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What game are you currently playing?


Never beat King Dice so I'm restarting Cuphead. Probably going to go for a few achievements I missed while I'm at it. I'm probably going to be very rusty.
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Unconfirmed Member
Mario Maker 2 has been getting most of my time. Finished rebuilding the castle, been doing the character jobs and still have 30 some of the 100 builder missions to do to finish up story mode. Have played a handful of user levels.

Path of Exile-getting more into this. Very solid for a F2P game.

Bloodstained-haven't played in a few days, but would like to finish up in the next week or so (don't care to 100% it).

Need to get back to Borderlands The Presequel with my buddy. Maybe this weekend if we have time.
Far Cry New Dawn. FPS fans should pick this up during the sales. The reviews got this one all wrong. Most fun I've had with FarCry since 3. All the upside of FC5 without the annoying non stop aircraft bombing you and rabbid bears EVERYWHERE.

Plus, you literally fight antifa. The main enemies are straight SJW trash. It's like the opposite of what 5 was going to be. It's kinda satisfying depending on your politics.
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Neo Member
stuck in a hospital with a very resrictive firewall.
I cant play any Diablo3 (battlenet app wont connect) which makes me sad but I am playing Diablo2.
Im also playing Borderlands Enhanced and Fallout4


Trying to finish the crimson court in Darkest Dungeon. Most of my high level guys got wiped out a few months ago and I need to build my roster back up from the bottom!


So much to my delight I downloaded Street Fighter 30th anniversary collection on Switch and I'm blown away. Street Fighter III is so amazing!!! Never played it before, ever!!! The sprite work and animation is damn fine, love the additional characters, the combos. Fantastic stuff. I remember when it came out back in the day but I never had a chance, until now.
Been playing Apex with the updated rank system. Pretty fun, but I wish you could rank up faster to skip some of the lower level ranks if you're winning consistently...


°Temp. member
I’m currently playing FFXIV. I’m watching the end credits for storm blood right now. I really enjoyed the expansion and now I’m really looking forward to Shadow Bringers.


Writes a lot, says very little
Been playing Days Gone (gets even better over time when you progress), going in on BFV, almost 200 hours in.
Great thread, just read the previous 5 pages to inspire me (get too depressed to play sometimes) and it looks like I need to try Bloodstained. I think it was GwG or XGP so I should have that. Otherwise I am just starting up Hitman the reboot on XGP before it leaves at the end of the month. Just finished TT's Guardians of the Galaxy. Great soundtrack and action sequences, interesting story. I wanted to watch GotG Vol. 2 on Netflix but they took it off just before I beat the game. Which reminds me, isn't Stranger Things the game out now? Rhetorical question. Was doing the 52 games in 1 year challenge but fell waaay behind due to work commitments lol.


After finally “finishing” BOTW (just the ganon story though - haven’t 100% the extras and don’t have dlc) I switched to Star Wars rebellion/supremacy.

Would I recommend it? Supremacy/rebellion that is...? Yeah sure - Star Wars theme, in fact it might be the only strategy game based in the Star Wars universe (empire at war was an RTS).

So Star Wars rebellion (supremacy in the UK) is a strategy (vaguely 4x style) game set after the first of the original Star Wars movies (new hope) but before the second (empire strikes back). It’s not turn based - time keeps passing a’la crusader kings or EU or something - but it has the feel of turn based strategy game.

The factions are asymmetric - the Empire has plenty of ships and weapons and controls systems by deploying troops there. The rebellion on the other hand starts off weak and relies on diplomacy and gradually getting systems on side to eventually over power the empire. The rebellion base is hidden form the empire at the start and is randomised.

The victory conditions aren’t singular in the “standard game” - it’s not enough to conquer the opponent homeworld, you also have to capture the opponents key characters.

There’s a lot of Star Wars moments in the game - Luke goes
to dagoba and gets a big Jedi power increase for later use - if Luke is captured there’ll be a stand off with the empororer and Vader.

There’s plenty of “chrome” (Star Wars theming).

The downsides? The interminable and unskippable briefing at the start of every game is always mentioned - there’s a mod to get rid of that but even so... annoying. Oh and it’s an old game (available on GOG) but it can cause compatibility issues on modern PCs. Finally I’d say it’s got a reasonably steep
learning curve - it’s an older game so help and tool tips aren’t as available as they are in more modern games.

Even so, for any Star Wars fan, worth a look I think.


Gold Member
i made this to keep track of games i'm playing, want to play, or want to buy.


left column green - games i'm playing that can be finished. so i guess these are my priority games that i'm playing regularly.
left column blue - games i'm playing that can't be finished. you can put as much time into them as you want. these games I have installed and play whenever i feel like it

middle column yellow - games i've bought but not played yet and will play once i feel i've got the time to play them
middle column red - games i've played some of but gave up on and might go back to.

the right column is self explanatory but blue is games that i want to buy that are out. the rest are games that aren't out that i want to buy.
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Been playing AC: black flag. I dont know, i read good things, but the start it too slow, and i get the OCD to finish all the side stuff if its made apparent on the map, like doing side quests first. Now, im forcing myself to get on with the story and just ignore the collectibles. The graphics look very dated but there is still something about it. I will play it during the weekend along with Apex ranked.
I wanted to replay some shorter games, so I'm switching between Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space: Extraction on the Wii.

RE4 is... such a wonderful game on Wii. I gushed about it earlier so I'll leave it at that.

Extraction is better than I remember and ties into the overall story far better than I remember. At lot of the rooms you visit on the colony and on the Ishimura are the same ones from the first Dead Space. For instance, I just finished a part where a bulkhead on the Ishimura explodes and leaves you exposed to open space, and I'm 99% sure I remember that exact hallway from DS1. I am halfway through the game.

Flamethrower is easy mode. Arc Welder is worst weapon. I am sad that it doesn't have my favorite weapon, the Ripper. I don't bother using stasis.

Both games are perfect ~30m sessions and I only play one section at a time.


Nothing. And that bothers me a little. For some reason just haven't got the desire to play anything, and I've got the biggest backlog I've ever had.

I still buy games. Even though I know I'm not playing them. Bought Rage, got as far as the title screen. Last game I played to completion was God of War. Can't remember the last one before that.

It's been like this for months, maybe over a year.

Send help.
I got back into Dusk for PC as it's been sitting in my backlog, I'm midway through the 2nd episode and man the level design is fucking aces.

The level design is so damn awesome in this game.


The nicest person on this forum
Nothing. And that bothers me a little. For some reason just haven't got the desire to play anything, and I've got the biggest backlog I've ever had.

I still buy games. Even though I know I'm not playing them. Bought Rage, got as far as the title screen. Last game I played to completion was God of War. Can't remember the last one before that.

It's been like this for months, maybe over a year.

Send help.
Easy, take a break from gaming for a while and focus on your other hobbies, it might help get your desire for gaming back.


Gold Member
Nothing. And that bothers me a little. For some reason just haven't got the desire to play anything, and I've got the biggest backlog I've ever had.

I still buy games. Even though I know I'm not playing them. Bought Rage, got as far as the title screen. Last game I played to completion was God of War. Can't remember the last one before that.

It's been like this for months, maybe over a year.

Send help.
Have you tried something smaller? Possibly a card game, mobile, or something in a browser? Even if it’s Minesweeper or Solitaire? Sometimes the payout comes from progressing in something smaller versus jumping from one large experience to the next.

I finished Castlevania Arie of Sorrow on Wii U today. I got 3 endings and it was coming from finishing Bloodstained. I’ve also been playing a lot of Shovel Knight and Dracula X Chronicles. I actually enjoy the remake. I own the original on two other platforms including Requiem. The PSP version has great graphics. I did start Metroid Fusion tonight, but I don’t want to start too many titles. I’m still waiting for Wolfenstein Youngblood to come out.
Sonic team racing. I really dig it but the frame rate is choppy on base ps4. I saw ps4 pro for 350 online + my discount so i said fuck it lol.

Been waiting to play a handful of games when i got the pro again (god those first models with the hairdryer fan) so now i can!

I also bought crash team eacing last week and... can't say I like it. Nostalgia was strong at first but it's probably one of the worst kart racers ive played.


Have you tried something smaller? Possibly a card game, mobile, or something in a browser? Even if it’s Minesweeper or Solitaire? Sometimes the payout comes from progressing in something smaller versus jumping from one large experience to the next.

I finished Castlevania Arie of Sorrow on Wii U today. I got 3 endings and it was coming from finishing Bloodstained. I’ve also been playing a lot of Shovel Knight and Dracula X Chronicles. I actually enjoy the remake. I own the original on two other platforms including Requiem. The PSP version has great graphics. I did start Metroid Fusion tonight, but I don’t want to start too many titles. I’m still waiting for Wolfenstein Youngblood to come out.

I play a little mobile puzzle games but that is it. As I'm getting older, I find the thought of "learning" a game a little terrifying. I just wanna sit and relax, and inevitably I put Youtube or Netflix on.


Gold Member
I play a little mobile puzzle games but that is it. As I'm getting older, I find the thought of "learning" a game a little terrifying. I just wanna sit and relax, and inevitably I put Youtube or Netflix on.

There are many ways to go at a game with complex gameplay. For one, you aren’t required to do everything or learn every new mechanic. You could do the bare minimum and still finish a game. Lots and lots of shooters, action games, and some RPG’s are this way.

I’ve heard what you’re saying from other people before. If you just boot up say Wolfenstein II or RAGE. Get pass the intro and get into the game. You will probably find it much easier to play.

In Wolfenstein you aren’t required to level up your character. In some games you just simply move your character around. Same with some games that have a leveling system. You just have to focus on the basics. Don’t focus on filling out those extras parts.

I feel like there’s a false sense of intimidation coming from video games. A lot of games aren’t exactly brand new concepts, especially if you’ve gamed for 10-20+ years. Plus the newer games are made with user friendly interfaces. You aren’t exactly playing a cryptic relic of the past. Those are awesome sometimes, but games have been much easier to pick up and play. Getting all the achievements and maxing things out is where I find time being spent the most. Finishing a game is rather easy.

Kojima probably was right in how he sees movies and TV becoming almost the same. Video Games should have the same outlook as cinema and TV does. Interacting with a world versus watching a world unfold to tell a story.


Unconfirmed Member
Sonic team racing. I really dig it but the frame rate is choppy on base ps4. I saw ps4 pro for 350 online + my discount so i said fuck it lol.

Been waiting to play a handful of games when i got the pro again (god those first models with the hairdryer fan) so now i can!

I also bought crash team eacing last week and... can't say I like it. Nostalgia was strong at first but it's probably one of the worst kart racers ive played.
Learn to power slide

Dr. Claus

I can play it but it feels chunky and the track design is crap. Just not a good kart racer I guess it never was

I can definitely see where you are coming from if you are a first time player, but each map has an optimal path and one that is slightly less optimal, but safer. Figuring out how to reach these areas and power slide through them is incredibly rewarding.

This game is overall far more complex and skill-based than a Mario Kart or Sonic All-Stars and should be treated as such. I have been playing since its initial release back on the PS1 and I still get my ass handed to me by people online (who seem to beat me by half a minute or more!).
I can definitely see where you are coming from if you are a first time player, but each map has an optimal path and one that is slightly less optimal, but safer. Figuring out how to reach these areas and power slide through them is incredibly rewarding.

This game is overall far more complex and skill-based than a Mario Kart or Sonic All-Stars and should be treated as such. I have been playing since its initial release back on the PS1 and I still get my ass handed to me by people online (who seem to beat me by half a minute or more!).
In addition to just being less responsive than other kart racers. It feels more like a jumping game more than a racer at times.

The tracks are often too narrow or require too sharp a turn relative to the mechanics. Not saying I'm good at it, and couldn't put more effort in, but it just isn't fun. Enjoy it though.

It's like dark souls for me ; if you'd give me fun, responsive mechanics i'd put in the effort to get better. Couldn't play it for an hour but I pure platinum'd bayonetta, a game that's easy to learn but also takes practice
Speaking of which I was playing MK8 Deluxe last night and was doing the dlc cups.

Holy shit those F-Zero tracks are fucking amazing. It really makes me wonder if EAD has been making an F-Zero game since MK because those tracks show that a modern F-Zero would totally work and would be awesome.


RE HD Switch. Trying the No save, hard, no rescues run. Lisa already got me TWICE. She keeps pushing me off the edge for an insta death. It's frustrating having to restart the whole game just for that particular fight.

I'll try it one more time. If I die again, I'll let Barry help me.
I play a little mobile puzzle games but that is it. As I'm getting older, I find the thought of "learning" a game a little terrifying. I just wanna sit and relax, and inevitably I put Youtube or Netflix on.

I think it's understandable that you'd be terrified of the unknown, it's usually the case for individuals that may think of leaving the comfort of the things that they're completely familiar with. As you grow older, you may be scared of trying different things because of a variety of reasons, like for example maybe you value your time separate from work as something not worth investing in video games, which is completely normal.

But, the result that arises from not trying different things is that you'll become completely bored of the hobby, and it's not like it's something that's a rare occurrence, because as far as i've been on message boards related to video games since roughly 2005, i've observed this pattern over and over again. It's a very normal behavior, it's not just about video games here.

I can tell you something from my own personal experience. As i've grown older, i've made a habit of trying exceptionally difficult games with layers of mechanics that are required to be learned to advance. Which is incredibly ironic because i'm not a fan of Dark Souls and its spiritual iterations at all. On the other hand, i am a huge fan of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, which is a difficult series of games with layers upon layers of deceivingly hidden mechanics that are preferable to learn to properly advance. Strategy games are exceptionally appealing to me as well, especially turn based strategy games - Heroes of Might & Magic 3: Complete Edition is one of my favorite games ever made, and i wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone.
Speaking of which I was playing MK8 Deluxe last night and was doing the dlc cups.

Holy shit those F-Zero tracks are fucking amazing. It really makes me wonder if EAD has been making an F-Zero game since MK because those tracks show that a modern F-Zero would totally work and would be awesome.
Honestly I could play fzero gx til the end of days so if they want to make another thats great but I wonder if they could even match gx tbh game is pretty much perfect


Lego Undercover which I picked up in the Steam Sale

Gotta say, only spent a few hours in it so far but I'm actually digging it quite a lot. Handles really smoothly and the humour is pretty good with lots of film references scattered throughout.
Honestly I could play fzero gx til the end of days so if they want to make another thats great but I wonder if they could even match gx tbh game is pretty much perfect

Have you played the F-Zero tracks in Mario Kart 8? They're really, really good (easily top 5 tracks in MK8) and give a glimpse at what Nintendo EAD could do with a full scale F-Zero title.

Plus what has the mario kart team at Nintendo EAD been doing? I'm willing to bet they're making a new F-Zero game and they were testing the waters with those Mario Kart 8 tracks.
Have you played the F-Zero tracks in Mario Kart 8? They're really, really good (easily top 5 tracks in MK8) and give a glimpse at what Nintendo EAD could do with a full scale F-Zero title.

Plus what has the mario kart team at Nintendo EAD been doing? I'm willing to bet they're making a new F-Zero game and they were testing the waters with those Mario Kart 8 tracks.
This is a bit of an odd comparison. I played about 300 hours of mk8 on Wii u, and mute city was a cute cameo ; but it's absolutely nothing like f zero gx or x.


A lot of it is rust I’m sure, but damn the Spider-man DLCs are way harder than I remember the base game being. I’ve ended up just dropping difficulty a notch in general and all the way down for the combat challenges. I hate those, but there some story bits and trophies attached.

The Screwball challenges are especially awful and annoying. I’m on the final chase to catch her and gave up after several tries as it was late. Going to give it 30 minutes max in a bit and just skip it if I can’t get it done. Ready to see the story through and move on.

I'm playing through these and am finding the same. It's been a bit of a shock the system!

So far I'm enjoying the challenge but I'm only about half way through so if it gets too much harder then I may be turning the difficulty down on some of the screwball challenges as well.
Almost the whole weekend long: Earth Defense Force 4.1 on PC

Couch Co-Op with the woman I love and share a home with for almost 2 Months now. It was funny, then it was frustrating (friggin' HECTORs), then it was on MoFos! Then it was micromanagement and then it was funny again. Fuck those big ass spiders and the toilet-drain-UFOs. We're in a war, Johnny!

I'm a lucky bastard!


As always too many at the same time. ;) Slowly progressing in Judgment, cursing at my TV and controller in Crash Team Racing and starting a big adventure in Divinity Original Sin 1.


Started and finished Finding Paradise over the weekend.
Not as good as To the Moon imo but still very pleasant experience.
On sales atm:


Gold Member
Extraction is better than I remember and ties into the overall story far better than I remember. At lot of the rooms you visit on the colony and on the Ishimura are the same ones from the first Dead Space. For instance, I just finished a part where a bulkhead on the Ishimura explodes and leaves you exposed to open space, and I'm 99% sure I remember that exact hallway from DS1. I am halfway through the game.

I played Extraction on PS3 since it came with Dead Space 2 Limited Edition. Its an excellent game with lots of interesting navigation. The only frustrating part with a DualShock 3 is when you have interact with those nails into the cart at the very beginning. Otherwise its an excellent rails shooter. I also don't mind using a controller for shooters on PS3. I still play House of the Dead 3 and 4 with a PS3 controller.
I played Extraction on PS3 since it came with Dead Space 2 Limited Edition. Its an excellent game with lots of interesting navigation. The only frustrating part with a DualShock 3 is when you have interact with those nails into the cart at the very beginning. Otherwise its an excellent rails shooter. I also don't mind using a controller for shooters on PS3. I still play House of the Dead 3 and 4 with a PS3 controller.
I never tried the PS3 version. Did it work with Move as well?

I finished three more chapters since making the post you quoted. It's a nice Dead Space Lite for when I want to jump in and chop up some necromorphs.

Shaking the Wiimote to activate the light is irritating, though.
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