Been doing some grinding for Persona 3 FES for past few days. I'm on 2nd section of Tartaros, and been getting my butt kicked due to my level.
I was around level 11, and have been trying to reach the top floor for Elizabeth's request.
Was able to defeat the 1st middle boss on 25th floor or so with slight struggle, but the 36th boss was pretty tough at level 12.
After 5-6 retries - I was able to beat it - but since it's a full moon tomorrow, decided to stick around and just level up the heck up.
Now I'm around level 18, thanks to that the team mates don't run away even when they are tired on the day before full moon

Feel like I'm a slave driver, as I talk to them - they are all like "I'm tired man..." "leave me out..." "don't expect much..." Now I have a bit of better personas with some Ma- skills, and less apparent weaknesses & better equipments - so hopefully I'll be set for a little while longer.
I'm keep forgeting that this is actually a PS2 game, even though I'm playing on a PS3 - and since I'm playing on a CRT, it has been a good reminder - and some of the criticism that I have isn't really too fair, as I'm comparing the modern iterations of the series like P5R. Of course, the QoL would be much more streamlined on newer games.
Had I played this game many years back on PS2 - I think I would have loved the game quite abit. It also makes me appreciate the P4G's presentation too - which actually stepped up quite a bit from same-gen P3, a PS2 game. (Heard P3 FES basically saved Atlus from going belly up financially back then - so I assume P4 had more generous budget and production value put in - which is somewhat apparent when I think of it now.)
Other than that, just checked out Scarlet Nexus & that AI Somnium Files on XSX gamepass briefly. Looking forward to play them later on, but only after I'm done with P3 FES... probably will take me a couple hundred hours...