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What game are you currently playing?


Project Cars 3, since my brother gave me a discount voucher for a physical game. I choose this game because I was interested in those arcade racing games, and since my brother plays Driverclub and I don't remember my last racing game like that, I decided to give it a try.

Man, what a mixbag, theres a lots of cons and nitpicks that completelly nulls my enjoyment. The fact that I can't have a full view of the car when buying or choosing(I can only do a full view on the garage), lack of consistency on the menus(if you highlight a type of custom color, the game assumes you use that custom regardless of your choosing), forced return to the challenge menu during championships(I didn't even knew I was in a championship, because the game acts like it isn't one. To make matters worst, if you accidentally choose a round of race that either you completed or not completed, the game warns you that you're using a wrong type of car. Also, the game loads 2 times because it has to go back to the challenge menu), difficult spike inconsistency(starters challenge, which are basically the ametur type of racing challenges can be extremelly difficulty or extremelly easy, with enemies avoiding weather conditions. Also, the first Hot Race is already a top tier challenge to even archieve the required target time), lack of meanifull reward(you only win credits by leveling up), impossibility to skip xp reward screens, etc.

I still have fun driving it, but there are so many "why" type of decisions that makes me wonder if the creators even played this game. The worst offenders are those time trial challenge modes, called hot laps and another one I forgot the name, which are both a nightmare. Imagine you start playing the game to get the hang of it and suddenly the game wants you to do a profissional type of lap time, which by the way stops your career progress unless you spend credits. I knew something smelled fishy when they allowed me to open new challenges using credits. And don't get me on snow races...the AI are runs on 280 kmh without being affected by snow at all. The only one who fights against the weather is the player.
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Can't decide.
Recently finished the last two Splinter Cell games.
To my great shock, I actually preferred Conviction to Blacklist. By a lot.

Either going to start Shadow of Mordor or Arkham Knight.



Just bought this on Series X. Gonna start it later. I really liked the first game on PS4 and again on Switch.
That looks cute as hell. But it doesn't look like a rogue game. Looks more like a Metroidvania. Am I correct in thinking that?


While taking a break from Elden Ring's melancholy...

Cosmic Start Heroine on PC:
Neat classic JRPG-inspired game with a great pace, amazing and fast combat turn-based combat. Little to no anime bullshit and perfect for people like me getting into JRPGs but who can't bear the anime tropes and character acting of modern 3D JRPGs.

Forbidden West on PS5:
Not far into it as of now but amazing fidelity, great acting and interesting characters. Combat is chaotic as in the predecessor and could be improved. Level design is outstanding. I'm trying to play it like a linear game because huge open world's usually turn me off. Right now it works and is pretty captivating.


Currently going through Curse of the Dead Gods, the game having absolutely zero narrative is actually quite refreshing as it focuses on the (very good) combat and underlying mechanics. I didn't expect to, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit more than I did Hades.


Finally got my copy of Tiny Tina's Wonderland in. It's pretty much just more borderlands, which I'm okay with. I also finally got past the boss that was giving me a hard time in ff12.


Trying to decide between Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima. Been switching between them the last few days and both are *fantastic*. First impression is GoT is more fluid, modern and polished vs Sekiro which is more intense, more challenging but doesn't look as good and feels clunky by comparison.
Got Super Mario All Stars for the Wii, it's pretty charming and fun! I gave all the games a try, so far my favorites are the first Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros 3. The overworld theme in Bros 3 is superb, that alone is enough to keep me going whenenther I lose, makes me want to keep retrying in order to keep hearing it. Love the minigames that come up from time to time, a great way to add some variation to the game


Gave last man standing buy I just dont like FFA's

US host advantage doenst help
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Got Super Mario All Stars for the Wii, it's pretty charming and fun! I gave all the games a try, so far my favorites are the first Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros 3. The overworld theme in Bros 3 is superb, that alone is enough to keep me going whenenther I lose, makes me want to keep retrying in order to keep hearing it. Love the minigames that come up from time to time, a great way to add some variation to the game
Wait. Are you playing Mario 1, 2 and 3 for the first time?


Help, what game has PSVR arcade cabinet?

Edit: found what I was thinking off...wasn't a cab - was Sega Genesis/Megadrive...

SEGA Mega Drive Classics PS4

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Kev Kev

resident evil 4

only played it once back on the ps2. loved it but ddnt think it was the best game ever like a lot of people. in fact its pretty low on my list of favorite re games.

but i only played it once and dont remember much about it, so this play through has been a blast! rally looking forward to digging into this game, especially coming off RE2 and 3 remake, which i loved.


Halo Infinite - Season 2
Sea of Thieves - The new Legend of the Veil Pirate Legend missions and grinding my Athena from level 20 to 30.

Single Player:
Phantasy Star - The Sega Ages version on my Switch Lite. Almost done and making my way up the final Tower. Thank the gaming gods for the added auto mapping.
Life is Strange True Colors - Halfway through Chapter 3.
Necromunda Hired Gun - Decent FPS set in the Warhammer 40k universe.

Mr Hyde

Finished Voradors Mansion in Blood Omen Legacy of Kain. The lore around Vorador and the purge of the vampires is very compelling. He is one of my favorite characters of the supporting cast in the game. However, there are some truly baffling design choices leading up to his mansion. One in particular is really annoying and I remember when I played this the first time how frustrated I was getting stuck just because of it. Shortly after you get the Mist form after talking to the Oracle of Nosgoth, you encounter a lore triangle showing off Voradors Mansion, which means you can now fly there as a bat. And that I did, because you got a cool CG sequence showing off the flight and the mansion and it was so exciting back in 1996 to see these. But if you do that, chances are big you´ll miss a lot of important gear, such as the Flame Sword and the Mind Control magic card, which is required to complete Voradors Mansion. I didn´t get this the first time I played Blood Omen (I was 15 and didn´t have a lot of experience in these types of games or the english language) and I got stuck. I didn´t think to backtrack my steps so I was fucking pissed that I couldn´t figure out how to get by the puzzles in the mansion. This annoyance led me to buy a strategy guide from Prima Games, an awesome magazine at a whopping 144 pages, revealing all secrets along with handy tips and tricks, character info and lore explanation. It even came with a cool map of the entire world of Nosgoth! That guide was so good and it was very well written. However I lost the guide when I had to move to my own apartment when I was 19, I think I threw it away or something, and now when I checked after it online, I saw that the guide went for 300 BUCKS on fucking Ebay! Fucking hell. So much regret right now.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ya know, the super gory face cutting scene and all the other shenanigans this game has.

Ok, jeebus.

The face cutting thing isn't the worst thing the game portrays lol.

Fucking hell.

Your twin sister, who dies at the start of the game, is supposedly pregnant, so later in the game you have to use a pair of cloth cutting scissors and cut her dead belly open to fish out a dead baby fetus, and you have control of the entire segment with analogs and triggers to control the scissor cutting through her stomach.

What the fuck man. What the fuck.


Finished Voradors Mansion in Blood Omen Legacy of Kain. The lore around Vorador and the purge of the vampires is very compelling. He is one of my favorite characters of the supporting cast in the game. However, there are some truly baffling design choices leading up to his mansion. One in particular is really annoying and I remember when I played this the first time how frustrated I was getting stuck just because of it. Shortly after you get the Mist form after talking to the Oracle of Nosgoth, you encounter a lore triangle showing off Voradors Mansion, which means you can now fly there as a bat. And that I did, because you got a cool CG sequence showing off the flight and the mansion and it was so exciting back in 1996 to see these. But if you do that, chances are big you´ll miss a lot of important gear, such as the Flame Sword and the Mind Control magic card, which is required to complete Voradors Mansion. I didn´t get this the first time I played Blood Omen (I was 15 and didn´t have a lot of experience in these types of games or the english language) and I got stuck. I didn´t think to backtrack my steps so I was fucking pissed that I couldn´t figure out how to get by the puzzles in the mansion. This annoyance led me to buy a strategy guide from Prima Games, an awesome magazine at a whopping 144 pages, revealing all secrets along with handy tips and tricks, character info and lore explanation. It even came with a cool map of the entire world of Nosgoth! That guide was so good and it was very well written. However I lost the guide when I had to move to my own apartment when I was 19, I think I threw it away or something, and now when I checked after it online, I saw that the guide went for 300 BUCKS on fucking Ebay! Fucking hell. So much regret right now.

I adored this game growing up. I've got the PS1 version on my Vita. Might start that up once I've finished the games I'm currently playing.

Currently playing Resident Evil 7. The first few hours are absolutely amazing, but then I feel the quality dips a little. The whole 'saw-esque' stuff with Lucas is a little flat and uninteresting, and then the mines focus on action too much for my liking. I felt the same way with Village; The first half is fantastic and the second half not so much.
For my 3rd attempt, which is actually working for me this time (!!!), Ghost of Tsushima on PS5.

Honestly, I’m thrilled. It always seemed right up my alley but, whether due to bad timing or whatever the case, I’m finally “getting“ and enjoying this game (that I’ve quit at least twice before).

Oh, and Stardew Valley. Always Stardew Valley. This time (and still) on PS5.
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Mr Hyde

Finished the Jungle book on SNES. It was pretty good. Nice animations and graphics, the presentation was excellent, as we're most of these games. It did have a odd difficulty spike though. 70% of the game was a breeze but the last couple of levels were crazy hard. And King Louie boss fight was probably the hardest, most unfair fight in the whole game. But overall it was good. It was a nice nostalgia trip.

This conclude my 16-bit Disney journey I've been going through recently. Aladdin, Jungle Book and Lion King, both SNES and Genesis versions. I had a good time. I hope Pinocchio releases soon so I can play through that too.


Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga - Xbox Series X:

20 hours in while starting chapter 8, I am impressed on how much content TT has managed to cram in the game. It’s a love letter for Star Wars fans, despite the gameplay loop being simple.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut - PC/Steam Deck

I have finished the standard version on the PS4 Pro, and now having a blast playing it again juggling between the PC and the Steam Deck. The game is one of the most atmospheric experiences ever.


Neighbours from Hell
I stopped playing Lego Star Wars. I thought it was well done, just got bored with it. Didn't scratch the itch. Got tired of having to destroy stuff to collect materials for 90% of my play time or not being able to afford any upgrades. Also, the quest log system was horrendous. The map and way point system blows.

Moved on to Record of Lodoss War: Deelit in Wonder Labyrinth. I fucking love this game. I'm a sucker for Metroidvanias, so of course I'm loving it. But it's legitimately pretty fucking good. A tad on the easier side compared to the thousands of these I've played, but that's fine. Not every one has to have me pulling my hair out. Great soundtrack.


Fired up ender lillies. about 4 bosses deep and so far so good. Only thing that's bugging me is the map system. I would prefer a bit more accuracy on where the exit is to a room rather than just a generic dot on the bottom.


Neo Member

I played Doom back in 1993 and fell in love with the game. To this day, it is one of my favorits. But i never played Dark Forces....and holy shit, this game is amazing. Great atmosphere and music as well as an ambitious and often puzzling level design.
Playing it with the "XLengine_Launcher" for better controls and bloom effect/ high resolution. Looks great!



I'm torn...

Restarted Awakening for the ridiculous-teenth time a week or two ago, and am enjoying it for the Coke-like satisfaction of leveling, promoting, acquiring, etc. But I started FE: Three Houses about a month ago, played the first skirmish, and haven't picked it up again. Thing is, I want to play it and commit, but I typically I only game these days on my 3DS while drinking my coffee before work (in front of my computer). I don't want to do that with the Switch, since I just got this one for Christmas -- don't wanna spill my coffee on it -- and I also would like to play it on my big screen.

Kev Kev

RE4 is coming along great

im about 14 hours in on my first run. like 40+ saves. almost to the island. im taking my time with this run. not worried about saves or time, just exploring everything and upgrading a few guns. im actually going to forego some of the more powerful weapons like the magnum and striker in order to fully upgrade some of these other weapons. if i wind up with extra points then maybe ill spend them all right at the end. but i want to know what some of the earlier guns feel like fully upgraded. and it will give me something new to look forward to on my next runs.

i gotta say, video games have come a long way since re4. its a great game and all but you can tell some of the movement and camera controls feel clunky, and the whole wobbly reticle when shooting just feels archaic and silly. thankfully the game is pretty easy and forgiving (thank god for checkpoints). the script and VAs are so fucking bad tho lol. nothing redeeming there at all. i know its RE and its supposed to be cheesy, but imo it hasnt aged well at all.

in general, RE2 and 3 remake have really shown how dated RE4 is. makes me think its time for them to remake 4 in the style of 2 and 3. id play the shit out of that. but im loving RE4 right now and look forward to playing through it multiple times.


Beat that asshole with the bullhorn helmet. Now searching for someone that makes noises in the next room

And getting double teamed in Halo ranked
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RE4 is coming along great

im about 14 hours in on my first run. like 40+ saves. almost to the island. im taking my time with this run. not worried about saves or time, just exploring everything and upgrading a few guns. im actually going to forego some of the more powerful weapons like the magnum and striker in order to fully upgrade some of these other weapons. if i wind up with extra points then maybe ill spend them all right at the end. but i want to know what some of the earlier guns feel like fully upgraded. and it will give me something new to look forward to on my next runs.

i gotta say, video games have come a long way since re4. its a great game and all but you can tell some of the movement and camera controls feel clunky, and the whole wobbly reticle when shooting just feels archaic and silly. thankfully the game is pretty easy and forgiving (thank god for checkpoints). the script and VAs are so fucking bad tho lol. nothing redeeming there at all. i know its RE and its supposed to be cheesy, but imo it hasnt aged well at all.

in general, RE2 and 3 remake have really shown how dated RE4 is. makes me think its time for them to remake 4 in the style of 2 and 3. id play the shit out of that. but im loving RE4 right now and look forward to playing through it multiple times.

That's a very logical conclusion Kev.

Ps: chainsaw baddies and the monks chanting still scares me

Edit I loooved the cheesiness
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