Third time was indeed the charm. Finished it over the weekend. Most of my problems kinda fell to the wayside the further I got. Solid 8/10. First 3d Zelda I beat since OoT. 2d Zelda is still superiorDecided to give this somewhat well received game another shot.
Yeah, I mentioned in another thread 3d Zelda games aren't fun and are inferior to the 2d versions. Maybe I've just not been in the right state of mind for this one. Third times the charm!
Mostly warzone
Running through days gone myself, which mods do you consider essential?On PC:
Days Gone (with mods)
Unbelievable experience with some graphics, weapons and clothing mods. Also the game looks x10 times better than it did on my now deceased PS4 Pro.
No Man Sky (with mods)
Another game that I'm so much enjoying now with mods installed.
Cyberpunk 2077 (with mods)
Crazy looking on ultra with ray tracing and some other visual mods. No performance issues like i suffered on console before. I'm lovin' it.
Forza Horizon 4
Call of Duty Black Ops (Single & Multiplayer)
Ah shit sorry I won't be able to link you the exact mods as I'm in the office today but when I get home I will edit my post with the mods I downloaded.Running through days gone myself, which mods do you consider essential?
no problem, thanks for taking the time to point those out!Ah shit sorry I won't be able to link you the exact mods as I'm in the office today but when I get home I will edit my post with the mods I downloaded.
Its not much as I just started the game. About like 5 mods so far but one of the most useful ones is almost instantly opening car hood/trunk.
I hate sitting through that 6 second animation of opening a vehicle hood/trunk. I think the mod I downloaded has options on the speed of opening them too.
Also have a visual mod to change Deacon's clothing to like a big puffy coat and beanie with a backpack to make him look more like an actual post apocalyptic survivor and less like a 'biker' if that makes sense.
Some other visual mods but I'm still looking at Nexus to find more useful mods to enhance the gameplay.
I'll edit my post later today and link the mods here. I really have to start getting a mod manager so I know what I have installed too.
*Sorry for the long post lol*
Days Gone mods so far:no problem, thanks for taking the time to point those out!
Hell yeahXCOM Terror from the deep.
i've got that on the vita at home, i've heard good things, i watched through the opening cut scene(s) on the boat on the can and, fuck me, i just couldn't even... i'm on a work trip atm and i chose to bring my PSP 1k instead... not regretting it thus far... I WILL give Ys 8 a go in the mid future, for sure.Playing Ys VIII. I'm not sure what took me so long to play this game.
try this oneDays Gone mods so far:
1) Extended explosion radius (increases explosion radius of grenades and other throwables like molotovs etc.)
2) More Ears (gives you 2 ears for each freaker kill instead of 1 which makes sense since these things have 2 ears lol)
3) Better Light (gives you a brighter LED light)
4) Black fireman axe handle (because why not)
5) Weapon free slot (allows you to pick up any weapon in the game and swap it with your current weapon you're holding)
6) Better Suppressors (makes oil can suppressors last a little bit longer)
7) Deacon grey beard (just a cosmetic mod to make his beard hairs grey)
8) Side Mirrors (adds side mirrors to your bike)
There are more mods i'm looking at through Nexus. I tried the Winter Soldier look for Deacon which I installed but this outfit doesn't have a backpack and looks odd to have weapons just stuck to his back![]()