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What game are you currently playing?

Resi 2 remake. Not sure why I left it so long.

Back in love with Resi again.
Dark Souls Gamer GIF by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Almost finished with Miles Morales, figured I'd better get on it before they pull it from PS+.

Really more of an expansion of the original but still very fun as long as there has been enough time since you played the first one. The cat in the backpack is a hilarious addition, I had a cat that liked to sit on my shoulder, he probably would have loved something like that, LOL


FF 16. I've been busy at work so its taking me a while to beat. I think I'm at somewhere between 60-70% through the main story.


I finally (FINALLY) finished Horizon Zero Dawn (PC) a couple nights ago. I went through peaks and valleys during my playthrough, which took place over the course of 4-5 months or something like that. But the main reason it took so long is...at the end of the day I really didn't like the game very much. I was not sure if I'd see the end.

The best part of the game, easily, was the main story. Interesting premise. I also mostly like Aloy as a character. The side content basically shouldn't even be there, as it's all time-wastey trash and doesn't net you enough good shit for your time. I also found the gameplay, generally, is just a slog. To be fair, I mostly used a bow and arrow and I know I probably should've learned to use the other weapons more effectively.

I'm glad it's over and don't see starting on Forbidden West anytime soon.

Other than that, I'm mostly playing The Witcher 3 (PS5), and EA Sports PGA Tour (PS5)


Gold Member
Diablo 4 (Xbox Series X)
AEW: Fight Forever (PS5)

I’m finding it very hard to slog through the downs of FF16, so I haven’t played that in about a week.


Breath of Fire 4
Added Urshin to my party and met back up with Crawy. I really like combining spells in this. Adds a bit of flavour.

Countdown Vampires
Just about to start this. I've heard good things from various people, but the Metacritic score is a lousy 41!


Recently came back from my vacations and started playing TotK again.
Still really enjoying it, though I'm not quite as blown away by it as others. It's fun, the main quests are better and the building and physics are really cool but I still feel like it has many of the issues of the original, specially regarding unrewarding exploration and bland sidequests .

Breath of Fire 4
Added Urshin to my party and met back up with Crawy. I really like combining spells in this. Adds a bit of flavour.

The art style of BOF4 is so nice.
I'd love for Capcom to make a new BoF with an HD version of these visuals:
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Recently came back from my vacations and started playing TotK again.
Still really enjoying it, though I'm not quite as blown away by it as others. It's fun, the main quests are better and the building and physics are really cool but I still feel like it has many of the issues of the original, specially regarding unrewarding exploration and bland sidequests .

The art style of BOF4 is so nice.
I'd love form Capcom to make a new BoF with an HD version of these visuals:
I'm desperate for new/remaster/remake of BoF 3 or 4


Recently came back from my vacations and started playing TotK again.
Still really enjoying it, though I'm not quite as blown away by it as others. It's fun, the main quests are better and the building and physics are really cool but I still feel like it has many of the issues of the original, specially regarding unrewarding exploration and bland sidequests .

The art style of BOF4 is so nice.
I'd love for Capcom to make a new BoF with an HD version of these visuals:

Yeah! I love the art style.

Playing a little more since I can't log into Diablo 4. Arrived in the town of Synesta. This is about as far as I got when I last played it as a kid. Not sure why I ever lost interest. Glad the mini-games that I've encountered so far aren't as annoying as Breath of Fire 3. Fingers crossed it stays that way.


Finally pulled myself away from TOTK for a bit. I saw that The Ascent was up on PS+ game catalogue, had to give it a spin to see if they had done something cool with the haptics. Sadly the haptics weren’t upgraded as much as they could’ve been, possibly slightly improved over Xbox but I hoped for some badass Ratchet Glitch trigger haptics. Can confirm that the game is still awesome and the review scores are a mystery, played till after the Grinder and would play more if I hadn’t done just about everything already on Xbox. It was fun to be back though, love the action, love the meaty sound, love how lived-in everything looks with all the junk and AAA devs should be ashamed of the often barren environments in their games when having 5x bigger teams or more.


LOTS of Tactics Ogre: Reborn on PC recently. Just rescued Catiua and now I'm gonna get Azelstan and try the Palace of the Dead.

Some Street Fighter 6 too. Recently got 2 Golden Levers for my sticks and they're amazing! So much so, I sold my other 3 levers. But, that's on the backburner due to Tactics Ogre. This grind is REAL right now in Chapter 4 Law. WHEW.
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Mr Hyde

Tears of the Kingdom is such a great game. I'm totally in love. It did start out slow and when I landed in Hyrule after the tutorial, I was like "do I have to do this shot again?". But Nintendo has definitely changed things up. It has a completely different flow than Botw, I think the story is better with more fun characters and exploring land, sky and depth is super fun and adds so much variety. There is always something on the map that peaks your interest. And the Fuse mechanic is a game changer, it adds a whole other layer to the combat. Fucking love this game so far.


Finished a replay of The Witcher 3, although there's still the DLC to go.

Been playing Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord for the last couple of days.


Diablo IV
Zelda: TOTK (I'm liking it, but definitely don't love it - which is the exact same way I felt about BOTW).
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Diablo 4
Got my druid to level 20. The build I'm using seems pretty strong but a little boring; It's a basic companion-type build with creeper and wolves. Might switch it out to something a little different.

Countdown Vampires
Played a couple of hours of this. Really rough around the edges, even for a PS1 game, but I'm enjoying it.

Breath of Fire 4
Just recruited Scias. I really like his fighting style and character design.

Resident Evil 2
Charged up my Vita and I'm currently idling at the title screen deciding who to play. Think I'll go with Claire.

Diddy X

I started watching Dragon Ball super so I also started playing Xenoverse 2 from a 5 hours save I left years ago on steam, the game is more fun than I remember.
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Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Wanted a meaty jrpg to get lost in.
Only 10 hours in but already loving it.
Shame I have to resort to Google searches to learn the depth of the battle system because the tutorials stink.
They stunk in Xenoblade X too.


Terminator Resistance Enchanted - my god this is the definition of sleeper hit!

Riders Republic - damn, this is just plain fun, bought it earlier in the week and its so fun, really looking forward to skateboard! It looks amazing on ps5 imo.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
On a whim bought Dead Island 2 on sale while waiting for Remnant 2 later today.

I "guess" Dead Island 2 is ok so far? 😆
I'm not sure only been playing an hour.

Mr Hyde

Arrived at Goron City in Tears of the Kingdom. Subplot here seems to be hilarious, with the Gorons bring doped up by some sweet tasting rocks. Everyone has glowing red eyes, like proper junkies, and refuses to do anything, except scam travelers for ore, so now it's up to Link to rescue the Gorons from this awful addiction and bring peace to this once legendary city.


First replay of Control in a few years. Holy crap this game has aged like wine. Underrated in it's time for sure. Ascending up the ranks as the years pass. Would really like a sequel.


Breath of Fire 4
Found the blacksmith in MT Glom and fixed the King's sword.

Countdown Vampires
Just reached disc 2 which means I'm halfway through. I enjoyed the first few hours but the backtracking has become incredibly tedious. I can see why it has a score of 41 on Metacritic. I think I may call it quits because I'm not even remotely enjoying it anymore. In fact, I think I'm gonna move onto something else.

Nightmare Creatures, Alone in the Dark, or Fear Effect. Three games I've never played.


Been a while since I posted in this thread. Last couple of weeks I've been playing Labyrinth of Galleria. I'm really enjoying the old school Japanese dungeon crawler. I didn't know it's a sequel/ follow up so I bought Labyrinth of Refrain to play next.


The nicest person on this forum
I decided to replay Elden Ring before Armoured Core VI drops and notin NG+, i going for entire new playthrough, this time around I’m going with Faith build.

I’m very squishy with this build, most things can easily one shot me.:messenger_grinning_sweat:


Just finished Steelrising. Quite possibly one of my very favourite Dark Souls rip-off mostly thanks to some really solid storytelling - political intrigue, scheming and life-changing dilemmas. Developers Spiders are getting better and better with each game.


I finally got around to playing Metroid II: Return of Samus. Ignoring the obvious limitations of the Game Boy for a moment, it was... interesting. It was made before the Metroidvania genre got codified by its sequel, so the design just feels so unusual after playing 800 standardized clones of Super. I'm not talking about the more linear approach the game uses, that seemed fine. The use of lava to separate areas actually worked rather well for a game with no map and meant to be played without your entire attention as a handheld entry. The powerups were all crammed into the first half of the game, and not really used to separate parts of the map. You just grabbed them as you went along. And the different zones? Some of them were huge, and others were tiny. It feels like the first half of the game was crammed in the first few zones. I've played enough Metroidvanias that I can usually tell how close I am to the next major powerup, because game design says you need a certain pace and so forth. But here the rhythm was off. I can't say it's a bad thing, but it did feel weird.

But I can't ignore the Game Boy limitations entirely, so it wasn't exactly a great game. Better than the original, but still it's clear why Nintendo remade it. Also, the final boss was one heck of a difficulty spike. Oh well, I finally played it. One step closer to officially being a true Metroid fan. I've got a couple other games I want to get to first (including Metroid Prime Remastered...) before finally biting the bullet, buying that Switch Online expansion pass, and finally get around to playing Metroid Fusion, a gap in my gaming repertoire that has gnawed at me for years.

Honey Bunny

Reminding myself why Dawn of W\r Dark Crusade/Soulstorm is the best strategy game ever made. Watching some casts of competitive matches too, still going 20? years later
Pretty much finished up with Icewind Dale - really enjoyed that game. Thought after all this Infinity Engine I figured I'd try Pillars of Eternity.. bought it on sale long time ago and just never messed with it.

Damn am I impressed. This is a hell of a love letter to Infinity Engine games and it's awesome. I love just about everything about it. It's a little tough at first and I almost turned it off because so many proper nouns flying all over I felt a bit lost.. but I kept going. The more I played the deeper I sunk. Love it, love everything they did here. Like the stronghold idea and the little quests it spawns, like the options to resolve quests and the seeming abundance of them, really great game. Dropped about 40 hours in already, halted some of the main quest stuff to explore the expansion some right now.


What time is it?
Co-Op in Diablo IV. We are finally in Act V and are both about level 55. Finally stopped doing side missions. It's a complete slog the the feeling of progression sucks. I can't wait for this to be over.

More Co-Op, but this time Remnant 2. Some really fun areas to explore and really neat boss encounters so far. We really liked the original too.

Started Pikmin 4 and I'm hooked. I love the sense of exploration.
Co-Op in Diablo IV. We are finally in Act V and are both about level 55. Finally stopped doing side missions. It's a complete slog the the feeling of progression sucks. I can't wait for this to be over.

More Co-Op, but this time Remnant 2. Some really fun areas to explore and really neat boss encounters so far. We really liked the original too.

Started Pikmin 4 and I'm hooked. I love the sense of exploration.

Is the repetition of combat/enemy spam bad in Remnant 2?


What time is it?
Is the repetition of combat/enemy spam bad in Remnant 2?

Sometimes. The first area we were in was like a hub and spoke. The hub had these little enemies that rolled up into spiked balls and wrecking balled you with the other prevalent enemy in the area were these flying creatures that Kamikazed you. Super annoying to clear out the first time. That area feature four exits (A being the main path and B, C, and D being optional dungeons). We did all the optional dungeons but going back into the hub respawned all the enemies and they all spawned in exactly the same locations which was tedious since you had to cross the map four times to get to each spoke. One of those dungeons was fantastic and it did very the types and amounts of enemies that would respawn. There was a jumping puzzle in that dungeon and we must have fallen to our deaths a dozen or so times so we got used to a few of the encounters (lol). I just really like the co-ordination the bosses take and how dense certain levels are with areas/items that are easy to miss. The puzzle elements of bosses give you that sense of accomplishment and the exploration usually rewards you with something worthwhile.
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