Was going to continue on the Great Ace Attorney on the Switch, I realized that I had not finished Spirit of Justices on my 3DS.
As obtuse person I am, decided to finish that game first (as I consider them as a series), before moving onto the Great Attorney, even though I'm sure they are not really connected at all. Heck, it literally happens hundred years ago.
So I turned on my 3DS for the first time in a few years - and realized my original 3DS (one that I overpaid and they gave me the ambassador games)'s battery isn't holding any charge - even though it was left on the charging cradle all hooked up. Not too kin about being stuck to the wall with 3DS, I ordered a new battery from Nintendo and waiting for it to get here.
In the mean time, finally finished setting up the retro setup with CRT monitor, minis + Retro Pie + PS3. I was just testing out Persona 3 FES that I bought a couple years back on PS3 - and decided to roll with it for the heck of it. I haven't played Persona 3 before, so not really sure what to expect - coming from P4G, P5, P5R and P5S. It is indeed pretty nostalgic playing on dinky 17" CRT monitor sitting on a bean bag - and already spent a few hours into the game.
I know it gets a lot of praise for the stories, and turns pretty dark on the later on - but I'm still on the beginning of the story - and honestly so far, it's feels pretty slow to me. There's obviously some apathy syndrome cases going around, and SEES is supposed to stop by fighting shadows - but nothing feels urgent or imminent that hits home. Like what happend to Saki on P4 in the beginning part, or general circumstances that surrounds the protagonist that leads to one thing to another like in P5... As per storytelling so far, P4 or P5 seem to have better "beat" or "grab/bite" at least in the beginning. Just about to get to my 1st full moon, so something's supposed happen? Hopefully it will pick up the pace a bit.
Characters are... honestly not my favorite designs - but am willing to give them a chance. Kinda reminds of Eva character designs in some ways. Color palette and all reminds me of that too... - and they are not my favorite types either, but learned to live with them with Eva, so hopefully it will be the case. English voice acting do feel off, or at least old-fashioned in a bit - but willing to overlook them and give it a go... although I'd love to hear JP version too. So far, I'm enjoying it and mildly curious - but I'm not particularily feeling attached to any of the characters just yet. Perhaps it's the design, or how they talk - they do seem a bit distant.
Biggest issue that I have right now is the "condition" meter - Hopefully it'd be early game thing - but Yukari and Junpei just tire so easily... that even though I'd like to move up the Tartaros, it's difficult to level them up in fights due to they just leave when they are tired. I heard that the night before the full moon being a good chance to level up from somewhere, so perhaps I'll give a go then - but at the same time there are so many things to do for the social links - so not sure how I should proceed balancing the exploration & leveling up + earning some $$$. On P4 and 5 - used to finish the dungeon/palace in 1 go & level up to my liking - unless the story limits the progress like P5.
Looks like avoiding the regular battles & progressing to the higher level, then return/recharge at the lobby & go back to fight may be the best way. At least the SPs seem to recharge to max when you return to the lobby. (Already wasted several snuff souls not knowing.

Also trying to keep some Personas that matches my Social Link for the bonus points when I interact with them - but compendium isn't available yet... so it's little cumbersome to go back and gather the personas & fuse to the ones that I need. I hear that compendium will be available not too long, so that would make things a bit easier. Basically my qualm about the game being lacking some QoL conveniences like quick travels and all... but in fact, it's pretty old game - so I guess I will have to deal with it.
Music wise - it's quite late 90/early 2000s hip-hop influenced one. I'm okay with the music, I'm having some issues with some blown out sound of the beats.. (like the sound distortion as if you play on your cheap headphone at loud volume). Perhaps it's my dinky creative speakers can't just deal with that or whatnot & played in lower volume, but it just seems like that distortion is actually baked into the original music. When I play the opening music on YouTube on better bookshelf speaker, the issue doesn't seem to be as apparent but still there somewhat - so maybe the OST CD didn't have that type of issue, or maybe it's the PS3 audio issue, emulating PS2 games?