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What game are you currently playing?


Currently playing through Pokémon Platinum for the first time via my n3DS.

I played Pokémon Diamond at the point of the UK launch in 2007, but dropped off after beating the Elite 4. At the time and coming from Emerald, I didn’t appreciate the fourth generation. 17 years later I’d say this is potentially peak Pokémon.

The art direction, graphics and music are beautiful. The gameplay hasn’t been nerfed to high heaven. Simply put this is streets ahead of X and Y, Sun and Moon and Sword and Shield.

Finished up Lil Gator Game. Super casual open world collectathon game but its adorable. Really enjoyed it. Got everything on the island and finished the game in about 6 hrs. Really captures the fun of being a kid. Some minor story moments are great too. Stay away from it if you dont like finding "all the things" as thats pretty much the game. Basically no true challenge in the game but there is no map so it made exploration enjoyable and managed to end before overstaying its welcome.
I want to play this game at some point. I thought the previews looked a little dopey, but I’ve only heard positive things from people who’ve played it.

Diddy Kong Racing | N64


I forgot how amazing this game was. Still shits on every single kart racer before and after.
I loved this game on DS, it was really fun.

Starting up Gears of War Judgment. Pretty cool so far. Feels a lot faster and more responsive. Excited to finish this one so I can finally move on to 4 and see what these modern ones are like.
Judgment is the only game I’ve not played in the series. I’ve put hundreds/thousands of hours in to the rest. I didn’t like 4, something felt off with the movement (too heavy). I thought 5 was clear in every way and one of the best in the franchise gameplay wise.

Finished Majora's Mask on the N64.

Managed to complete the bomber's notebook and also got all the masks. Still got 6 heart pieces to find but honestly, I don't care lol. :goog_relieved:

Final boss was a joke but I guess it's because I was using the Fierce Deity mask. A bit of a bummer but the ending sequence was pretty cool, so it's fine.

Had to use a guide only to find the last person of the notebook, which happened to be a hand inside a toilet in the motel that only appears at midnight. Lmao, don't know I could have managed to find that on my own if not by sheer luck.

Anyway, amazing game all around. Game feels more like a big puzzle rather than an adventure like OoT. Not better nor worse, just different, but still quite enjoyable.

amigastar amigastar were you who asked me about the performance? I think it's fine. Some parts make the console struggle a little bit but nothing out of the ordinary for a N64 game. It can get bad, but not Conker or Banjo-Tooie bad.
Not played Majora’s Mask since I was probably 12-13. You did better than me, I needed to rely heavily on a guide. I’ve got the 3DS version and it’s on my to play list alongside ALttP, Minish Cap and Soul Silver.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Not played Majora’s Mask since I was probably 12-13. You did better than me, I needed to rely heavily on a guide. I’ve got the 3DS version and it’s on my to play list alongside ALttP, Minish Cap and Soul Silver.
Haha, well I'm 32 now. If I were 12 I'm sure I wouldn't be able to beat the game at all. :goog_relieved:

ALTTP is my favorite Zelda game, sometimes a tie with OOT depending on the day and mood. Have fun!


Finished Majora's Mask on the N64.

Managed to complete the bomber's notebook and also got all the masks. Still got 6 heart pieces to find but honestly, I don't care lol. :goog_relieved:

Final boss was a joke but I guess it's because I was using the Fierce Deity mask. A bit of a bummer but the ending sequence was pretty cool, so it's fine.

Had to use a guide only to find the last person of the notebook, which happened to be a hand inside a toilet in the motel that only appears at midnight. Lmao, don't know I could have managed to find that on my own if not by sheer luck.

Anyway, amazing game all around. Game feels more like a big puzzle rather than an adventure like OoT. Not better nor worse, just different, but still quite enjoyable.

amigastar amigastar were you who asked me about the performance? I think it's fine. Some parts make the console struggle a little bit but nothing out of the ordinary for a N64 game. It can get bad, but not Conker or Banjo-Tooie bad.
What about the time mechanics. are they annoying?


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
What about the time mechanics. are they annoying?
I ended up liking that aspect of the game.

Early on it can lead to a bit of confusion and even tedium, since those mechanics lead to a bit of repetition. For example I decided to reset the time and go back to day 1 just before entering the first dungeon, not realising that meant having to repeat some stuff. But you learn from those kind of mistakes.

Thing is, you have a song for fast travel, another for really slowing down the flow of time and another for jumping until the next morning/night, so it gives you enough tools for it to not be so bad.

So yeah, a little bit annoying at times, but on the other hand those mechanics make for some interesting stuff gameplay wise.


I ended up liking that aspect of the game.

Early on it can lead to a bit of confusion and even tedium, since those mechanics lead to a bit of repetition. For example I decided to reset the time and go back to day 1 just before entering the first dungeon, not realising that meant having to repeat some stuff. But you learn from those kind of mistakes.

Thing is, you have a song for fast travel, another for really slowing down the flow of time and another for jumping until the next morning/night, so it gives you enough tools for it to not be so bad.

So yeah, a little bit annoying at times, but on the other hand those mechanics make for some interesting stuff gameplay wise.
Sounds good, i found my 3DS copy and i`m for sure gonna play it the next days.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Judgment is the only game I’ve not played in the series. I’ve put hundreds/thousands of hours in to the rest. I didn’t like 4, something felt off with the movement (too heavy). I thought 5 was clear in every way and one of the best in the franchise gameplay wise.
I'm going in order. Played 1-3. Now on Judgment. If you played all that nothing will be a huge surprise to you. Its more of what we've seen with minor tweaks. Gotta say its fun though. Playing a chapter or so a day, areas broken up with small combat modification challenges. I havent played 4 yet but it seems like halfway between the look of 3 and 4, brighter colors.

Lil Gator game is super chill, basic in some ways. You may feel a little underwhelmed at times. But by the end it came together and I was really happy with it. Simple fun from open world exploration collectathon gameplay, and lots of cute and (and even a small amount of genuinely heartwarming) moments in the story.
I'm far less enthusiastic about Peggle once I hit these challenge stages that are taking me in excess of 25x to beat. Just sitting around waiting to get lucky on some boring ass layouts. I want to 100% it but... this isn't fun.

Gamestop is running 50% trade boost. I'd like to beat Robocop and something short (Air Twister?) in the next couple days


I just finished Dead Space 2 today on the Series X. I like it more than the first one; the gameplay was more fun and I liked having a voiced protagonist.
Been finishing one Resident Evil entry every month this year. For this month I chose the OG RE2.

Love the Remake and all but the feeling of these old games is just unparalelled. Also, I'm not a big fan of Capcom's new storytelling. The old ones did it much better.

I also started another run in Elden Ring. First time with an actual build I researched on the net. Going for Moonveil Samurai. Damn, Samurai is completely OP. What the hell? After struggling so much with my own "no idea what I'm doing" build this almost seems to make the game a bit too easy. But playing Samurai style is darn fun.
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Gold Member
I’m knee deep in Elden Ring on the PS5 (I double dipped, and purchased the DLC too) and Starfield.

I was just thinking to myself this morning, playing these two games side by side is truly amazing and has me in a very positive mind place. I’m very happy to be playing both these games right now. They both scratch different itches, but we’re tailor made for a gamer like me. Especially the exploration aspect.
I’m knee deep in Elden Ring on the PS5 (I double dipped, and purchased the DLC too) and Starfield.

I was just thinking to myself this morning, playing these two games side by side is truly amazing and has me in a very positive mind place. I’m very happy to be playing both these games right now. They both scratch different itches, but we’re tailor made for a gamer like me. Especially the exploration aspect.
What itches? You mean one of the greatest games ever made and one of the biggest disappointments?

Truly a contrast, I agree.
I said exploration. They both tackle it, and in very different ways. You don’t have to pretend to be an idiot about it. But maybe you’re not pretending?
Ok, I’ll pretend to understand what aspects of Starfield randomly generated world are appealing for exploration.

Not srs

Don’t take this the wrong way mate. I’m still salty about how much of a disappointment Starfield was to me. It was the sole reason I bought the Series X…
Happy if you’re enjoying it though.


Gold Member
Ok, I’ll pretend to understand what aspects of Starfield randomly generated world are appealing for exploration.

Not srs

Don’t take this the wrong way mate. I’m still salty about how much of a disappointment Starfield was to me. It was the sole reason I bought the Series X…
Happy if you’re enjoying it though.
I guess you answered my question.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
If you need your dosis of Zelda i would strongly recommend "A Link Between Worlds" on the 3DS.
Already played! I should replay it some time, but not yet.

Loved that one. I started being a bit sceptical but man, did it grow on me. The nostalgia factor is real in this one, those remixes of the music from A Link to the Past sure hit me right in the feels.


Started up braid anniversary not too long ago.

So weird they kind of just plopped this out on steam. There wasn't much push around it, I just happened to see it in the newly released tab.

I've played this game back to front 100 times but I supported them because I need whatever is after the witness... how do you top such perfection


Gold Member
Ok, I’ll pretend to understand what aspects of Starfield randomly generated world are appealing for exploration.

Not srs

Don’t take this the wrong way mate. I’m still salty about how much of a disappointment Starfield was to me. It was the sole reason I bought the Series X…
Happy if you’re enjoying it though.
Starfield was single-handedly the biggest gaming disappointment of my life.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Gears of War Judgment: day 3. Nearing the end. Probably will finish it tomorrow.

Its a fun game. You have lots of encounters that are horde defense style where you have a minute or two to place automated turrets at chokepoints and lay some mines down before the waves start. 2 small standout levels were clearly D-Day inspired. The story is a simple action game story but honestly kinda cool. You get to see the COG before the fall and some of the hubris that led to a group of military convicts surviving because they could question authority.
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Just finished Rebirth after 113 hours. Loved it, definitely still dwelling on that one. Not sure what to go for next.

Keep dwelling and play something casual/arcadey for a change of pace. Let your brain dwell on it and appreciate the experience longer.

That said, now being a couple weeks removed from completing Rebirth and having said space, I am playing Disco Elysium. No idea WTF is going on, interesting setting though.


Second best Zelda game after OoT IMO. Even with the slow start, wolf segments, and bland overworld. It does so much else right, particularly dungeons.
I still wish this would have gotten a HD version on Switch instead of Skyward Sword.

Currently playing Helldivers 2, PUBG, Tropico 5, Anno 1800 and Planet Zoo on PC.

Mario Kart 8 online on Switch. Got all three star coins in Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe but the Star-Boulevard levels are quiet hard and I have no motivation to finish them off.
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I've finally started playing Bulletstorm for the first time. Seems like a fun game with all of the attention on nonstop action. Relying on environmental kills is fun, but I hope that the game will deliver new kill options & weapons regularly. I am having an issue with the fact that some transitions between gameplay & cutscenes aren't smooth, maybe the studio lacked experience or budget, who knows. But yeah, not a huge problem since I won't be playing this for the story.
Just bought Mass Effect Legendary Edition on Steam. Should i jump right into Mass Effect 2 or should i play them in order, which one's the best?
Personally I think the first is the best but many prefer the second. Regardless you should play them in order, it definitely matters. Decisions can carry forward and so forth.
Been finishing one Resident Evil entry every month this year. For this month I chose the OG RE2.

Love the Remake and all but the feeling of these old games is just unparalelled. Also, I'm not a big fan of Capcom's new storytelling. The old ones did it much better.
It's so true. I love the Remakes and all but I went on a rampage last month and beat 2 to start but i couldn't stop and wanted more. Went on to 3, CV, original, REmake, and Zero. I looooved them to death and it made me sad thinking that Capcom won't ever revisit the pre rendered backdrop era of RE. There's just something that feels so perfect about the design.
It's so true. I love the Remakes and all but I went on a rampage last month and beat 2 to start but i couldn't stop and wanted more. Went on to 3, CV, original, REmake, and Zero. I looooved them to death and it made me sad thinking that Capcom won't ever revisit the pre rendered backdrop era of RE. There's just something that feels so perfect about the design.
Well, never say never. I could fully see them doing a old school spin off RE one day.


Currently playing Star Ocean Second Story R (awesome game, a breath of fresh rpg-air after FF7 Rebirth) and "Northern Journey".

Highly recommend Northern Journey for everyone who wants a quite unique and refreshing fps/adventure in the northern mountains. Lots of awesome norwegian folklore and amazing atmosphere. Very black metal!

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Yesterday I started playing Alan wake 2. And I am liking it very much I am playing the “demo” we get from ps plus. I read somewhere that it wasn’t good. And the graphics are just good enough very cinematic. The lip synch is god awful but anyways. I will probably buy the full version.

Ev1L AuRoN

  • Resident Evil 4 Remake
    • I Got the PC version on pre-order, just double-dip on PS5 on a deal, Going for the plat, the game launch in a poor state but playing now I'm quite happy with the performance and visuals on PS5.
  • The Last of Us 2 Remastered
    • Finally playing through the game, I dropped when It launched, and now I'm divining a chance, great game so far, I miss Naughty Dog.
  • Another Crab's Treasure
    • Fun game, just started, I got this on Switch and the performance is mixed, I was sold on the premise of a souls like with a cute vibe, too soon to say if I like it.

Mr Hyde

Resident Evil: Directors Cut

This was supposed to be the definitive edition. New costumes, new camera angles, a new mode that mixed up the gameplay with changed item placement and enemies. They even included the original Resident Evil along with a demo of highly anticipated RE2. And what does Capcom do? They forget to insert the colored uncut FMV intro sequence! Like how do you fucking forget that? Did you have a release party of the game and then you got so drunk you sent the wrong disc to manufacturing? What? How? Goddamn! Is there one thing I hate, it's censorship, especially when it comes to horror and gore. I still remember the 80s where they butchered every horror movie known to man. Goddamn moralists.
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Resident Evil: Directors Cut

This was supposed to be the definitive edition. New costumes, new camera angles, a new mode that mixed up the gameplay with changed item placement and enemies. They even included the original Resident Evil along with a demo of highly anticipated RE2. And what does Capcom do? They forget to insert the colored uncut FMV intro sequence! Like how do you fucking forget that? Did you have a release party of the game and then you got so drunk you sent the wrong disc to manufacturing? What? How? Goddamn! Is there one thing I hate, it's censorship, especially when it comes to horror and gore. I still remember the 80s where they butchered every horror movie known to man. Goddamn moralists.
Tell me about it, i can't stand censorship, i mean who has the right to say i can't watch that? Especially when the people who censor it watched it themselves.
I can't but they can? Pff really lame.
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Resident Evil: Directors Cut

This was supposed to be the definitive edition. New costumes, new camera angles, a new mode that mixed up the gameplay with changed item placement and enemies. They even included the original Resident Evil along with a demo of highly anticipated RE2. And what does Capcom do? They forget to insert the colored uncut FMV intro sequence! Like how do you fucking forget that? Did you have a release party of the game and then you got so drunk you sent the wrong disc to manufacturing? What? How? Goddamn! Is there one thing I hate, it's censorship, especially when it comes to horror and gore. I still remember the 80s where they butchered every horror movie known to man. Goddamn moralists.
Censorship was super common even in the 90s when I grew up. Here in Austria it was almost impossible to get uncut games/movies until the advent of the internet. Remember how the “uncut” labels were super sought after.

I still find it funny how the gory parts of Terminator always seem “fresher “ to me than the rest of the movie. It’s because I’ve seen it so often cut before finally get my hands on the uncut version.

Funny how times have changed.
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Mr Hyde

Finished Resident Evil: Directors Cut. I think I prefer the original over this. There are not enough changes to really warrant a new playthrough, unless you're a die hard RE-fan ( like me). It's still a classic though, and I prefer the 1996 version over the REmake from 2002. I wonder how the new remake will be? It's going to be very interesting to see how Capcom handles the tight corridors of the mansion and the more laid back approach to action with the over the shoulder perspective. It's also a short game, much shorter than the other remakes, even shorter than the widely criticized RE3, so they have to build out the mansion again. Honestly, I don't even know if I want another remake of RE1. They did what they could with it back in 2002, expanding both the mansion and the lore.

Mr Hyde

Censorship was super common even in the 90s when I grew up. Here in Austria it was almost impossible to get uncut games/movies until the advent of the internet. Remember how the “uncut” labels were super sought after.

I still find it funny how the gory parts of Terminator always seem “fresher “ to me than the rest of the movie. It’s because I’ve seen it so often cut before finally get my hands on the uncut version.

Funny how times have changed.

We abolished censorship here in 1996 but it was pretty laxed even before that, at least in regards to movies. Casino was the last movie to be censored before they dropped it for age ratings. Before that it was a case by case study (as an example, Braindead was released in 1992 completely uncut here, causing a widespread uproar in the media. People were going absolutely nuts over it). The 80s however, I don't think I saw one horror movie that wasn't completely butchered and unwatchable. I don't think I saw uncut versions of either Evil Dead or Hellraiser until late 90s early 2000 with the introduction of DVDs because it took so long to re-release them uncensored.

Games were a different beast than movies and seemed to have different rules as well. Resident Evil was the first game I can remember playing in 1995 that featured monsters and zombies and gore, and I was surprised you could blow their heads off in a very detailed fashion, but at the same time censoring the intro into black and white with no blood when they get ripped to shreds by dogs. Probably because it was an FMV sequence and not polygons. We had Mortal Kombat 2 and the whole discussion about that, but Resident Evil to my knowledge was the first "Mature" game I ever played. It did push boundaries in terms of violence in video games, that much I'm certain. Nintendo had a real bad reputation here for not allowing blood on SNES so it was refreshing with Sega and Sony coming in and change that stance, pushing for more adult content. But it was debated endlessly by politicians and media. People who cry about censorship today and the minor cuts being made have no idea what it was like living back in the 80s and 90s.
Finished Resident Evil: Directors Cut. I think I prefer the original over this. There are not enough changes to really warrant a new playthrough, unless you're a die hard RE-fan ( like me). It's still a classic though, and I prefer the 1996 version over the REmake from 2002. I wonder how the new remake will be? It's going to be very interesting to see how Capcom handles the tight corridors of the mansion and the more laid back approach to action with the over the shoulder perspective. It's also a short game, much shorter than the other remakes, even shorter than the widely criticized RE3, so they have to build out the mansion again. Honestly, I don't even know if I want another remake of RE1. They did what they could with it back in 2002, expanding both the mansion and the lore.
Doesn't the original 1996 release have the awful manual aiming? I really enjoy the Director's Cut myself and disliked many things about the remake. The gasoline flask for crimsonhead prevention, the immortal nuissance, and dry dialogue being key culprits. If they do remake it I really want them to greatly expand inventory (or make it unlimited without the hassle of magic item boxes) and ditch the ink ribbons.

Mr Hyde

Doesn't the original 1996 release have the awful manual aiming? I really enjoy the Director's Cut myself and disliked many things about the remake. The gasoline flask for crimsonhead prevention, the immortal nuissance, and dry dialogue being key culprits. If they do remake it I really want them to greatly expand inventory (or make it unlimited without the hassle of magic item boxes) and ditch the ink ribbons.

Yes, the DC introduces auto-aim, a very nice improvement indeed 👌
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