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What game are you currently playing?


The nicest person on this forum
Bloodborne is so incredible. Like, so, so incredible.

I'm playing Dark Souls for the first time, and I can confidently say that Bloodborne is way easier.
I usually hear other way around from people who played Dark Souls and playing Bloodborne for first time. I think it’s matter of getting used to the combat, if you are coming from Bloodborne then you will find out in Dark Souls that your character is not as agile as Bloodborne.

Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (Xbox One X) - enjoying it :messenger_relieved:


Gold Member

AC-Odyssey: Just finished the main story and am going to go back an do the optional content like the arena's and mercenaries. Origins is by far the superior game of the two and I'd recommend it more than this if you're looking for an AC game. It's worth playing through. The exaggerations of side quests, grinding are a bit overplayed. There were probably two 'walls' I came across. The first was a story quest where I needed 17,000 Drachmae to progress. I was given 3 side quests which netted 2,000 each and already had amassed 9,000 through the story. I purchased a few ship upgrades at this point, not realising they consumed cash as well as materials so went down to 10,000 in total. I went to a blacksmith and sold all the trinkets I'd looted and they were worth 20,000 alone so it didn't block me at all. The second was towards the end of the story, I was level 38 and the next mainline quest was level 41. So I had to go do a few sidequests.

Solid game, very beautiful at times, still not a fan of the sailing in AC. Considering the game is island based, there isn't too much sailing. You can unlock a fast travel point then just use that in the future. Then if you need your boat back, just go to the port and call it. Alexios was an awful voice character, can't speak for Kassandra. I do feel just because you could select Kassandra, this got an extra point or so in the reviews because Origins is just massively better. I think the assassin RPG level could be better. If you don't invest well, you'll struggle to one shot enemies your own level, never mind captains, elites and ptolemarchs. The loading screens are really annoying, they sometimes appear just between dialogue branches. Can tell Ubi have some work to do in optimising the segue into gameplay here.

Spider-Man: Just on the final story mission. Game has been OK - some of the climbing mechanics are trying, getting stuck on stuff jutting out etc. When I first opened it and saw all the collectibles, side missions, tasks, puzzles and hideouts I was blown away. The garish nature looked like a mobile game. The actual art style is very good and the textures are amazing. It's like Arkham-lite meets Infamous 2. Not sure if I'll go back and do the extra side content to be honest. The stealth sections with Miles and MJ aren't actually bad. At least you have some agency in them using the stun gun or the hacking tool. The story is boring and I skipped a lot of cinematics. If you enjoyed the Arkham and Infamous games a lot then maybe this is your bag. If you have other games with your eye on, I wouldn't say this is compelling enough to go out and buy though it is a solid game. It feels very much like a game you've already played in a different spidey suit. For me personally, in hindsight I probably would have chosen to sink my teeth into a different type of game.

Forza Horizon 4: Not long started this. Game is gorgeous. I'm not a fan of the rally handling at all though. I think I still prefer the circuit racing of GT:S rather than the open world nature of Forza. Only just made it into the first season so will update after a bit.


Castlevania Anniversary Collection - jumping from entry to entry at this point just geeking out over my favorite music tracks & stuff. was gonna try to make it through CV1 this weekend but that game is damn hard (and i love Sekiro lol) so i'll probably do a leisurely playthrough of Simon's Quest.

Tetris 99 - Always awesome. They have a new limited event with a Gameboy theme that makes an already great game more addictive. Tempted to buy the DLC but this alone is pure heroin. INTO MY VEINS!!!

Celeste - Had a major breakthrough last night, unlocked the multi color sparkly blocks you fly through, then got chased by a ton of duplicates. Bought this game due to hype and I never understood until now, it is a damn good platformer.

MGSV/Sekiro - Jumping in for NG++, achievements, FOB, etc.
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I decided to try the game "Baba Is You" yesterday.
It is ok...but damn it is difficult and confusing as hell. Not a game for me.


Actually ended up restarting Nioh which I hadn't played much of before I lost all my save data.

The opening segment is bloody terrible and not doesn't really reflect the rest of the game. What a baffling approach.

Game does seem way more interesting once you start getting the rest of the mechanics and getting into the skill tree. I'm not too into the map design or the rest of the rpg elements so I may or may not stick with it despite liking the core combat.


Just finished Final Fantasy 15 and the extra episodes on PS4. I enjoyed it, plan to do new game plus and take my sweet time later.

On PC I'm playing assassin's Creed origins, and taking my sweet time.

Xbox....playing nothing.

Handhelds... Radiant Historia and Dragon Quest 7...both I'm taking a break on.

Limiting myself to those, might play something on vita too.
Finishing up my first playthrough of System Shock 2. It's a good game (apart from the weapons breaking mechanic) but I think I enjoy Deus Ex more. The story and setting of System Shock 2 is more intriguing to me than its spiritual successor BioShock and that's just personal preference (deep space versus deep underwater, killer A.I. etc).
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I played about an hour of S. T. A. L. K. E. R: Shadow of Chernobyl for the first time today until I forgot to save, died and ended up two encounters back. You'd think I would have learnt my lesson after beating System Shock 2 last month but nooooo. I'll go again tomorrow after work. First thoughts= I like the atmosphere and voice acting.
I don't like= The camera sway when moving. Also, sometimes the dialogue will cut off prematurely and skip to the next sentence.

I'm excited to play more though.
I played about an hour of S. T. A. L. K. E. R: Shadow of Chernobyl for the first time today until I forgot to save, died and ended up two encounters back. You'd think I would have learnt my lesson after beating System Shock 2 last month but nooooo. I'll go again tomorrow after work. First thoughts= I like the atmosphere and voice acting.
I don't like= The camera sway when moving. Also, sometimes the dialogue will cut off prematurely and skip to the next sentence.

I'm excited to play more though.

To reduce the "head bob" effect (camera sway) open the console command in-game by pressing ~ and type "cam_inert 0.1". Press Enter, and the camera sway should be lessened.

Another way to reduce the camera sway is to have Zone Reclamation Project installed, if you haven't already, and open up the Modifier application located in your 'gamedata' folder. In the list, there's the "Head Bobbing - Part 1" line. Go there, and check either "Reduced head bobbing" or "No head bobbing". Click "Apply" and exit.

I didn't like the excessive head bobbing either, first thing i did was to lessen it wen i first played Shadow of Chernobyl.
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Just a note to say having played Rage 2 (yet having a *lot* of issues with Beth, iD and Avalanche), if you love the *shooty* and have a rig that can run this game well, nothing recent comes close.

Most of us game in the hope of having some element of a game really please us. Rage 2 is a bag of really *bad* choices, but with a truly satisfying FPS experience. Challenging, thoughtful, and damned fun to experience.

The engine does run like a dog (relatively speaking) and thus you see it at its best when you can overpower it with hardware. Which on the PC may mean dropping a rez against your natural choice. But when the shooty is pretty much a 60FPS lock- wow, just wow.

Better than Doom 2016, cos the world of Rage puts the shooty in a more satisfying container. Minus the melee kills of Doom, but melee isn't really what you do in Rage.

Rage 2 is a game all fans of hardcore free-running chaos shooter should have on their list. At full price- no way. This is a brilliant B-list title, and at full price you'll see it wrongly. But think of what you would care to pay for a fantastic shooty experience, and wait for Rage 2 to hit that price point.

PS Shadows Die Twice- if the all jap setting put you off this game vs the Dark Souls, rethink. Unlike Rage 2, SDT is top to bottom amazing. And unlike Rage 2, SDT runs killer well *and* doesn't soften the image to heck. Indeed if Rage 2 had had SDT production qualities, then Beth would have had a monster hit- rather than a future budget fav with shooter fans.
To reduce the "head bob" effect (camera sway) open the console command in-game by pressing ~ and type "cam_inert 0.1". Press Enter, and the camera sway should be lessened.

Another way to reduce the camera sway is to have Zone Reclamation Project installed, if you haven't already, and open up the Modifier application located in your 'gamedata' folder. In the list, there's the "Head Bobbing - Part 1" line. Go there, and check either "Reduced head bobbing" or "No head bobbing". Click "Apply" and exit.

I didn't like the excessive head bobbing either, first thing i did was to lessen it wen i first played Shadow of Chernobyl.
Thank you very much, you've just made the game immensely more enjoyable for. Cheers 🍺


Persona 4 Golden. Enjoying it, but don’t see what the big deal is. If this were my first Persona game, I likely wouldn’t bother with another.


just started My time at Portia on ps4 but I think I'll wait for the soon to be released patch. I can't wait to spend hours in this game, I love stardew valley and rune factory, they are (with no man's sky) my games to relax with after a day of work.
Anyone here playing it? I searched for an OT but I couldn't find one
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Gold Member
just started My time at Portia on ps4 but I think I'll wait for the soon to be released patch. I can't wait to spend hours in this game, I love stardew valley and rune factory, they are (with no man's sky) my games to relax with after a day of work.
Anyone here playing it? I searched for an OT but I couldn't find one

Hey I've been on the fence about this. Stardew Valley was the best but it's pretty much done for me. I'd be really interested in what you think of this game!


after trying Rage 2 and not liking it for some reason i started playing Far Cry 5 instead from start again and enjoying it every second its just as crazy game if you start play with AI , NPC steal your cars NPC partner shoots fire arrows to enemies its goes way more crazy in there... and world is so rich and detailed, better then blurry rage 2 that iv seen


I'm playing Mortal Kombat 11 and Cuphead (both Switch). Really enjoying Cuphead, it's difficult but a fun type of difficult. Its kind of like Sonic in a way, since it's technically a short game but the real fun is replaying levels to get better scores and times, quite satisfying. Mortal Kombat 11 is my first non-Smash bros fighting game in years and i'm having lots of fun, seems to be a lot of content and the story mode was pretty good even though is my first time jumping in so I was missing some story elements. The Switch version is really good in my opinion (especially since a lot of my time with MK11 has been me laying down in bed) the one thing that bothers me about it is how bad the hair looks (in Handheld at least), most times it's very pixelated and distracting (this is coming from someone that doesn't care about graphics...) but thats about it, game runs well and is fun.


Hey I've been on the fence about this. Stardew Valley was the best but it's pretty much done for me. I'd be really interested in what you think of this game!
I have just a couple hours on the game. As I said, I love it but I'll wait for the patch because, according to reddit, the console version is still missing a lot of features from the pc versione. Seems like a nice game, much more crafting oriented than stardew valley, with a limited farming. Lots of dungeon crawling, fighting, etc, just like rune factory.


Tears of Nintendo
Thinking about playing it after I beat RAGE 2
Just keep yout expectations in check when it comes to gameplay. It's nothing special, a bit clunky at times, simple and linear, but youl'll get more tools and stuff to upgrade as the story progresses and to be honest, gameplay is just perfect for this type of game, you'll get just enough of it and at the same time you'll enjoy wonderfully written story, characters, dialogues, outstanding visuals, atmosphere, art, design, attention to detail and simply amazing soundtrack - just you wait till you get to this part of the game.
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Oh my goodness, Satisfactory is incredible. Played about 20 hours since I got it on Friday afternoon. Every time I build something I want to knock it down and make something better.


Pokemon GO
Pixel Puzzle


Picross S3
Capcom Beat 'em up Bundle

Also got Plague Tale but i'm waiting for a quiet weekend before starting it

Ulysses 31

a blurry stretched mess?
Why would 720p/1080p content be blurry when pixels can be duplicated to fit the 8K screen perfectly? Would be real bad marketing if 8K TVs couldn't upscale content well.

It has a much better gamemode than my previous 4K OLED TV. Color and brightness wise it's a tad below in non game mode.


Gold Member
Why would 720p/1080p content be blurry when pixels can be duplicated to fit the 8K screen perfectly? Would be real bad marketing if 8K TVs couldn't upscale content well.

It has a much better gamemode than my previous 4K OLED TV. Color and brightness wise it's a tad below in non game mode.
have you compared 720/1080p to 8K resolution?

blue - 720p
yellow - 1080p
red - 8k


no amount of upscaling will make up that extra amount of pixels. also the bolded word says it all. i'm glad you agree with me that games on an 8K screen look like a blurry stretched mess :)
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Ulysses 31

have you compared 720/1080p to 8K resolution?

blue - 720p
yellow - 1080p
red - 8k


no amount of upscaling will make up that extra amount of pixels. also the bolded word says it all.
That still doesn't mean it will be blurry or stretched. At worse more blocky if you sit real close to count the pixels.
I can't stop playing Hades, send help pls.

On the plus side, I think I've just about exhausted the content available on early access, just need to beat Theseus and the Minotaur.
Think I'm ready to go back to RDR2, and I've already started a character in Pathfinder.

Ulysses 31

uhm...yes it does :)

this is an image at 720p

this is an image stretched to 4320p (8K)

looks a lot worse doesn't it? because upscaling is just making information up to fill each pixel.
Your issue is more with the size of the screen, 480p/720p won't look as good as 1080p displayed on a 65" screen obviously. I doubt a 65" 720p TV would display the content any better.

For a more fair comparison your screenshots should be the same output size.

Here's shots of a scene upscaled to 4K from different sources:

720p --> 4K
1080p --> 4K
True 4K

You can say the first 2 shots aren't as sharp, but to call them blurry(as in you can't tell the edges of objects anymore) is a bit of a stretch IMO.

P.S. Stretched to me means that the aspect ratio is not maintained. >.>
Dark Souls 3. I have a huge backlog of games and as a dad I have to pick and choose my video gaming spots.

It’s fun if you like difficult games that won’t hold your hand.


Right now i don't have time to focus on any adventure games so i decided to go back and finish Braid. At first I tried to use my old save but the game is almost one long training level and i forgot most off the techniques. Thankfully i was able to get back to where i was quickly. Its such a well designed game. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.


Been on a bit of a gaming hiatus for the last month or so but saw the trailer for A Plague Tale: Innocence and had to get it

Very early in just completing the tutorial area but really digging it. The game looks utterly fantastic


It isn't open world, but that engine the developers are using deserves to see more use elsewhere.

Mr Hyde

Shakedown Hawaii

The humor is hilarious. The developers are going hard against loot boxes and day 1 patches and anyone who ridicules that is cool in my book. This game is so much fun. A top down GTA with Graphics reminiscent of the 16-bit era. The soundtrack is also very good, kinda reminds me of the good old 8o´s synth pop. A real gem with lots of funny humor and scenarios.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Broke down and bought Madden 19 for $9 in a sale. Started a Lions franchise. Digital Matt Patricia is the stuff of nightmares.


Monster Hunter World. Never played a Monster Hunter game before. Its way more fun and in depth then I expected. And the depth doesnt detract from the fun. Good for short or long play sessions, exciting and charming, sense of wonder.

The first time I saw 3 monsters fighting each other (just the other day) where a Monster wrapped itself around another then a dragon (rathian) shot both of them with a fireball from its mouth... One of those rare moments where gaming surprises you.

The only negative I can think of is how the controls feel sluggish. But it doesn't bother me much anymore/gotten used to it.


Gold Member
I'm proactively playing Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition on PC. This will be the second time playing through it. I owned it on launch (also had the lithograph GameStop gave for preorders). I had put it on the shelf after finishing it so many years ago. What's interesting is how well some aspects held up. The combat is satisfying, the enemy encounters aren't terrible, the boss battles are not bad, and some aspects of the world are pretty scary. I definitely feel the linear level design dragging on. I recently got RE4 and started to play that (played 2 hours). I remember that game very well and want to forget what I remember. It's like knowing the ending of a film and being able to recite line by line. I'll definitely go back to 4 once I finish 5 again.

I also started Front Mission on NDS. I like it. It's not as rounded as Front Mission 3, but the characters, dialogue, and Wanzer design are great. There's some great art.

Also started Bloodlines on the Castlevania collection. It's not a bad game. I wouldn't rank it as one of my favorites. I feel like the level design is good, but clunky.

I've had an urge to play DOOM and Quake II. I played through the first two episodes of DOOM. Definitely felt like a replay when hearing Sigil is about to come out. Also, ChexQuest is free to download.

I put down Days Gone for a bit. Mainly because Sekiro was an awesome experience. I've been playing MK11 here and there too. I've been in the mood for a lot of random stuff lately.


Gold Member
Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition on PC

Tried the first one but couldn't get into it. Tried 2 before the DE came out. When I realised the DE was releasing I stopped playing. I haven't had time so only just getting around to playing it now.

I'm just at the very start. I've landed at Fort Joy and have 2 party members with me. Just been wandering around the map trying to familiarise myself with the controls and ui.
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