Finished/completed all achievements on Persona 5 Tactica on Gamepass.
I actually enjoyed musho-style Strikers very much - so I was hoping this will give me some good story and all.. but kinda fell flat. I think whole storytelling with P5's characters feel quite repetitive. Glad that it wasn't dragging its feet and nice and short.
As per the tactical aspect - the most challenging part were some of the quests which requires to finish in a single turn. In the end, what became the most important for any of characters were their "range" on how far they can move than any other types of ability. Persona fusion is there, but very limited. Also many of abilities are basically useless - that you'd focus the most on triangular attacks at most of times. On top of that, the camera angle sometimes felt so restrictive to show what I wanted, range of my attacks etc etc.

. Wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't anything memorable.
Now moved onto Persona 3 reloaded. I am still in the beginning part, and only explored to 22nd floor of Tartarus. It's good to have a full control over my party (unlike the FES that I played), with a lot of QoL improvements. Slick presentation is still there - but it still feels same as original P3, which is good thing, I guess? Hoping to blow this thru in next couple of months.