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What game are you currently playing?

Mr Hyde

Been pretty absorbed by Elex 2 the last week. Joined the Berserkers and doing quests for them while simultaneously trying to get into the Warlocks. The different factions I've discovered so far are fun. I really like the writing in this game. Most of the characters are super rude and cuss so much they would make a sailor blush, but it's done in such a funny way it almost comes off as a parody. I don't know if it's intentional or not, or it's supposed to be a serious tone, but it is so bizarre. Combine it with the multiple glitches and bugs you encounter and the dialogue exchange between characters can leave you in stitches.

The world building is also very fascinating. One of the best things in the game is exploring and picking up loot and stuff from the old world. Sometimes you come across recordings and notes people have left, making for interesting tidbits of lore, because most of the stuff is hilarious to read or listen to. Various npcs are scattered throughout the world that sometimes triggers Quest and even offers to help you in your own mission against the alien threat you are supposed to fight. And that is what I love about this game. It has so much freedom and player agency. You are dropped down into the world and you can go everywhere right from the get go and just make your own adventure.

Everything in this game is just so random put together, it shouldn't really work at all but in some fascinating way it does. You can fight with swords and axes, you can wield shotguns and crossbows, you can even throw fireballs and cast magic. It's like the developers just threw in every idea they had, turned it up to 11 and just ran with it. And it works. Even totally random stuff like the Billy Idol concert didn't feel out of place because nothing in Elex 2 makes any goddamn sense anyway so you just roll with it.

Easily one of the most interesting and fun games I've played in a long time.


Finished/completed all achievements on Persona 5 Tactica on Gamepass.
I actually enjoyed musho-style Strikers very much - so I was hoping this will give me some good story and all.. but kinda fell flat. I think whole storytelling with P5's characters feel quite repetitive. Glad that it wasn't dragging its feet and nice and short.

As per the tactical aspect - the most challenging part were some of the quests which requires to finish in a single turn. In the end, what became the most important for any of characters were their "range" on how far they can move than any other types of ability. Persona fusion is there, but very limited. Also many of abilities are basically useless - that you'd focus the most on triangular attacks at most of times. On top of that, the camera angle sometimes felt so restrictive to show what I wanted, range of my attacks etc etc. :(. Wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't anything memorable.

Now moved onto Persona 3 reloaded. I am still in the beginning part, and only explored to 22nd floor of Tartarus. It's good to have a full control over my party (unlike the FES that I played), with a lot of QoL improvements. Slick presentation is still there - but it still feels same as original P3, which is good thing, I guess? Hoping to blow this thru in next couple of months.
Been pretty absorbed by Elex 2 the last week. Joined the Berserkers and doing quests for them while simultaneously trying to get into the Warlocks. The different factions I've discovered so far are fun. I really like the writing in this game. Most of the characters are super rude and cuss so much they would make a sailor blush, but it's done in such a funny way it almost comes off as a parody. I don't know if it's intentional or not, or it's supposed to be a serious tone, but it is so bizarre. Combine it with the multiple glitches and bugs you encounter and the dialogue exchange between characters can leave you in stitches.

The world building is also very fascinating. One of the best things in the game is exploring and picking up loot and stuff from the old world. Sometimes you come across recordings and notes people have left, making for interesting tidbits of lore, because most of the stuff is hilarious to read or listen to. Various npcs are scattered throughout the world that sometimes triggers Quest and even offers to help you in your own mission against the alien threat you are supposed to fight. And that is what I love about this game. It has so much freedom and player agency. You are dropped down into the world and you can go everywhere right from the get go and just make your own adventure.

Everything in this game is just so random put together, it shouldn't really work at all but in some fascinating way it does. You can fight with swords and axes, you can wield shotguns and crossbows, you can even throw fireballs and cast magic. It's like the developers just threw in every idea they had, turned it up to 11 and just ran with it. And it works. Even totally random stuff like the Billy Idol concert didn't feel out of place because nothing in Elex 2 makes any goddamn sense anyway so you just roll with it.

Easily one of the most interesting and fun games I've played in a long time.
this is a unique, interesting observation. How are you liking it overall, how does it stack against other games in the genre?


this is a unique, interesting observation. How are you liking it overall, how does it stack against other games in the genre?
I really enjoyed my time with both Elex and its sequel. It is very much everything Mr Hyde Mr Hyde described - a weird game set in a weird world and it all really depends on your own tolerance to that kind of jank. I think Elex 2 does a few things better than 1 for the most part, but it shits the bed in the last stretch, imho. I specifically appreciated the way the game made me want to explore and find new places.


Finished El Paso Elsewhere - that game was absolutely wild. Characters and story were super dark and the music was absolutely insane that flowed with the hectic twitch shooting gameplay. I don't think I've blinked for the past couple hours.

When tracks like this hit you go into the zone whilst werewolves dive at you and you unload an entire Uzi clip into them.

Games like this make me feel good. There is so much creativity in gaming.
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New season of Forza Horizon 5 with retro neon signs and synthwave music. I am going to get myself a Delorean this season!


I'll be done with Future Redeemed in the next week. Was debating between the Paper Mario TTYD remaster (I've never played the original) or Unicorn Overlord for Switch (currently on sale). Help me GAF! What do I play next?
Basically how I felt about the Steam version of Tales of Symphonia.
I felt the same way until I tried Symphonia on GameCube. I thought, "no big deal" with the remaster. However, the 60fps is a significant improvement. Even the overworld, where I thought it would matter least, feels immensely better. I quit my remaster 16 hours in and restarted on GC.
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Started Steelrising thanks to the generosity of NeoGAF's own /midn1ght. Really dig the environment and combat but it's also frustrating with slowdowns/jank that occurs often on the steamdeck. Reviews all recommend Lies of P instead, so finally got it last week, and absolutely loving it so far. Combat is chef's kiss- kind of like a Sekiro mixed with Bloodborne.

Mr Hyde

Played a couple of hours of Enotria: The last song. Interesting Souls-like from Italy of all places. Has a rather cool mechanic in that you can equip different load outs where you equip masks (which is basically armor sets) and gain different perks. You can equip up to three load outs and switch on the fly. You can also equip mask lines, which are different abilities (such as summoning a cross bow or a spear). All of this makes for insanely varied gameplay if the developers deliver on their talks about being hundreds of masks in the game (apparently you could make 15 million builds or whatever).

Cons are it's an unoptimized mess. Framerates is all over the place in performance mode. Enemies so far is pretty bland and you are bombarded with an array of items, equipment and tools which is confusing now in the beginning at least. Maybe they packed too much just in the demo to showcase stuff, but it would be nice if it was more spaced out. They basically throw you weapons and mask lines, items and power ups just in the first hour.

Other pros is nice art direction on environments. It's not AAA or anything, but I like the vibe so far. Parrying is very satisfying too with nice animations on visceral attacks. Promising start so far. I like it.
I started Turok 1 (PC port) and only played an hour because it made my head kind of hurt. I'll just play it in bits I guess. I haven't played an FPS since Halo 1 in '05 😆

I have two stages left in Peggle after my 40+ hour "speed run" of it but one objective is score 750k points on a single stage and I've never even gotten much past 400k so... I'll probably start Peggle Nights soon. I'll look at youtube to see how to do it someday maybe...

Paper Mario TTYD. The 30 FPS doesn't bother me at all so far. I honestly wouldn't even know it was 30 FPS if it wasn't for the people complaining about it.

I was looking at youtube reviews earlier trying to look for an obviously low frame rate and couldn't even tell.
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I felt the same way until I tried Symphonia on GameCube. I thought, "no big deal" with the remaster. However, the 60fps is a significant improvement. Even the overworld, where I thought it would matter least, feels immensely better. I quit my remaster 16 hours in and restarted on GC.

FPS makes a big difference in those games. I remember uncapping Zestiria and wondering at how gorgeous so many of the battle animations are at 60fps. It was night vs day.

Mr Hyde

Killed the second boss and finished the demo of Enotria. It was a meaty demo. Unsure what I think about it. It has some neat ideas but it's very derivative of From Softwares work, mainly Bloodborne and Sekiro. Strong focus on parrying and building up enemy's posture so you can break them and get a visceral. Dodging is similar to BB, with a fast dodging "teledash" move where you zip around the enemy attack. The idea of changing load out was more fun in theory than practice. I only stuck to one loadout in the end. Maybe it's more fun when you are upgraded and have more weapons and tools.

Absolutely no story from what I played. Only a tiny amount of dialogue and lore tidbits from weapons and items, and most of it was gibberish. The art direction is nice but not great. You go through a beach area, a small town and a spooky cemetery/forest/ weirdo area. Two bosses who were kinda pushovers once you learn their patterns. Two attempts on the first, 7-8 on the second.

Huge performance issues. Framerates is bad and dips constantly in performance mode. Crashed one time. Camera is sometimes not cooperating when fighting and cause frustration. Devs need to tweak some balancing issues too.

Overall, it was okay. It wasn't a waste of time. It's fun if you like Souls-like. Not sure if I'm going to pursue this. Competition is fierce in this genre and Lords of the Fallen and Lies of P looks much much better. Maybe at half price.
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Been playing Eiyuden Chronicles Rising this couple of days, games pretty fun and the town upgrade mechanics makes the grinding worth. Story is charming, very PS2 like vibe. I cant wait to play the main game soon


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Spent 6 hours playing Dungeon Siege non-stop.

Game's great, even more so than I remembered. Starts off a bit slow and it gives the impression of being a poor-man's Diablo, but once you get yourself a party of 4 or 5 (or 8!) members things become more hectic and fun.

Also, the music composed by Jeremy Soule is a treat.
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Mostly doing WWE 2K23 (XSX), grinding the final online achievement so I don't have to worry once they shut down the server. I'm at 88/100 wins, gonna get it done by the end of the weekend. Once that's over, back to Stellar Blade (PS5) I go!

Mr Hyde

this is a unique, interesting observation. How are you liking it overall, how does it stack against other games in the genre?

I'm liking it very much. But compared to other games in the genre, if you look at Elex 2 objectively, it's a bad game. It is at least one, maybe two generations behind in graphics, animations, voice acting etc. It doesn't hold a candle to the giants in the genre, the Witchers, the Elden Rings, Horizons or the Breath of the Wilds. But it do have a lot of heart and care put into it, which goes a long way when you're not having the budget or skill to elevate your game. It's fun to play and engaging, and for me that goes a long way. I can gloss over a lot of flaws in a game if it's actually really fun to play. And Elex 2 is a blast to play, imo. I'd say it's more akin to Bethesda jank than anything else. It's sort of like a post apocalyptic variant of Skyrim. Or maybe it's closer to Fallout given the aesthetics, but I haven't played Fallout so can't really tell. But that's the closest comparison to high profile games I can make.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Started Hauntii on Xbox on Gamepass. These indie studios are cranking out amazing work recently - they have basically made Mario odyssey and it is superb. Art style is incredible.
Dang, that is a hell of an endorsement. I was already interested but now I'm all over this, this weekend.



Currently playing through Yoshi's Island. I don't normally revisit old games from the past too often. This may sound harsh but I revisited Super Mario World last year and when I take away the nostalgia, I wasn't having much fun with it anymore. But Yoshi's Island holds up really well and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did SMW.

Also started up Red Matter on PSVR2 last night and really enjoyed what I played. I know it's a short game so I'll go finish it up within the next hour or so.
Finished Dino Crisis 2.

Man, my memory has failed me big time on this one. I mean, love the old Capcom RE style games as much as the next one but this one is just not good at all. The combat is trash, it’s super linear and short and the story is well… it’s there and only at the very end actually something is happening. And every single of the shooting sections was horrible and seemed like more intended for a lightgun shooter. Overall MUCH worse than part 1. They prolly tried to make it even more different to RE with part 2 but man…. That was not good.


Don't get to play much these days:

Trying to do an hour of Hellblade 2 a day so I have around 5 hours in that. Safe to say, it is my GOTY so far

Played Immortals of Aveum a bit after the latest patch. It really sucks it doesn't have any gamma/brightness controls, because the game is just overly bright to the point where it looks terrible.

Hauntii - looks pretty cool so far. it is a very indie looking exploration twin-stick shooter/adventure game where you control a ghost that can haunt all kinds of objects to solve puzzles, give you health etc. Very solid first impression.
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Just completed Immortals of Aveum. It was a nice experience. I wasn't a big fan of the story, but combat, Metroidvania-styled design and general flow of the game were a very positive surprise

I also got back to ACIV: Black Flag. Still my favorite AC game, Edward is such a great character


Plague Tale: Innocence. I'm on Ch. 9, a little over halfway through. I picked the game because I am trying out shorter games lately, and I like the historical setting (Middle Ages).

Normally, I don't like stealth games, but this one is holding my interest so far. The developers mixed it up pretty well with the new locations, mechanics, and characters. I like the dialog between the characters. It's not overdone or cheesy.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Started up Jedi Survivor. Its pretty cool. This intro level is a cyberpunk dream level. Love how you cant even see the sky because of the layers of mechanization.
Finished Dino Crisis 2.

Man, my memory has failed me big time on this one. I mean, love the old Capcom RE style games as much as the next one but this one is just not good at all. The combat is trash, it’s super linear and short and the story is well… it’s there and only at the very end actually something is happening. And every single of the shooting sections was horrible and seemed like more intended for a lightgun shooter. Overall MUCH worse than part 1. They prolly tried to make it even more different to RE with part 2 but man…. That was not good.
I booted the game up today and I strongly disagree with you. Dino Crisis 2 is linear and short, but the combat has aged like fine wine. The strike enemy to down them and shoot them to kill is awesome. Even better is the auto-aim that can select an enemy directly behind the player and shoot in the blink of an eye and switch targets on the fly. The turret sections are a fun and easy way to earn extinction points for buying new equipment. I like the second game more than the first as it keeps things interesting and feels like its own game instead of a lesser Resident Evil. Only thing I really lament is the lack of a quick 180 turn.

I'm now an hour or two into Dino Crisis 2 and.... I don't really dig it...

Bit surprised myself as I kinda remenber liking it quite a lot. The combat is just super frustrating. The spawning raptors are ass and it's very irritating when you are trying to shoot some you don't see, walk a bit towards them to not loose the combo, then switch camera angle, new raptors spawn and attack you. And you have this shit even in small rooms. What the hell? And then actually managing to attack the Allosaurus sideways... with those controls.... Don't even want to mention the Pteradons, which you mostly don't even see.

My impression might change as I go on but man, at the time being this is just frustrating.
You are not really meant to mow down entire waves of dinos, but instead take out any that are an immediate threat and keep moving. There are some really tight areas that make comboing the common varieties for extinction points real easy though. When in doubt you can usually use your melee sub weapon to create breathing room. The note about the Allosaurus states that it may be difficult to get to its side so a powerful weapon is needed. There is an energy cannon that can be bought at the terminals that can take it out. The Pteradons are nightmare fuel though. Better to keep moving in zig zag patterns and avoid confrontation. Honestly, the movement controls put many PS2 era titles to shame with how responsive and fast they are. I think you are being way too harsh.


I played Lies of P on release, but dropped it at Puppet King that time. Two weeks ago I decided to give it another chance and finished it this time. My opinion of the game become slightly better, but I still think that this is very average game, 6.5/10.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Finished Banishers after some 60 hours, did pretty much everything. Liked it but it can become quite repetitive when you focus on all the side activities.

Decided to pick up Cyberpunk and finally start PL. Dogtown really looks the part and Im liking it but the gameplay still feels mediocre imo. Sure you got new moves but the enemy AI is still dumb as shit. Car combat? Still a joke. Gigs start off promising but always end up the same. Once Im done, Ill delete it and never look back.

Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
Picked up Starfield for half price.
It has to have one of the dullest openings I've ever witnessed.
Definitely (so far) one of the greyest games I've ever played. I thought I'd travelled back in time to around 2005 when muted palettes were in vogue.
Divinity original sin 2. Simply incredible. Well over 100 hours into it and I've only just left Fort joy.
Street fighter 6. World tour is desperately dull, and the dialogue insultingly basic, but grinding levels is kind of fun.
Improving online too. Platinum rank is pretty good for me.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Jedi Survivor day 2. Some of the cutscenes and story elements are pretty bad. Navigation can be confusing but the open areas are interesting.

I wasnt really expecting it to look this good graphically. Not necessarily the humans because they look a bit rough, but the environments look fantastic. Definitely a next gen game. Way past anything I saw in FFXVI in terms of geometry complexity. Not Hellblade 2 level obviously but a impressive game in certain areas.
Just started Warhammer Boltgun. Two levels done, great fun so far, I just hope there won't be too much of those "hit random walls with your action key until something opens" secrets, I always hated those in the old shooters.


Ghost of Tshushima

My DS4 controller broke so had to play with Keyboard and Mouse. The game is way better than I thought.
I still not able to get the combat. The Parry is just way too quick.


Just got done with a replay of FFVII Remake followed by Rebirth.

Holy million mini-games Batman! Rebirth could’ve done without 95% of those damned mini games! Its completely my fault I’m burnt out of FFVII for the moment, damn my OCD.

Now I’m off to Stellar Ass…. errr Blade😏
So I'm waiting for Paper Mario TTYD, but while doing so I decided to play The Last Guardian since I've put it off for a really long time. Shadow of the Colossus is one of my favorite games of all time, and I had loved Ico way back in the day. TLG is... complicated. Relentlessly frustrating, but I love Trico and it's really impressive what Ueda and team were able to do. The controls and camera are definitely a major step down from SotC though.


I'd posted before that I started Destiny 2 on my PS5 for the first time and I was absolutely loving it, it reignited my love for games but and this is a big but, I just can't continue.
Now I'm further into it, I've just realised how they hide exotic weapon and armour ornaments behind the currency silver which will cost real money and guess what? The nicer looking version of the exotic is hidden behind the ornaments.
Also the emotes, finishers, etc. all hidden behind silver.
Fuck that! I'm deleting this and waiting for Elden Ring expansion.
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