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What game are you currently playing?

Brain Age and Daioujou, each and every day (okay, I miss some days and Dr. Kawashima scolds me).

I unlocked all the modes in Brain Age. Favorites are Calculations x20 and x100, Triangle Math, Head Count, Time Lapse, and Syllable Count. Since I enjoy sudoku, I do at least one puzzle when I boot up the game, too.

Daioujou practice is still a lot of fun, though I am trudging through a lot of high-level stuff that is challenging to practice, let alone pull off consistently in a run. Slow going. I'll get there.

The Banner Saga:
Love the graphic style and the Old Norse setting.
At higher difficulty the game becomes really complex, especially the fights in turn.
The story is intriguing and having the power of anyoccasion to give different developments to the storyline will bring you to replay it over and over again.
I highly recommend this!
I need to go through the Trilogy. I've only beaten the first episode/chapter.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu.

Grabbed it to play one handed while recovering from surgery on a torn biceps tendon last week. I’m really enjoying it and still playing it even though I was able to use my left hand and play regular games sooner than I expected.

Final Fantasy Adventure.

Bought the Collection of Mana after the Nintendo Direct and have played a bunch of this game the last couple days while having the Treehouse and other things in in the background. Enjoying it despite it being dated and a little clunky as a Gameboy gams. Loved it as a kid.

Borderlands The Presequel. Got the collection on PS+ and played it with some friends pre-surgery. We never got around to this despite loving BL. Will get back to playing with them soon.

Before that I played Nier Automata for the first time (got the best ending). It was ok. Story was overyhyped and I played a lot (after the first play through) on easy as I just don’t enjoy that type of gameplay much.

Also bounced off of Divinity Original Sin 2 as my first one handed game attempt. That will be my last CRPG attempt as I similarly bounced off of Baldur’s Gate enhanced, Neverwinter Nights enhances, and Pillars of Eternity in years past. I just don’t enjoy the complexity, combat or openness/uncertainty of what to do next in those games. I see the appeal for others, but I’m just old and out of patience and like easier, simpler, more linear, story-driven games these days.
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Pokemon sun. I've beaten it but I'm trying to complete the pokedex.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Haven't started it yet but I heard a lot of great things from it on gaf.


Got so many going, many replays- Rage 2, Cuphead, Days Gone, FF7, Nier: Automata, Bloodborne, Mana Collection, Contra Collection, Furi, Mark of the Ninja...

Going through a tough time so, if it isn't obvious, I'm practicing a bit of escapism:).


Sniper Elite V2 Remastered, sometimes on Xbox One X and sometimes on PC.
It looks absolutely sharp, but not much difference with the HDR.
Forza Horizon 4, most of the time on PC. Can't wait for the LEGO expansion.


I've been playing the shit out of Third Strike this week. Digging Remy even though I suck pretty bad. Trying to improve my charge partitioning.


I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn and Frozen Wilds. Incredible game. Gonna play Chocobo's Dungeon next. I played the originals on PS, so this will be a nice treat.


I'm on this and it's darn good!


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Trover Saves the Universe. Totally hilarious dialogues, and highly recommended for Rick & Morty fans even though the actual platforming isn't very spectacular.
Finally wrapped up Pokemon White 2. played without using items in battle.

my hands-on experience with the mainline pkmns are gens 1, 2, 3, but I was itching to play a pkmn after having not playe done in a long while.

something definitely felt off/different with the gameplay and the game design.

it felt like MUCH less of an adventure and severely lacking in puzzles/intensity. Felt like nothing was logically thought out and balanced. Felt waaaayyy too linear and simple. Just nothing was deep enough for me to want to care or know much more than....catch and fight. Cities etc. were unnecessarily big and empty. there didnt feel like enough NPC interaction and side quests that would bring you on tangent missions or areas.

HMs felt entirely useless and just roster slot occupying.... maybe I used cut 1x, surf to do a mandatory traversal a few times, and strength maybe 3x to push a boulder a square or two into a hole. warning: thinking is not required here.

the battling needs an overhaul though...i felt like fights used to be harder or last longer. whats the point of leveling stats if it always just comes down to super effective one shotting. it felt too easy to always have a team of super effective killing machines. no twists in opponents play styles or line ups.

features felt unnecessarily tacked on and useless. just bloatware.

anyways, I was really stoked for the switch pkmns, but after having spent 80 hrs in White 2, I'm kinda hesitant to dive back in. I think these later pokemon games are better suited for the diehards and challenge streamers.


Just played the witness and Sonic Mania for a bit. played both a few hours each.

witness was nice until I realized all the puzzles are dot mazes...great. good game, but not one I want to spend too much of my limited spare time on.

sonic was pretty magnificent, though I just wasnt in the mood to keep the journey going. I experienced it enough to enjoy the nostalgia and platformer kick

currently playing:

Path of Exile PS4 - Just hit Act 2. now I've got a lot of gripes with its UX, but its certainly scratching that itch for a hack n slash diablo clone adventure. enjoying the loot kick im on right now. I'm pretty overpowered, and nothings too revolutionary so far (neat skill and economy mechanic). but its enough for what I want right now. Dunno how long itll last for me. I may tire of it in a couple weeks though.


Gold Member
i was playing Divinity Original Sin 2 on PC but haven't had time the last week to play. been far too busy to do anything really.

i just ordered a 144hz monitor due for delivery tomorrow so can't wait to try it out on games like Overwatch, Rocket League, CS:GO.


I'm kinda back into the fps genre as of lately

I'm replaying COD:MW Remastered and DOOM (both sp only) on Pro and absolutely loving them once again

ALso have Dragon's Dogma and Undertale on the side for Switch


Unconfirmed Member
Dead Space 3, Smash Bros 5, and Animal Crossing.

Smash 5 is great, easily my favorite in the series. The roster has so many characters I like and the gameplay is the most solid feeling yet. My only real issue is the music, wish there was more freedom to play something like your own playlist on stages or have your choices play all the time for you online (they’re matched up with other people’s).

Animal Crossing GC is really nostalgic for me, after the recent announcement I had kind of an urge to start playing it again. It’s a simple but really fun, charming game. And surprisingly addicting to just keep doing things even if you’re already familiar with the town.

Dead Space 3 isn’t as bad as people say so far, imo. I’m on chapter 11, just starting the second fight with the Snow Beast. It is definitely an action game, it has a dark vibe in many areas but no real scares, I couldn’t really call it horror at this point. But horror was never my favorite genre anyway, so I don’t really mind the switch as much as others might. They also started the switch with DS 2, I don’t think it’s totally fair to put all the blame for that on 3. Environmentally I think the snow planet can be pretty stunning sometimes, though the interior spaces get pretty bland. Weapon crafting is interesting but idk if I prefer it to the simpler weapon system in the past games. Overall, a pretty good game, maybe not quite as good as the others but not significantly worse imo.


Help me pick one to install on game pass. Metro or Vampyr?
Vampyr had really good atmosphere/music but i couldn't get over the awful combat and dropped it after few hours
Metro i'm only at the start but it's great, some heavy Stalker (way more compared to the older titles) vibe wich i really loved, looks incredible and it's way more satisfying as for the gunplay goes

I'd choose Exodus
Just started Trials of Mana. Really happy Seiken Densetsu 3 got a official release it always deserved. Back in 1995 my best friend and I were just awe-struck by the game's screenshots in the magazine Super Play and Nintendo Magazine System. Sadly, he died not so long ago, but I bet he would've loved to finally play this game. I'll do it in remembrance of him. :messenger_fistbump:


SHOULD be playing Cadence of Hyrule but these motherfuckers won't make it available on the eShop.


Seriously, they are demoing the game at E3 on YouTube right now.
Mocking me with their smiling, made for marketing, faces as they enjoy the game that >> I << should be playing.

Literally shut the hell up and take my money!


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I tried the free trial of Fallout 76, but the glacial framerate was making me nauseous, which never happens to me playing FPS games. I was actually playing the Halo 3 campaign on the Master Chief Collection right before that with no issues at all. Is this a thing? I punched some robots for about ten minutes after leaving the vault and had to quit.


Finished The Messenger last weekend, can't recommend it enough.
I tried Mutant Year Zero but couldn't quite get into it even though I do enjoy the xcom games. I did like the setting and atmosphere though ended watching the story on youtube.
So now I am on:

Carrying on my gamepass for PC backlog and damn that game looks good.
Help me pick one to install on game pass. Metro or Vampyr?
Metro is a beaut. Played it through and
discovered there are varying endings depending on how you played the game through
.. so am happily about to dip back in again. 4A done a fantastic job with the atmosphere in the entire series, and Exodus excels again in this department.
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Metro is a beaut. Played it through and discovered there are varying endings depending on how you played the game through .. so am happily about to dip back in again. 4A done a fantastic job with the atmosphere in the entire series, and Exodus excels again in this department.

Probably going to be my next one.

I booted up Vampyr over the weekend. Kinda digging it.
I'm lttp on SoTR. I can't stop playing the Shadow of the TR demo. 1080p highest settings at 60fps on my 4K TV with HDR. There's like no aliasing or anything. It's like I'm playing a cg movie. Something I never thought would be possible in my lifetime. That HDR and TAA makes all the difference in the world.

I'll buy the game soon. If it's anything like the demo it should be amazing.


I lost hundreds of save games when my PS3 yloded few weeks ago so I gotta replay EVERYTHING.

Curently: Silent Hill Downpour.

Underrated game imo. Some parts are brilliant. Some are not. Runs like shit though, lol.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Playing Battle Chasers Nightwar on PS4 Pro. Great turn based RPG with some exploration, excellent battle system and gameplay. Pretty much near the end of the game. Should have it wrapped up later today.


Still playing Blue Reflection and Assassins Creed 3.

I recently just did the part on AC3 where you get to sail the Aquila into Martha's Vineyard. I actually welled up a bit. It was such a power fantasy and so much fun. A game hasn't made me feel like that for a long while. Needless to say Black Flag is now a must play.


Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

Thought the first game was surprisingly fun but something feels missing from this one. There are way too many cutscenes breaking up the gameplay and the game is slightly too difficult on the default setting (to the point where it's not particularly fun).

I actually ended up bumping it down to the easiest difficulty setting but now it's insultingly easy. To be honest I just want to breeze through it now and and move onto something else.

The storyline is actually pretty fun but I wish there was more gameplay in-between and I also wish that the difficulty setting was a little more balanced.

I'm still hopeful for Wolfenstein Youngblood though.


Thomas was alone

Quite charming in some ways, but somewhat hindered by a dramatic shift in difficulty once timing becomes a key issue. Admittedly platforming isn't really my wheelhouse, but damn it, the game is giving me PTSD flashbacks to doing the gold licences on Gran Tourismo in terms of absolute precision required.


Thomas was alone

Quite charming in some ways, but somewhat hindered by a dramatic shift in difficulty once timing becomes a key issue. Admittedly platforming isn't really my wheelhouse, but damn it, the game is giving me PTSD flashbacks to doing the gold licences on Gran Tourismo in terms of absolute precision required.

I keep meaning to play that! Got it in a humble bundle years ago.
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Final Fantasy VII and damn is it a good time. I'm currently still pretty early in the game, but man I can't help but be amazed by the characters, music, and backgrounds still.

It's so cool to see Cloud getting flustered or Aerith being a tease. Barret continues to be papa gun wolf and the rest of Avalanche are gonna be great to see expanded on in the remake. It's just such a fun romp.


Valkyria Chronicles 4.

In terms of design, gameplay and presentation it feels a bit more like Valkyria Chronicles 1.5 instead of the fourth entry releasing after 10 years. But as a big fan of the original I'm enjoying it a lot


I've been playing Hades, pretty good roguelike/metroidvania (idk), but it's in early alpha and it has some serious lack of content for the genre its in. The devs put too much work into the story part IMO when they should be focusing on other stuff. It does have a really great art style, which is also probably a reason for the lack of content.

I'm probably going to start another Factorio playtrough with a new mod that came out (space exploration), if anyone wants to join let me know.
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