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What game are you currently playing?


Beat Metroid Dread twice (100% + hard mode) and now I'm doing the last case of Phoenix Wright: Justice for All. Good fucking times!

I also ordered a used Wii U online, so hopefully in the next couple of days I'll get to replay Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission. Haven't played those two classics in ages!


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Like bumper bowling in a theme park. I hate how it guides you down the correct path, but I’m still enjoying it. Mario Kart 64 was better, though.

Dragon Quest XI S. So good. The music is meh, but everything else is scratching that JRPG itch.


Playing Age of Darkness: Final Stand and it's pretty awesome for being in early access. It's very similar to "They are Billions". The game is tough like TAB but far less frustrating. Totally the type of game where time goes by in a blink of an eye.

Also still very much into Torn. It's a text based crime MMO that is insanely deep. I originally downloaded it for something to play at work without being noticed and over two years later have still been playing it daily. Great game to just open up on browser or phone app for a couple of minutes at a time.


Just finished Persona 5 and had an absolute blast.

Now starting Yakuza 0 - other than a few hours on Yakuza 3 on the PS3, this will be my first proper foray into the world of Yakuza so looking forward to it.


I'm 8 years late, but I beat bioshock infinite. Now I can say I've played the entire trilogy since I played through the previous games last year.
Overall, it was a fun game. The first was the best, but I'd say its tied with 2 as far as the enjoyment I got out of it.

Also started and quit Prey 2017. Between that and the time I played Dishonored, I've come to the conclusion I dont like games from Arkane.


I've been playing the new Hearthstone Mercenaries game mode that released yesterday. It needs to go back in the oven for a while, it's not ready for prime time.

Besides bugs and unfinished features, currently my biggest impression is that it is too complex and keeps too much information from casual players during gameplay, requiring way too much memorization to succeed. Pros will be fine, but Hearthstine's biggest audience is casuals.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
100%ing Metroid Dread. Game has been awesome and looking for all the missing collectibles is a lot of fun.


Man, though I've played it several times before, it's crazy how relevant Devil Survivor is right now with Covid and everything. Keisuke just had a meltdown over Midori, and it really matches right up with social interactions (and thinking) that seem to have become the norm in the last year or so.
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It's crazy. I buy a new game and it motivates me to play an older game from my backlog. I buy Metroid Dread, Diablo 2, Kena, Deathloop...

Here I am playing Wolfenstein 2 and loving it on PC. I think this game has the hooks in me and I'll see it through to the end.


Overwatch and Dead by Daylight for my frequent multiplayer games, though DBD is usually daily and Overwatch is mostly during events.

Alan Wake - as someone who only plays Playstation/Nintendo, it’s a joy to finally play this. Just finished Chapter 2, game is a blast so far. And as someone who played Control first, it’s neat seeing how AW influenced that game like the live-action videos
Back 4 Blood - hmm, playing with randoms makes for a very mixed experience. Hopefully after a while the noobs who ignore objectives fall off so I get more likely to get matched with better players.
Tales of Arise - it’s good but not excellent IMHO. The improved graphics are nice, but I’m a bit into the second major area and the story and characters are not grabbing me, hell the only one I somewhat find interesting is the rebel leader who’s not technically a party member. Considering this is coming off Berseria, which had one of the best casts and story of the franchise IMHO, this one I fear might end up just being “good” like Xillia to me
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - just a great and charming game so far. Love the world, feel of it, music is really good.

I am putting Lost in Random on hold for now as I’m already playing so much plus there’s more coming soon like Voice of Cards. It was good, I got through the first two areas, but the combat wasn’t really grabbing me, it was mainly the style and world that was holding my attention.
  • Fire
Reactions: N0S

Fools idol

So I am on a quest to clear my backlog this year and, I've come to 3 games which I haven't even unwrapped (dont ask)

Assassins Creed Origins
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Assassins Creed Valhalla

If I'm honest, I want to play the best of the 3 and probably even go for the plat trophy, as I have a ton of time to burn and never touched any of them. So which is the best of the 3?

I am slightly leaning towards Odyssey purely because its setting looks the prettiest.
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So I am on a quest to clear my backlog this year and, I've come to 3 games which I haven't even unwrapped (dont ask)

Assassins Creed Origins
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Assassins Creed Valhalla

If I'm honest, I want to play the best of the 3 and probably even go for the plat trophy, as I have a ton of time to burn and never touched any of them. So which is the best of the 3?

I am slightly leaning towards Odyssey purely because its setting looks the prettiest.
I enjoyed Odyssey quite a lot. It's definitely long though. Would recommend that one over Origins. Can't comment on Valhalla as it's in my backlog too. lol. It felt too massive to dive into.
So I am on a quest to clear my backlog this year and, I've come to 3 games which I haven't even unwrapped (dont ask)

Assassins Creed Origins
Assassins Creed Odyssey
Assassins Creed Valhalla

If I'm honest, I want to play the best of the 3 and probably even go for the plat trophy, as I have a ton of time to burn and never touched any of them. So which is the best of the 3?

I am slightly leaning towards Odyssey purely because its setting looks the prettiest.
I guess it‘ll depend on which setting you like most. I love Egypt so Origins was my favorite.

Be aware though that all 3 games are huge. I myself am just wrapping up Valhalla and it makes Origins seem small in comparison… which is to say something as Origins was already huge.


Been playing a fair bit of New World lately. I'm nearing about 23 hours in that since launch. It's not quite as addicting as MMO's that I've played in the past, but it's scratching a bit of that itch. It's nice to just chill with some quests or gathering resources while I've got a stream or YouTube video going on the other monitor.

My friends and I have been playing a fair bit of Apex Legends and Destiny 2 as well.

I've also been firing up Cookie Clicker on Steam about once a day. It's my guilty pleasure.


I'm playing Dungeon Encounters. Feels simple at first, but the game is very lethal. Mapping out dungeons is addictive. Only. One. More. Tile.


Making my way through on Miles Morales, and Mass Effect 2 on PS4 but I will soon bite the bullet and go for the update, as it is frustrating not being able to play any of my digital downloads...obviously I will be backing up my key saves first, and then attempting it through safe mode..


Series X: Diablo 2, Crysis Trilogy, F1 2020, Warzone.
PS5: Metro Exodus, Warzone, COD CW, AC Odyssey.

Would have bought Crysis on PS5 if it had dualsense integration.
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  • Fire
Reactions: N0S

Fools idol

Series X: Diablo 2, Crysis Trilogy, F1 2020, Warzone.
PS5: Metro Exodus, Warzone, COD CW, AC Odyssey.

Would have bought Crysis on PS5 if it had dualsense integration.

I'm assuming you aren't playing all of that at the same time? that would stress my completionist ass out so bad. Some gems on that list tho, I need to give Metro a go.
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I got the Crysis Trilogy (XBO) shipped yesterday, but I've been playing nothing but Tales Of Arise (PS4). It is likely my GOTY. Gonna go for the platinum. After that, I will probably return to platinum Shenmue 2 (PS4).
Just finished Horizon: ZD w/ps5 patch. Overall I mostly enjoyed my time, but it left me cold in several areas.

Now, I’m on to Days Gone w/ps5 patch. I’m loving it so far (5 hours in) and some of it has to do with the contrast with Horizon. DG has a better menu system, tracking of progress, and utilizes the touch pad in a great way (why don’t more devs do that?). The world feels more fluid as the zombies interact with animals, and npc’s, and less rigid.

im greatly enjoying the sound on my headset. Really eerie as the storms roll in and the sound of the horde just over hill. Very ominous.

I will certainly be marching on with it.


Final Fantasy VII Remake
Finished for the second time but this time on PS5. Absolutely love the game. Excited to try the DLC next.

Alan Wake
Picked this up for PS5. Not that far into it. Just past the visitors centre. Played it through years ago on PC so everything is still pretty fresh. Only thing I remember is that awesome part with Barry and The Poets of the Fall song on the stage.

Resident Evil Village
Playing it for the third time. Great game although the best part is easily the actual village and castle areas.


I'm assuming you aren't playing all of that at the same time? that would stress my completionist ass out so bad. Some gems on that list tho, I need to give Metro a go.
I absolutely am lol hence why i’m not making much progress. I play games based on how I feel so I usually have a bunch on the go like this.

Metro Exodus is fantastic. The gunplay is old and can be annoying so the game shows its age a bit. Otherwise i’m having fun with it. Story and weapon customization is good. I got it for $10 so whatever.
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Fools idol

Spent the weekend playing through Dishonoured definitive edition on ps5 and man, 30 fps absolutely SUCKS. How did this gem of a game not get a ps5 /60fps upgrade? absolutely tragic. I'm basically slogging through it to get to the second gams as I know it runs a lot better
Vice City


I'm getting geared up for the remastered version. I honestly just like to drive around and listen to the 80's tunes. I'll be glad to get some of these early missions out of the way, especially this RC Helicopter one at the construction site.


Identifies as young
I took a break from Far Cry 6 to play Psychonauts 2. Now I'm not sure I'm going back to Far Cry 6 at all. Psychonauts 2 is so good.


Playing The Ascent on game pass while taking a break from Metroid Dread.

The Ascent bloody brilliant. Tbh, it's not the most innovative game out there and it has crashes three times now - nothing bad though -, but it's besides gorgeous, also really, really fun to play. I think it's the best Diablo since Diablo 2. The story is a lot worse though but that's not generally why people play these kind of games, I think?


Got my copy of caligula effect 2 in a couple of days ago. So far I'm really enjoying it. I'm only about 2-3 hours in so far due to work commitments.

Also been playing kingdom hearts 2. It's a bit clunky in some areas but it still holds up fairly well. I'll probably go back to it once I finish caligula effect 2.


Will more than likely continue playing Diablo 2: Ressurected until I beat the game on Hell difficulty. Currently on Act III of Nightmare and not blowing through it by any means, so it will likely be a while. But eh, I've been jumping from one title to the next so it's a nice change of pace to stick with just one game for a while. Looks like the backlog is just going to have to wait now, lol.
I just started playing DmC Devil May Cry for the first time. Picked up the definitive edition cheap. It is better than I thought it would be. I'm also bouncing between Metroid Dread, Alan Wake Remastered (first time playing Alan Wake too) and Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX. Alex Kidd is either too hard or I just suck.


Beat Metroid Dread twice (100% + hard mode) and now I'm doing the last case of Phoenix Wright: Justice for All. Good fucking times!

I also ordered a used Wii U online, so hopefully in the next couple of days I'll get to replay Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission. Haven't played those two classics in ages!

I consistently forget that the Wii U is an official emulation beast.
Final Fantasy XIV! Trial version. Badass paladin cat girl because I'm a degenerate furry and I'm too poor to buy it and get a bunny girl instead. I will buy it once I reach the end of the line with the free shit. It will be the first MMO, of the few I've tried, that has kept me engaged enough to see it through the base game at least.


Still on Persona 3 FES. I think I logged in about 65 hours now - and just started the 2nd semester. I think by the time I'm done with the game - it will probably about 150 hours or so. :(

My MC is at level 40, while others are somewhere around 35-38. Since I was struggling at some bosses - decided to really grind as much as I can on each section of Tartaros - once early in the moon to take care of the Elizabeth's requests - and once more the day before full moon. I'm getting hang of the game's rhythm, so I'm not as struggling as much. I would like to be able to make more money easier - as the equipments are quite expensive and I like to equip my party members with all the best equipments... but I think that's one of the reason that's making me to spend so much time...

Anyhow, I've been kinda falling asleep during the summer vacation , and during some grinding sessions. Compared to P4G, it's so... dry. (Real life fatigue being another reason) So far, Shinji and Ken just joined the group and they Shinji/Akihiko seem to have something to do with Ken's parents'(?) death or whatnot - but sill a lot of things are in the mystery. People say that the story gets very good towards end (kinda opposite from Persona 5, where story starts strong but loses steam in the end) - but I do hope that "draw" that everyone seem to love about the game - comes in soon.
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