seems pretty expensive for what it is. I’d buy and play it in the refund window. it’s hard to tell with footage/reviewsThinking of picking up HighFleet, any opinions?
seems pretty expensive for what it is. I’d buy and play it in the refund window. it’s hard to tell with footage/reviewsThinking of picking up HighFleet, any opinions?
I'm slogging through Resistance Fall of Man at the moment. I'm on a bit of a quest to finish games I've been putting off for over a decade haha. I'd always start the game, but give up part way in. I have about 3 missions left.
The game hasn't aged too well and I'm playing on the hardest difficulty (unless a harder difficulty unlocks after beating the game). Some parts are super tedious on this difficulty and I may have been better playing on normal.
Other than that the weapons and universe are nice, but I wouldn't recommend the game. I find it hard to see why I sang this game so many praises back in the day, but it probably boils down to fanboyism.
It's a very underrated game in my opinion. One of my favorites from the PS3 era.I'm slogging through Resistance Fall of Man at the moment. I'm on a bit of a quest to finish games I've been putting off for over a decade haha. I'd always start the game, but give up part way in. I have about 3 missions left.
The game hasn't aged too well and I'm playing on the hardest difficulty (unless a harder difficulty unlocks after beating the game). Some parts are super tedious on this difficulty and I may have been better playing on normal.
Other than that the weapons and universe are nice, but I wouldn't recommend the game. I find it hard to see why I sang this game so many praises back in the day, but it probably boils down to fanboyism.
Could you link to the reshade etc you used ? Planning on replaying ds1 very soon!Finished Dead Space 1 again after 13 years. A glorious experience in 4K120, with mouse fix and ReShade AO on PC.
Started Dead Space 2. Due to ... cluttered designed, ReShade AO isn't as good of a fit. Just have to do with 4K120 in Vulkan instead of DX9 for amazing frame pacing.
In the final stretch of A Plague Tale and chillin with Flight Simulator.
Asobo got me.
Nice. Looking forward to playing it eventually. You're using controller? Is it intuitive etc?
So far I played it with xbox controller yes, but with majority of assists turned on, so it isn't that hard to take off maintain altitudes etc. Landing still is tricky, where I often come to fast down lol.
Will try to turn assists off next time I play it and do the tutorials to see how manageable it is on Xbox.
Just started playing FF7 Remake on PS5 last night. I held off playing this on PS4 (as with some other games, such as Control), as I wanted to experience the full fat PS5 version.
1. Holy shit!
2. Wow, this game is so smooth, looks so amazing, plays so well, and feels like a true remake. The character models and lighting are amazing!
3. Holy shit!
Finished the first chapter last night and don't remember seeing a loading screen.
I'm playing on Normal (Classic) difficulty, as I don't want the game to feel like a button masher and enjoy the idea of needing to issue commands to the characters during battle.
Sotc remaster:
Looks amazing not just because of the graphical upgrade but also how smooth it feels at 60fps. It has been nice revisiting the game since I haven't player through it entirely since the PS2 era.
It's not quite as good as the first time though since since a big part of the fun the first time was figuring out how to beat each Colossus and so far I've remember all of them.
Started Dirt Rally 2.0 GOTY edition. Over 100gb download on Steam! I'm not into simulation that much but like rally games. So far played about five hours on the good ol' X360 controller it's been quite fun, but very very challenging. Graphics are nice and clean. Some super twilight lighting. Handling feels great. I've only raced the mini and even that feels too fast. Dreading moving on the faster cars.
I haven't played in a good while but your post sums up almost exactly my intial experience.. Enjoy.
Also this blew my mind:
Jeez. The skill on display is unreal. This kind of driving is literally impossible on a controller I assume?
Out of curiosity, what's wrong with that boss?Gave up on scarlet nexus. I raged quit near the end with this really stupid boss battle. Even ignoring that last part, the game was pretty mediocre at best.