (<3) and Dark Souls III, currently at the Sister Friede boss fight, after that I only have the other DLC and the Final boss left!
I didn't think it was that bad either. The characters were fun and the combat was frentic. Being a thief / rogue or whatever was great. Been so long that I don't remember most of it. The entire series is on the to be replayed list.Dragon Age 2 , on Xbox One X (game pass).
Didnt seem to review highly but im enjoying it alot. Its an old style RPG with some funny dialog.
Don't give up, skeleton!
Not sure about the skeleton reference
Please don't tell me you're playing on cuck mode(offline mode)
The little writings you can find on the ground that people leave often have cute tips like "Don't give up, skeleton" or "Try tongue, but hole"
"Sister Friede boss fight"Skyward Sword (<3) and Dark Souls III, currently at the Sister Friede boss fight, after that I only have the other DLC and the Final boss left!
"Sister Friede boss fight"
hardest fight in the game
I just started playing Arkham Asylum for the first time.
I've always been intrigued by this game and series, but from what I've seen then it seemed like a 3D metroidvania, which I find terrifying.
I can take 2D metroidvanias, and as a matter of fact I played Arkham Blackgate on the Vita and I loved it. I can also take games like classic RE and MG(S) where the maps are small and do not take much time or effort to investigate and find the way/objective.
But a big-ass third person view with a long-ass Y-axis??
Anyway, I've decided to finally take the plunge 12 years later becauseKuranghi has promised me that the sweet Batmobile down the line in Arkham Knight is totally worth it.
TL;DR: Arkham Asylum is absolutely amazing, but it's giving me massive headaches.
I'll start with the good things, and I'm about to sing their praise like a canary:
- I LOVE the presentation in this game. It actually feels like a comic book.
- The sound design is insane. The punches, the gliding, the boomerang.. Everything sounds amazing.
- The graphics are beautiful. I expected something simple since this is the first game, but to me it looks much better than most PS360 games from its time. The low brightness probably helped.
- The combat is basically automatic, you're just pressing buttons and watching a series of animations, but it feels SO SATISFYING.
- I love the characters. My Batman knowledge is limited to a few episodes of the 90s cartoon and some PS1 games I barely remember, but I really love these characters' look and personality. I feel like they nailed them.
Now for my main problem with the game: My fear was rightly placed. This is a 3D metroidvania, and I don't know if I can take it.
I enjoyed the first 30 minutes, which might have been one of the best intros to a game I've ever experienced, but then the game started to open up and the headaches started to come.
The first objective where you have to find the traces of that guy's drink took me too long. I was running all over the place back and forth, and the map didn't help cause I'm an idiot.
Not only you need to investigate what's in front of you, you also have to look up and down. That's a tall order for me. By the time I was done with that objective, I was too tired for the next segment.
I'm really trying to enjoy this magnificent game, but I wish there was a way to skip the investigation/problem-solving part.
I play games to unwind after hard days, don't want the games to be part of the workload too.
At any rate, I'll leave it for a few days and then come back to it. Hopefully I'll have a clearer mind then.
But if I still find it demanding, then I'll just shelve it and jump to Arkham Knight later. The Batmobile is calling. lmao
I just wanna drive around Arkham and beat up people, but I really hope that I'll find Knight generally more straightforward than Asylum.
I'm also happy to report to having a real Zelda moment where I'm completely stumped as to what to do lol! It'll be a great *aha* moment for sure... <3
Shido, you say?Still persona 5 (shido)
Started cuperpunk 2077 few days ago and i love it!
Shido, you say?
not as bad as Okumara (P5R) though....
"Sister Friede boss fight"
hardest fight in the game
No pressure on me for this recommendation of a highly divisive addition to the gamehaha
You can use this if you just want to skip the detectivey bits if its stressing you out:
Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide
This unofficial guide to Batman: Arkham Asylum video game contains all the information on Batman's latest
Its a pretty succint walkthrough. Or just PM and I'll tell you what to do lol.
If you enjoy the combat in AA then it only gets better in City and Knight, you get many more options, you can still just beat them up in a "simple way" but it just adds a few new things that give it more variety. Arkham Knight makes the combat look even sweeter as well, its super fluid.
the rats? nah...well yeah that part sucked lol. maybe it's just me but the boss fight pissed me off. i'm thinking of both versions of the game here. in Persona 5 the rat puzzle was annoying but the boss fight was nothing special. kicked his ass no problem. in Persona 5 Royal they've made the rat section easier but it took me a few trys to kick Shido's ass.You mean the puzzle? I used YouTubeI don't have time for that like that, this was stupid as fuck... But I have "peasant" version