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What game are you currently playing?


Just beat TLOU and the Left Behind DLC for the first time. Absolutely loved it. Currently playing Grid 2019 but I'm lukewarm about it. Not really any improvements from the first one I played a long time ago. And lastly, started playing Hollow Knight and my interest is waning even though I like it so far.

Going to be trying the new Yooka-Laylee and Valfaris soon. I haven't really been that interested in the 2d games I've played recently so we'll see if they hold my interest.


Neo Member
I own it on Steam and have been meaning to play it for years. Every time I think about playing it though, I wonder if it will be too much “last gen” gameplay-wise.
It’s not. I had the same worry you do. The graphics are as good as it gets on the 360. The controls are a little loose but it still feels really good. After about 30 minutes of playtime, you’ll see what I mean.

The Shepard

Playing dragon quest 11 on the PS4 Pro plus remote play on the vita when the TV is occupied. Best jrpg I've played in years, not long started act 2. Perfect remote play game.

Also trying to get through metro exodus.


Finished Corpse Barty Blood Drive. What a mediocre game. Being in 3d they also had to cut much of the content of the 2d games, forcing you to run here and there avoiding traps instead.

Book of Shadows and Hysteric Birthday were much better in VN format.

Waiting for Dead Patient and having played the original fan translation a little it is much better than Blood Drive, without much dialogue and cut scenes


Okay, I am done with Senran Kagura: Burst Re:Newal. Playing two interconnected stories from the Hanzo Academy and Hebijo Academy was fun. The game is one of those fun in between. I know it's ironic to make these claims, but there is a plot here in the middle of all these secret ninja schoolgirls having loose easily destroyed clothing and doing several fanservice-y things like going to the beach or hitting the bathhouse. Now a good chunk of it is buried in heavy amounts of narrated text hence why 99% of players just go for the eye candy. But it delivers as far as a simple mindless hack & slash game.


Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. Pretty fun so far, feels like a mix of DKC and BK with the 2D levels and 3D overworld. David Wise, Mr. Kirkhope and the gang have done wonders with the soundtrack, definitely sounds like a 90's Rare game as well.


Almost done Qube 2. Love it! The puzzles are fun and creative, reminds me a lot of Portal (minus its brilliant voice acting). Continuing Grid for the time being and finishing some more events. Will drop it entirely for GT soon as GT is just better all around.

Also just started Valfaris and it's hype. The music gets me going. It's pretty awesome and I'd recommend it even after just an hr or so.


Witcher 3 on switch. Because of the resolution, it feels like the most futuristic old school game ever.

I’ve played on Max pc and PS4 so I know what the game is supposed to look like. On switch it has this dreamy feel like an old school pc game from the 90s.


Gold Member
Destiny 2 - feels a bit overwhelming coming back to it
Rocket League - can't get enough of it.
Fortnite - just whenever i feel like it.
Link's Awakening - cool little game but i suck at it and get confused what to do next.

Sekiro - not actively playing it...it pissed me right off so i'm struggling to go back to it.
MGSV - kinda the same as Sekiro but the game didn't piss me off. the missions are just kinda boring.
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taking a break from links awakening and playing rayman legends on switch, pretty damn good platformer with a good bit of content, never played a rayman game before and wouldn't mind ubi making more rayman stuff.......splinter cell too

been playing a card game named the card: blackjack, poker, texas holdem, and page one, got to admit it's pretty addicting


The Tribe Has Spoken
been playing a card game named the card: blackjack, poker, texas holdem, and page one, got to admit it's pretty addicting
I almost bit the bullet on that when it was on sale. I was worried it’d be too “no frills” though from the screenshots. Is it worth a buy?


Neo Member
Currently playing The Alliance Alive HD and Shining Resonance Refrain on Switch. Have beaten TAA two times already on the 3DS, it's still my favorite RPG. The story is charming and the battle system is really nice. Shame about the difficulty spike later on which requires around one hour of grinding.
Shining Resonance Refrain could also really benefit from a fast travel system because constantly walking through the same environments just to get one two two "map" further before being brought back to the start is infuriating. Am 25 hours in and I think I'm near the end - game has a great story though and the characters are well developed.


Currently playing Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair.

I’m enjoying it immensely. I love the risk vs reward mechanics of making levels harder or easier for more or less rewards, respectively, using tonics you find in the overworld. Reminds me of the way you could set the challenge for more rewards before a level in Kid Icarus Uprising. I’ve attempted the impossible Lair several times but I can tell it will be awhile before I beat it. It’s like going through Dr Wilys castle without checkpoints.

The overworld puzzles and exploration are a refreshing addition to what would normally be a simple map you move through point to point in a similar game.
Music, performance, and level design have really surprised me. I’ll be playing this for quite sometime. I think it’s the kind of game that in the future will be fondly remembered and played again and again by many who enjoy classic gameplay styles.

In other words, it’s great


taking a break from links awakening and playing rayman legends on switch, pretty damn good platformer with a good bit of content, never played a rayman game before and wouldn't mind ubi making more rayman stuff.......splinter cell too

been playing a card game named the card: blackjack, poker, texas holdem, and page one, got to admit it's pretty addicting

Rayman Legends is a damn fine platformer. I'd argue it's the best 2D platformer this gen along with Tropical Freeze.
I’ve went back to play Enslaved: Odyssey to the West based on a recent recommendation. I have to say it is quite amazing. How has this game flown so far under everybody’s radar?

Enslaved was one of my favorite games the year it came out. It was probably the best take on Journey to the West since Dragon Ball. The character's expressions, especially for the time were some of the most human I can remember seeing in the game. I could almost feel their pain. The gameplay was also very well done and I can't remember a point where I wasn't enjoying the game. I've recommended this game to a lot of people, but have had very few takers. If you want to race a pig up a trash tower this is the game for you.


Enslaved was one of my favorite games the year it came out. It was probably the best take on Journey to the West since Dragon Ball. The character's expressions, especially for the time were some of the most human I can remember seeing in the game. I could almost feel their pain. The gameplay was also very well done and I can't remember a point where I wasn't enjoying the game. I've recommended this game to a lot of people, but have had very few takers. If you want to race a pig up a trash tower this is the game for you.
Still waiting for this to go on sale. It's been on my to-play list forever.


Destiny 2 - feels a bit overwhelming coming back to it
Rocket League - can't get enough of it.
Fortnite - just whenever i feel like it.
Link's Awakening - cool little game but i suck at it and get confused what to do next.

Sekiro - not actively playing it...it pissed me right off so i'm struggling to go back to it.
MGSV - kinda the same as Sekiro but the game didn't piss me off. the missions are just kinda boring.

Yup, I had to come back to MGSV too. I finished the story, just one mission left to unlock and a good few trophies left to grind out. It's more fun when you have more unlocked I find...


Gold Member
Dragon Quest 11s/Overwatch/Little Town Hero/Astral Chain bouncing between the 4.. I swear Ill finish 1 of the three probably adding Luigis mansion soon and I have Switcher waiting


I'm trying to give Bayonetta a second chance but man, it's a struggle for me. Not only am i wildly mediocre at it but those insta kill QTEs are rage inducing. On top of that, i hate the enemy design and right now i'm stuck on the last part of Chapter 5. I'll stick with a few more days but i'm just not sure it's for me


Gold Member
I'm trying to give Bayonetta a second chance but man, it's a struggle for me. Not only am i wildly mediocre at it but those insta kill QTEs are rage inducing. On top of that, i hate the enemy design and right now i'm stuck on the last part of Chapter 5. I'll stick with a few more days but i'm just not sure it's for me

I only played Bayonetta because of the hype and had to power through it too. I stuck with it because I liked the boss designs, I enjoyed the second one much more.


I only played Bayonetta because of the hype and had to power through it too. I stuck with it because I liked the boss designs, I enjoyed the second one much more.
Yea, i wish i bought the second game instead but if i end up dropping this i don't think i could justify going for the second one either


Just finished Bloodstained last night. Game was pretty easy and shorter than I expected. It's super well made for what it is though. I did run into some weird glitches. Overall, I think it's better than about 95% of Metroidvanias (Owl Boy, Guacamelee, Iconoclasts, etc.). Most of these recent Metroidvanias have been a disappointment, but this one impressed me.

Started Darksiders Warmastered today. Only played for an hour but I'm liking it so far.


Finally dedicated the time to start and actually finish Horizon Zero Dawn. Hot and cold on this one. I’m not a fan of time wasting so open worlds really need to be top tier. I find myself skipping most of the wooden dialogue just to get on with it.
the combat is good, but I’m getting tired of the constant weapon management to match the encounter.

Currently doing some side missions to level and make the remaining few mains passable. Looking forward to it being over.


Just finished Bloodstained last night. Game was pretty easy and shorter than I expected. It's super well made for what it is though. I did run into some weird glitches. Overall, I think it's better than about 95% of Metroidvanias (Owl Boy, Guacamelee, Iconoclasts, etc.). Most of these recent Metroidvanias have been a disappointment, but this one impressed me.

Started Darksiders Warmastered today. Only played for an hour but I'm liking it so far.
Darksiders games are awesome. You’re gonna love it


I dunno what to say... Sonic Forces was such a short game that I don't think it took long enough for me to get full impressions.
But I do have a lot to say, considering that I beat the game in three sittings. And it's gonna be all over the place.
Modern 3D Sonic almost always have to have some sort of gimmick in this, this time, you have an avatar that's basically you in the game and you have very few powers compared to Sonic himself. This oddly enough is not as bad as say the Werehog gimmick in Sonic Unleashed. Design-wise, I do have a few things that leave me a bit iffy. If handholding in Sonic Generations was an issue, I daresay that Sonic Forces will make you want to blow your head off. Because it's not that they do everything to keep you from dying off in the game, the removal of lifes completely makes the challenge factor null and void. Initially it did annoy me, but after a while I did start to see some interesting upsides.

Visually, it's the best looking Sonic game in 3D I've ever played. Game stage design goes from great to so-so depending on which character you play as (Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic and Rookie Character). Oddly enough, Classic Sonic is the weakest, while he does have a few fun stages, I feel like his portion of the game feels like padding.

What else? The tone of the story goes from dramatic Final Fantasy-ish set pieces to goofy Saturday Morning Cartoon in the same cutscenes. Pretty weird. At the end of the day, it's actually a decent to good game. Nothing was bad enough to break the game. I was expecting a Sonic 2006 level of broken, but fortunately, it's nothing within that ballpark.


I finished Arkham City (+ DLC) and really liked it. Glad I jump into the Arkham series.

I just started Arkham Knight this week-end. I had the same feeling of being overwhelm by the scale of the map, a lot of new moves, control changing from previous... I had when I started City after Asylum.
But now again I get used to it and really like it. Also I was feared the Batmobile because I heard a lot about it and because I am not a fan of cars in general (I usually avoid them in any games)...
My first experience with it was... extremely frustrating ! I had to chase a car in the city with... I am might be biased because I pretty bad at driving car in games, but I found the controls horrible ! Way too much inerty, not so responsive... I spend 90% of the time in walls...

And I don't even speak of the first "platform" section (another thing I hate in videogames) with it... Took me 10 min to succeed the first jump and once I succeed, I fall off again thanks to the stupid controls...

I have no problem with the Tank mode so far (despite the fact questioning myself if a tank fits Batman's philosophy...).

However after that I took it easy and tried to get into it. And it's better.
But I am scared that the overuse of it will be annoying eventually. (I am in the ACE chemicals factory and I lost count of how many time I had to enter/leave the Batmobile to open different path...)

For the rest, the game looks gorgeous and I love the darker/mature tone of the game. The combat are still nice but so far I prefer the sensation in Asylum/City combat, I don't feel the "weight" of punches in Knight...
Just finished ass creed origins. I was good. Finished in 30 hrs but I was burnt out on it towards the end. My plan was to go straight to Odyssey...yeah no.


Gold Member
FInished AC Odyssey a month or so ago and recently finished Far Cry 5, waiting on another price drop on New Dawn before I pick it up.

Playing Divinity Original Sin 2 right now and having a great time! Hopefully I'll finish this before Death Stranding comes, but I'll also be grabbing RDR2 on PC so that'll be interesting.


Finally dedicated the time to start and actually finish Horizon Zero Dawn. Hot and cold on this one. I’m not a fan of time wasting so open worlds really need to be top tier. I find myself skipping most of the wooden dialogue just to get on with it.
the combat is good, but I’m getting tired of the constant weapon management to match the encounter.

Currently doing some side missions to level and make the remaining few mains passable. Looking forward to it being over.

Finally finished it. Game was good, but not worth the praise, makes me wonder if it’s +3 for strong independent woman. Hope that’s not the case and it’s just a matter of taste.

If I were to play AC Oranges vs Odyssey. Which should I go with?


Finally finished it. Game was good, but not worth the praise, makes me wonder if it’s +3 for strong independent woman. Hope that’s not the case and it’s just a matter of taste.

If I were to play AC Oranges vs Odyssey. Which should I go with?
It absolutely is. That and it's pretty good looking
Ultimately, it's just another formulaic open world, 3rd person game
Climb tower (robo dino in this case) to open up a check list for the next area. Repeat
The much touted monster hunter inspired combat is nothing like MH games and it has the same completely idiotic stealth mechanics as Assassin's Creed games but now with the added bonus of you being able to actually see what route any given monster will go
Massively overrated game in my opinion
If I were to play AC Oranges vs Odyssey. Which should I go with?
ImO Origins has the better story, more fleshed out characters and the more beautiful settings. Odyssey has the better RPG-elements, better handling, and is all in all just noticeably faster in every aspect.
So, I'd recommend go in the publishing order, because the other way arround the controls will feel too clunky on Origins.


After Nioh and FFIX I started Wonderful 101 and Terranigma, as my usual home-portable combo.

W101 started hating it thanks to not understanding their terrible UI and tutorials. But after watching a controls video everything started becoming 'wonderful' ;)
Having a blast now in opereshion zero zero fivu.


Been having crazy fun with Sekiro. Fighting my
now and I'm super sad seeing the story close. Hardest boss so far is probably the
2x Headless
, they were infuriating knowing I'd need to farm for pacifying and confetti after each defeat.

Coolest boss by far is that yeti ape, shit was cool AF.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Legend of Mana - Game is kinda vague and the battle system is very simple, but hey I still love it.
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