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What games do you have pre-ordered? 13/08/2004


...and why?

Halo 2 Limited Edition - to make sure I get one.
Fable - for the free DVD from EB.

These are two of the only games I've ever pre-ordered. Do people actually do this much?


Zilch...I'll be ordering Paper Mario 2 online, will let my mother pre-order Metroid as a Christmas Gift (I did it myself for Prime, she seemed disappointed that I knew exactly what I was getting...it's past that bloody point now.) and will pick up Pikmin 2 eventually, and all...

But I just recently purchased Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 and Wario Ware GCN, so for now I'm holding off on DOR and Pikmin until I decide I want to spend the cash. I usually only pre-order games because it saves me the time of actually going around looking, but it does kind of screw you over on some of the deals. Without a pre-order bonus, I'm more likely now to wait it out for a sale.



I was gonna go pre-order HS4, but eh, I don't have a lot of time at the moment to spare. I may wait until price drops for Hot Shots 4 and Burnout 3


GTA San Andreas
Halo 2 Limited Edition

2 big games which will take a helluva lot time. PES4 must be squished in there somehow though...
Halo 2 (normal edition)
Halo 2 Limited Edition

I'll probably pre-order Metroid Prime 2 and Splinter Cell 3 sometime soon as well.


ESPN NHL 2K5 (2)
Star Wars Battlefront
ESPN NBA 2K5 (2)
Halo 2 Collector's Edition (2)

I pre-ordered Fable and Battlefront for the bonus items. I think Halo 2 is pretty self-explanatory. The others...I dunno, just felt like it.


siamesedreamer, why do you have both Halo versions pre-ordered?

Me, I only pre-order games when I have an incentive to do so (ie Zelda: OoT/MQ Disc when pre-ordering Zelda: TWW).


works for Gamestop (lol)
No games preordered at the moment, but I do have three Nintendo DS's preordered. I'll preorder Katamari Damashi soon though

And I don't know how your stores do it, but I usually preorder when I absolutely need the game on the first day. My local Software Etc. has a pretty good track record on getting games on the first day, and they only sell them to people who preorder


Hmm, lemme try and remember

Half Life 2 (I've had this pre-ordered since E3 2003 :))
Paper Mario 2
Metroid Prime 2
Star Fox
Resident Evil 4

I think thats it.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Halo 2 Limited - So I can be sure I'll get one on the release date.
Fable - So I can be sure I'll get one on the release date.
GTA: San Andreas - So I can be sure I'll get one on the release date.


I usually pre-order games that I want on day one a day or two before it ships..works for me. Though I have Halo 2 SE on preorder for the hell of it.

Agent X

Here's what I've got preorders on right now:

Burnout 3
Gradius V
Gran Turismo 4
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Jak 3
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection

All for PlayStation 2, of course! :)

Why did I preorder, you ask? That's simple. Because I could. :)


I move tomorrow, and hit up the local GameStop the day thereafter. I plan on paying off...

Katamari Damacy - To ensure they get it ASAP, though that didn't help Wario Wario GC :/
Halo 2: Collector's Edition - Well, duh.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Currently on preorder:
Phantom Brave Special Edition PS2
Growlanser Generations Deluxe Pack PS2
Shadow Hearts Covenenant with Shadow Hearts 1 Bonus PS2


Metal Gear Solid 3
Halo 2: Limited Edition
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Mortal Kombat Deception(Xbox)
Mortal Kombat Deception(PS2)
Mortal Kombat Deception: Kollector's Edition(Xbox, Scorpion cover)
Mortal Kombat Deception: Premium Package(PS2)


Mortal Kombat Deception(Xbox)
Mortal Kombat Deception(PS2)
Mortal Kombat Deception: Kollector's Edition(Xbox, Scorpion cover)
Mortal Kombat Deception: Premium Package(PS2)

Isn't that a bit excessive? :p
Phantom Brave
Pikmin 2
Star Ocean 3
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Shin Megami Tensei
Metroid Prime 2
Paper Mario 2
Mega Man AC GBA
Growlanser Generations DE
Wild Arms Alter Code F

I work at a store, so I just reserve everything I'm gonna get.



But I will buy Metroid Prime 2, Outrun 2, and Kingdom Hearts: CoM (woo, sequels!) when they come out.

I don't do the pre-order thing, there's usually no substantial incentive outside of free shit I'm going to throw out the moment I pick up the game*.

(*Exception: The Armed and Dangerous bonus disc, but I even managed to get that months after the game came out. I returned A&D, kept the XP-compatible copy of Sam and Max. Good times.)

Star Wars BattleFront
Blood Rayne 2
Terminator 3 Redemption


Neo Contra


Metroid Prime Echoes


eb said i had "some" money on an old pre-order for mvp baseball, but didn't tell me how much. so i shifted that to pikimin 2. i paid for mvp baseball way in advance so i'm hoping i'm getting a free game out of this


Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4

I'll pre-order the DS once GameRush has it in their system. Need to remember to pre-order Katamari Damacy, too.


GT 4
God of War
Half Life 2
Halo 2 Limited Edition
Resident Evil 4
Devil May Cry 3
Viewtiful Joe
Ratchet and Clank 3


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
xsarien said:
I don't do the pre-order thing, there's usually no substantial incentive outside of free shit I'm going to throw out the moment I pick up the game*.

The incentive for me is always peace of mind. For a game I'm definitely buying on the release date, I don't want to worry about having to get up and find it somewhere. I'd just as soon put $5 down so a store will hold my copy for when I'm ready to come get it.


force push the doodoo rock
hot shots 4
phantom brave

ill never understand not preordering. its not like youre spending extra money or anything.

and if you want to get halo 2 and you dont preorder, have fun finding that one. combination of huge game release+christmas=you lose.
I usually only pre order game 1 or 2 weeks before its release, only to know the day they'll receive it in-store. And by that time, reviews are out, and I can see if the game is worth it.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
sp0rsk said:
ill never understand not preordering.

Me either. Some people are really staunch about it too. It just seems like an odd thing to take a stand on. You benefit because you're guaranteed a copy and the store benefits because they're able to gauge interest for a particular title.


Only 2 games I've ever preordered. Zelda OOT for the gold cart, and Halo 2 Ltd Ed because I got it for 15 bucks off.


Just going by this thread, I think it's safe to say, quite emphatically I might add, that...



Street Fighter Anniversary Collection

Going to preorder
Metroid Prime 2
Paper Mario 2

evil ways

Mortal Kombat Deception: Premiun Pack, just in case.

I usually don't pre-order any games until there's about 2 weeks left for the release day.


I just cancelled my Star Fox order after reading about its delay, as well as me having doubts about Namco's development on the title. I'll probably replace that game with Baten Kaitos anyways.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Halo 2 Limited Edition, and only because I had some leftover store credit at EB.


Let's see...

Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders (paid off)
Fable (paid off)
Halo 2 Collector's Edition (paid off as a holiday gift to my brother)
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door (paid off)
Donkey Konga
Baten Kaitos
Nintendo DS (I may take it off, though, if the launch lineup sucks)

I preorder simply because it's a lot more convenient to walk into a store on launch day and know my game is there and paid off, rather than hoping we received enough copies -- some may laugh but it happens quite often (Tales of Symphonia and Metal Slug 3 being the more recent titles as well as the Madden Collector's edition). The paranoia some people have over preordering is quite amusing -- not directed at anyone in the thread. I work at Gamestop and some people genuinely think we are trying to pull something over on them when we ask if they would like to preorder a game. Thank god I only have a few more years of dealing with retail since I'm half done with my degree program.


sp0rsk said:
ill never understand not preordering. its not like youre spending extra money or anything.

Devil May MakeYouCry 2. Enough said.

Unless it involves some bonus, or a game is likely to be sold out soon AND you are positive about its quality (how often does it happen?), preordering is a waste of time and potentially money.

A pile of unplayed games tell me is better to wait, start checking reviews and user comments and above all someone else copy, let your excitement cool down (blasphemy!), then judge - and possibly wait for a price drop. Or two .
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