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What games do you have pre-ordered? 13/08/2004


Junior Ace
Agent X said:
Here's what I've got preorders on right now:

Burnout 3
Gradius V
Gran Turismo 4
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Jak 3
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection

All for PlayStation 2, of course! :)

Why did I preorder, you ask? That's simple. Because I could. :)

That doesn't answer shit.
I pre-ordered both Shin Megami Tensei games on PS2. That's it.

Atlus's forums mention that most places likely won't order large quantities and pre-ordering is my only real guarantee that they'll have more than one or two copies lying around for general purchase. I'm not taking the chance.


Metroid Prime 2-It'll be very cool, and I want it opening day
Resident Evil 4-had reserved it when it was going to come out this year
Paper Mario-will be rare
Star Ocean-Free poster
Phantom Brave-Free artbook and sound track
Shadow Hearts: Covanant-Free copy of Shadow Hearts
Suikoden 4-Need I say more?
Wild Amrs Alter Code F-The origional was DARN COOL
Half Life 2-will be a cool game
Star Wars Battlefron-Free action figure with reserve


hyperbolically metafictive
just halo 2 le. i don't generally preorder games, but i expect this will be difficult to find if i don't. and it's HALO FUCKIN TWO! if i'm not playing it on release day, i'll surely die.


I might preorder WOW's collector's edition, it depends what in-game collector's bonus they're going to give.


Minotauro said:
Me either. Some people are really staunch about it too. It just seems like an odd thing to take a stand on. You benefit because you're guaranteed a copy and the store benefits because they're able to gauge interest for a particular title.

For most games, it's just not necessary, and so I just walk into the store and buy it when it's available. Most of the extras are really no good,either, so I'm not going to take time to run around and try to find them.

Having said that, I *will* preorder if I think a game will be hard to get on it's release day, and I have no mercy for people that complain about how they didn't get some game they didn't preorder. It's usually obvious when you should place a preorder, and like people have already said, you lose nothing by doing so.

And at the moment, I have nothing preordered.


Right now on pre-order I have:

Star Ocean 3
Baten Kaitos
Suikoden 3

I tend to pre-order RPGs since the stores never order enough and sell out the day they go on sale.


Pre-ordered Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door today. Helped out a new employee, got him his first pre-order, I think. Went there to buy a PS2 memory card and he told me some dude just came like 15 minutes ago and traded in 6 memory cards, 4 controllers, and 2 DVD remotes in perfect condition. He was like, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he stole them, but hey! It's like $5 off on a new memory card."
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