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What game are you currently playing?

Mr Hyde

Took a small break from Xenoblade Chronicles and paid a month online subscription to play Kid Icarus. Finished it at around 2 hours and thought to myself: Fucking Nintendo and their goddamn nostalgia. At least they have a NG+ mode for Zelda 2, maybe that will bring out some value for the rest of the month.
Throwing in the towel on the Xcom2 expansion, the ps4 version is a goddamn travesty with how badly it performs. Slideshow framerates, frequent crashing, and insane load times killed it for me. Bummer too, cause the expansion and it's enhancements were great.
I'll come back to it on PC when I catch it on sale, but it'll be a while. I don't have the heart to slog through another 20+ hours to get back to where I'm at just yet.


Neo Member
Really having a lot of fun with Baba Is You on Nintendo Switch. It's a logic puzzle game where you can change the rules of the puzzle by changing operators within the puzzle. There are over 200 levels and the game gives you access to plenty of them at a time, so you don't get frustrated feeling stuck on one level. Absolutely worth the $15 asking price on the Nintendo eShop.
I bought Forza Horizon 4 on PC at the weekend and have been having a blast with it so far. Nice, short, arcadey racing is right up my street, no pun intended.

Come Friday, I'll be head first into Sekiro. Somehow managed to avoid nearly all related media, bar the announcement trailer.


I JUST completed for the first time in my life, without faqs or walk-through, super Metroid ( 66% items, around 8 hours). What a masterpiece!!

I'm starting Earthbound now
I JUST completed for the first time in my life, without faqs or walk-through, super Metroid ( 66% items, around 8 hours). What a masterpiece!!

I'm starting Earthbound now
Seems like you're on quite the retro kick. Keep it up! Super Metroid and Earthbound are both legendary.

Are you focusing on SNES stuff in particular, or was there another reason for playing these specific games?


Seems like you're on quite the retro kick. Keep it up! Super Metroid and Earthbound are both legendary.

Are you focusing on SNES stuff in particular, or was there another reason for playing these specific games?

I bought a Snes classic because, as a kid in rural Italy, I only had a C64 and later an Amiga so I missed all 8 and 16 bit consoles.
Actually the first thing I did with the snes classic was to install Hackchi and fill it with games from all retro console, like nes, PCengine, megadrive, ecc
It's almost a Frankenstein monster my little snes classic!
But I'm having a blast. I have literally hundreds of great games to discover for the very first time in my life


The Tribe Has Spoken
I bought a Snes classic because, as a kid in rural Italy, I only had a C64 and later an Amiga so I missed all 8 and 16 bit consoles.
Actually the first thing I did with the snes classic was to install Hackchi and fill it with games from all retro console, like nes, PCengine, megadrive, ecc
It's almost a Frankenstein monster my little snes classic!
But I'm having a blast. I have literally hundreds of great games to discover for the very first time in my life
I’ve been doing the same with my NES Classic lately. Also NES games on Switch and Gameboy games on 3DS. I’m on a real retro kick. That 52 games/1 year thread is really encouraging me to finally finish old games on my pile of shame.

What part of rural Italy do you hail from?
I bought a Snes classic because, as a kid in rural Italy, I only had a C64 and later an Amiga so I missed all 8 and 16 bit consoles.
Actually the first thing I did with the snes classic was to install Hackchi and fill it with games from all retro console, like nes, PCengine, megadrive, ecc
It's almost a Frankenstein monster my little snes classic!
But I'm having a blast. I have literally hundreds of great games to discover for the very first time in my life
Nice. We have a lot of RetroGAFers, so be sure to continue posting impressions, asking for recommendations in various threads, etc.

We'll keep you on the straight and narrow.


50% trophies on DMC5 , bought Division 2 today and just jammed it in my PlayStation disk hole...
Have Sekiro paid off too.


People-hate-your-city-for-random-reason's Caesar III.

I started replaying that games 2 years ago until I arrived to the "barbarians" scenario where you have to "civilize them" so they dont attack randomly your city, and then I remembered what a PITA was that scenario 20 years ago so I stopped there and played Cultures instead,
I am enjoying The Division 2 and Lord of the Rings Online (on one of the “Legendary” servers). Really great games and highly recommend both of them. I never got a chance to play LOTRO back in the day so the Legendary server has given me a chance to play with people in the same position as me so lots of activity in the low level zones. I just completed the intro quests as a Dwarf Champion (just in case there’s a difference) and it was really epic.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Just finished Batman for NES....wtf man? That shit got real hard in the later levels. End boss was ridiculous.

Mr Hyde

Been playing a lot of Civilization VI on the Switch at work. I needed a game that I could enjoy myself with during the downtime at work when I´m not really doing anything and found that Civ was a perfect choice. I am not big on strategy games, and I have never played Civ before, so naturally it was a steep learning curve the first few hours. The tutorial was necessary but after one third of it I dropped it and created my own game.

I´m now 103 turns in of 500 and to see your civilization grow is pretty neat. The implementation of touch control is something I really want more of in Switch-games. I haven´t the slightest idea of how to manage citys let alone construct them, so I just go all out now in the beginning trying to learn the mechanics. But it is fun and somewhat addicting and I love to see all the wonders and buildings come alive at the screen. The only thing I´m worried about is other civilization picking a fight with me and siege my empire. I´m building walls and encampment and shit so I can protect myself but I´m a peaceful guy who don´t want any trouble at my door so hopefully I can befriend them instead of pissing them off. And then when we are all cuddly and having a laugh at ourselves and our progress, I can crush them from behind.

Other than that it´s Xenoblade Chronicles and Warframe that´s in constant rotation. And it´s really fucking hard to not go and buy Sekiro after seeing the glowing response of it. I´m not shocked at all that the game is being legit but I wanted to hold out a couple of months before sealing the deal in order to finish some of my backlog. I don´t like playing too many games at once.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
theHunter: Call of the Wild

I don't really know why, just wanted to try something different. It's a decently fun game, even though I know nothing about hunting, nor do I desire to ever actually hunt. Lots of crap to collect, and the hunting is actually super challenging at times. The down side is that sometimes I am just wandering around for long stretches of time without ever getting a clean shot at or even seeing anything. I imagine that is how real hunting goes as well, and this game leans heavy towards sim.
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Im also on the retro kick but with PSX games from my backlog, that for some reason never played. After finishing Xenogears, I started Klonoa for a change of pace. what a lovely game, it reminds me of Yoshi on its mechanics, definitely they took inspiration on it. Has a very sad moment
when the grampa dies :(
Now Im on the last level where suddenly the diffculty was doubled or tripled xD
Next in line is FFIX or FFTactics as I said on a thread I posted recently, havent decided yet.
I'm also feeling the urge to go back to OOT its been a very long time since I played it I think since the Master Quest edition on the GC.


I figured I should play through more of Bloodborne before I buy Sekiro. It's been so long I ended up playing for 5 hours not remembering you can regain health with blood vials ;)

Sadly I didn't get gud, just died a lot but it did motivate me to check out technique videos on youtube.


Gold Member
i had to make a spreadsheet to keep track of games. it's getting out of hand.



GREEN = bought not played
YELLOW = played not finished. will go back to it.
GREY = finished but will replay


ORANGE = playing but the game can be finished and/or it lacks replayability.
PURPLE = i can put as much time into these games as i want. they can't be finished.


BLUE = game has released but I haven't bought it yet
RED = game has not been released yet but i want to buy it.

Dr. Claus

i had to make a spreadsheet to keep track of games. it's getting out of hand.



GREEN = bought not played
YELLOW = played not finished. will go back to it.
GREY = finished but will replay


ORANGE = playing but the game can be finished and/or it lacks replayability.
PURPLE = i can put as much time into these games as i want. they can't be finished.


BLUE = game has released but I haven't bought it yet
RED = game has not been released yet but i want to buy it.

Have you tried Backloggery for your backlog?


Gold Member
Ah. It is a site that you can list all your games and what you are currently playing, what you have on your wishlist, what you have beaten, completed, etc. Pretty cool site for those with large game collections.

https://backloggery.com/captponyholder As an example.
cool, thanks! i'll look into it.

i just have so many things i want to play/watch/read that it was becoming too hard to keep track of in my mind so that's why i made a spreadsheet lol.

Mr Hyde

Caved and bought Sekiro and after spending a couple of hours with it I can say I should have waited. The parrying gets real old real fast, especially during the boss fights which are beyond tedious with endless back and forth raising ones posture so you can get the deathblow. The setting is boring, checking off all the usual feudal Japanese locations that´s been in every single game about samurais and shinobis. It feels unoriginal and done to death. All the enemies look nearly the same, kinda like Nioh, with simple skins telling them apart and the occasional weird monster that looks about as uninspiring as something from a PG-13 horror flick (chained ogre, really?) and the story is so far uninteresting and cliched. It has a few instances where the gameplay does excel and the combat feels fun but those are far and few between. The death mechanic is annoying and hasn´t really added anything except you get a new turn if you die.

So far the game has been 100% linear, with no compelling exploration, no fun items, no weapons and the two prosthetics I found so far are useless and not worth using except in one or two instances. There is no customization, nothing. The healing items are ludicrously sparse, only found three and they are usually empty when the second phase of the boss begins, mostly because they hit like a fucking truck. Two or three strikes and your done. And the fucking parrying makes my hands cramp after a while. I haven´t gotten far, only at that Gouzu Demon or whatever his name is, so things can change, but the game is so barebones it´s ridiculous. The grappling is the only fun part so far. The sneaking is shallow, the killing is repetitive, no fun grind, nothing to go back to and explore. And now I´m stuck between two bosses with no items, trying to figure out how to kill them.

I appreciate Miyazaki trying different things and not be stuck in the same old song and dance, creating new gameplay systems that he can apply to his Souls-formula, but as things are right now, I feel Sekiro is not for me. It might get better, I very much hope so, but the first five hours has been incredibly disappointing when I compare to his past work. I hope Sekiro delivers in the end, Miyazakis games can take some time to evolve and show their true face, so fingers crossed for a more enjoyable trip going forward.

Mr Hyde

Played some more Sekiro and have been progressing nicely. The game has been growing on me the last couple of hours. The level design has really opened up, with branching paths and multiple ways of dealing with your enemies. I have found new upgrade paths, one that was right in front of my eyes, which has made the combat a wee bit easier. Took down that pesky horse riding boss like a champ and pretty much everything has been far more positive now. Guess I also was a bit salty yesterday getting my ass kicked by two bosses.

It´s very different from Souls and BB. I appreciate Miyazaki for distancing himself so much as he does with every new IP. It shows his strength as a director and it also makes for compelling and exciting new gameplay for us players to embrace. From Software has definitely showed that they are the best when they are making new IPs, although their DS-sequels ain´t nothing to scoff at.

The combat in Sekiro is a bit of a double edged sword for me. Sometimes it´s very fast and fun and since I consider myself a parry master in Souls and BB this should be right up my alley. And it is for the most parts. When blades clashes and you get that perfect parry that exhaust the enemy and bends over for a deathblow, it makes my heart pumping with tons of adrenaline. But when you meet tougher opponents or bosses the parrying and sword clashes back and forth can become quite cumbersome and, frankly, a bit boring. The bosses have been a lot fun though, for most of the time. The chained ogre is the only one so far that made my eyes roll a little.

The gameplay in general is a lot fun and that is in part thanks to the grappling hook. It is so much fun to swing around roof tops and preying on your enemies. You can take em down by sneaking up from behind or come crashing down from above. The verticality is insane, much better than in the Souls-series, and jumping around the buildings is a lot fun. I also enjoy the frequent and frantic mix between combat and exploration, with mere seconds going from backstabbing and sword parrying to flying away with your grappling hook to a new area. It flows like water, like the Shinobi says.

The difficulty is a somewhat mixed bag. I won´t deny that I´ve been dying a lot, but considering all things this is a bit on the easy side. The bosses have been the hardest part of the game but even they have only taken a couple of tries so far (except that horseriding fuckface that wrecked me yesterday, but I blame it on me not upgrading to the correct moves for the fight). Sekiro is also far more accessible than anything From has made in the past, I´ll say that much. Nothing wrong with that, I think they have captured a perfect blend of the classic non hold handing that we´ve grown accustomed to but the game explains much more about various techniques and gameplay mechanics.

EDIT: I´ve also found a secret boss (or enemy) but he annihilated me faster than a speeding bullet. This is probably what I wish for most of all in Sekiro. To uncover all the weird shit that From puts in their games. It´s like half the fun.
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I've never really played a character action game and never really played a From game either (tried an hour or so of Bloodborne, had no idea what was going on, couldn't get to even the first boss and gave up).

This game is so much fucking fun and I'm so glad I tried it. Sure it's quite tough but it always seems fair and thanks to decent tutorials I actually have an idea what is going on. Really glad I tried it.


Still playing FF15 and I realised that you can literally play the game just only for the submission alone.
I am level 52 and I am still only in Chapter 5. Way overpowered!!!
Also the crossover missions are hit or miss sadly...


Klonoa 1 is kicking my ass in world 6-2 tge difficulty just suddenly raised so much.

And i got in an impulsive buy, Yakuza Kiwami 1. I love it, always wanted get into the series but never got the opportunity. Brings me back so many memories when I went to Japan and was studying japanese.


Wrapping up AC: Odyssey. Sweeping every location in the world. The game delivered in spades.

Trying out some similar games to see if they hold up: Shadow of War is fucking terrible, installing DA:I right now.
Picked up Heroes of the Storm again. It's one of these games that don't bait me with xp bars, quests or anything. I just play it for fun. I miss that sort of game often these days.


The Tribe Has Spoken
- 1942 (NES)
- Adventures of Lolo (NES)
- The Flintstones: Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (NES)
- Kung Fu (NES)
- Ninja Gaiden II (NES)
- Picross S2 (Switch)
- Shatterhand (NES)


Gold Member
Getting towards the end of my first playthrough of Bloodborne so I've diverted to The Old Hunter's DLC. Just beat Lady Maria...what a damn good fight. The bosses so far don't screw around in this content.
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Some DKCR and Mario Sluggers on the Wii, in addition to the usual DOJ.

I only got halfway between DKCR and I'm not getting much further now. These games are tough, but it makes them all the more rewarding. I can play through one or two stages, call it quits, and still feel satiated. This is rare when platformers are concerned.

Mario Sluggers continues to impress. My youngest has taken to it and it is simple enough to more-or-less waggle your way through on the lower difficulties. However, if you wish to take the game seriously, all the layers of team composition, timing your swing to control the direction the ball flies, pitch control, and fielding are all handled wonderfully.

I also love the stages with various hazards: Last inning and tie game at 2-2., Yoshi park. First and third base are full. Bowser is up to the plate. I hit a big pop-fly at the last inning. Diddy Kong is standing against the backstop and looks to catch it. But what's this?

Choo choo!


He gets run over -- twice! -- and the ball lands without a catch. I easily run home and win the game.

Mr Hyde

Seriously, From has absolutely nailed the gameplay in Sekiro. The combat is so fast and fluid it just makes me wanna scream out in joy over how fucking good it feels when I zipping through roof tops throwing shurikens all around. The swift parrying and how a fight can turn around in mere seconds makes you feel cool and confident. Just now I met a mini-boss, a ninja who wrecked my shit a couple of times leaving me wondering if I should just give up and take him on another time. But no, I go at it one last time and just completely dominate, parrying him and breaking his posture, blinding him with crackers and combat art him in to oblivion. Didn´t even use a resurrection. Omg, the fucking adrenaline rush in the last seconds when he who goes ballistic with his flying kicks, who are so fast even the camera can´t keep up, and I evade one kick and then block the second, draining his posture and gives me that sweet deathblow. What a great feeling.

I have found multiple paths now, after getting kind of confused to where to go, and now I have three mini-bosses and two areas to explore. One boss seems impossible now, he throws around some blue magic skulls that inflicts me with terror, kinda like frenzy in Bloodborne, and he just sucks dick all around. I believe there is some trick to it, since almost all the bosses in Sekiro have some sort of weakness or gimmick that you can use to build up posture faster. Just gotta find that sweet spot and destroy that son of a bitch.

It´s also refreshing to see how complete Sekiro feels as a game. It runs really well with next to no framedrops, the loading times are minimal, no bugs or other glitches that ruin the experience. Souls and Bloodborne have been somewhat technical messes upon launch but Sekiro feels finished from the get go. I complained that it feels barebones in terms of content, but I don´t see it that way any longer. Sure there are no weapons or armor, but everything else in the game is just ace. Cool prosthetics, with multiple upgrade paths, shinobi techniques, health upgrades and a lot more is good for character customization. Not as good as Souls but that was never the intent anyway. And the game itself is huge. Wide open level design, multiple paths, a good variety of enemies and bosses, it almost feels cramped with how much there is to explore here.


Division 1. Im literally too poor to buy Division 2 right now. Having to sit and listen to friends gush about the improvements


Neo Member
Finished playing A Way Out last night with a good friend, enjoyed the twist. It was short but sweet so rented it on GameFly for the weekend. Hoping to get Sekiro next in the queue, but Low Availability means I'll probably be waiting until next month for it.

In the mean time, I've been having a lot of fun with Switch indies like Baba Is You, Thea: The Awakening, and Tangledeep.
  • Tangledeep: A true roguelike experience for Nintendo Switch. The Adventurer's Mode makes it play more like a tactical RPG if permadeath isn't for you. It's worth checking out if you like tactics games and old 16-bit RPGs like Secret of Mana (game features songs from the composer).

  • Thea: The Awakening: I was pleasantly surprised by the mixture of gameplay mechanics in Thea. You manage a group of villagers trying to rebuild civilization after an apocalyptic event. Players can choose one of several gods to lead the village. The map and exploration is straight from 4X games, while events that happen feel inspired by cRPGs and games like FTL. Combat and other events are handled with card-based combat strategy. It's a hard mix to describe but very fun to play. You'll get very attached to your villagers.

  • Baba Is You: This logic puzzler has kept me busy since it released on March 17th. Using simple operators like IS, ARE, HAS, PUSH, and PULL players can change the win conditions of a puzzle. There are over 200 different puzzles to play through and they are arranged in different worlds, so if you get stuck on one it's not too frustrating and you can move on.
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