I am now deciding between 3 PS2 games.
Ace Combat 4
Front Mission 4
I finished Call of the Sea (Steam)
It was an interesting game
Tried out Kena: Bridge of Spirits. The environments are lush and lovely. It reminds of game we would have seen the GameCube era. I'm still early on as I just got the bow but it really hasn't grabbed me. The combat is really unsatisfying.
I am a few hours in, this is the first time I have ever played it much less any God of War game...what I have found though is that when the side-quests start to appear they aren't exactly easy to reach, and even then I think one of them has a boss you must defeat as if there aren't enough bosses in the game already! There should be some sort of portal that allows you to easily navigate to the side-quest areas dotted on the map instead of trying to work out how to get to that point...the combat I am not a huge fan of...it doesn't have the seamless-ness of say a Spiderman or Batman...I just started up a second run of God of War 2018 on PS5. It's good so far. I beat the STranger, then stopped.
Octopath Traveler 2. It’s a great game. I’ve collected all 8 characters and I’ve enjoyed each of their individual stories so far. Up to chapter 3 with my main and one other and just started applying 2nd jobs.
I really like the visuals and music, and the combat is great as far as turn based combat goes. The only niggles are the overly long boss battles and the sometimes tedious levelling up between chapters. Other than that though, I’m having a good 8-9/10 time with the game so far.
I’m around 20 hours in. I’d say around 30-60 minutes of that time was spent levelling up to reach the next chapters, so not too bad tbh.Curious how many hours have you played of it so far. I never finished the first one since the game is a grind fest for me
Valkyria Chronicles 4
I'm surprised it's really fun and I like the characters and story. The gameplay is addictive too
The accidental looking up the skirt Incident made me burst out laughing lol
Also one of my favorite battles
Having to sneak near tanks in the fog to see if they are real or fake. Using Kai to shoot the numbers on top of those 3 towers to signal the bombers to get rid of tanks
Hope the game throws more unique battle situations like what I just mentioned in the future
Where is the new Deus EX....Bring back Adam JensenI was on a Resident Evil kick, playing RE4 remake 4 times and then re-playing RE8 twice, but now I wanted to play something different.
Some random YouTube vid that popped up reminded me of Deus Ex Human Revolution, so I dusted off my WiiU, wrestled with Gamepad connection issues, and finally started a new replay of it.
Human Revolution is already a great game, and the Director’s Cut WiiU version is probably the best console version of it since it surprisingly doesn’t have a Remaster. It’s probably the best 3rd-party WiiU port that was ever released. Stuff like having the minimap on the touchscreen and using the touchscreen for hacking is really intuitive in a game that’s already really immersive.
The previous two times I played it I went stealth only, but now I’m trying out a combat focused build, and the game has a lot of cool guns and melee takedowns I hadn’t used before that are satisfying. I’ll probably play Mankind Divided after since I never played the DLC for that. It’s such a damn shame the likely hood of getting another game is basically zero, since Squeenix just stopped caring about their western dev investments after forcing them to work on marvel crap.
Great gameBreath of Fire 3
Went through the contest of champions, and have just beat the stallion boss. On my way back to Wyndia. Need to grab a few more weapons so I can put Momo under D'Lonzo.