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what happened to 1up.com?


what happened to www.1up.com?

and who's this lovely lady?


I Think I have a crush ;)

:eek:pa-ages was rubbing off on me there::


neptunes said:
It's not very Mozilla/Firefox friendly either.

It looks the same in both.

More to the point:
Um, I know redesigning an entire website that's basically running on content management systems - both custom and commercial - is a bitch (I'm actually having a hand in that process myself these days), but...

This ain't the prettiest model to strut down the runway.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I must be one of the few that actually liked the new IGN layout, but this 1up update is crap. The old layout was much easier to navigate. I still love 'em though


Disco Stu said:
That is Jennie Sue, 1up.com's managing editor. Please do not call her, or any other woman, a bitch. It's inappropriate and rude.

You said it better than I could. Thank you sir.


Disco Stu said:
That is Jennie Sue, 1up.com's managing editor. Please do not call her, or any other woman, a bitch. It's inappropriate and rude.

By what do you mean? check my original post.


I don't like it either. It's annoying to load, gives me a hard time opening up articles in new windows (because the javascript links), and I hate the overemphasis on the 'cover story'. Sometimes a simpler design is better...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Bishman said:
Does it take forever to load up for anyone else?

Not me, takes about 3 seconds for everything to load.


God, that's bloated. Pages take a sec to load even with my uber-fast connection at work.

Flash ads all over the place too... Blech.


Tag of Excellence
I love the fact that I can't access the site if I don't have cookies enabled. It just keeps redirecting me to the advertising splash page endlessly. This is both in FireFox and IE.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I hung out with Jenny at the Sony party.

1) Don't call her a bitch. It's disrespectful, learn some fucking manners.

2) She's a damn cool person.

3) Don't play an age guessing game with her.

I remember trying to guess her age and it took me like 6 tries to get it. I think then, either she did, or someone else guessed my age and said I was 24. Good times.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
fenekku-gitsune said:
I've been thinking about getting a bunny and naming it 1up.

Why not hire a man dressed in a Mario costume and have him jump-punch a gold plated block instead? And wire the block so that everytime it's touched it makes a 1up sound...

Man, that'd fucking rock!

aoi tsuki

Seriously, using all Flash for a constantly updated site sucks for the user. Flash breaks browser navigation and is still sluggish on many machines. DHTML with bits of Flash is much better. Luckily, links loaded off the front page are standard [D]HTML.

Is 1up the first of the commercial game sites to offer a "gamer personals"? It seems like a nifty feature that'll likely get abused, but i'm sure it'll be a plus to the site's stickiness.
Littleberu said:
It's growing up. Things have changed for it. It's now a major gaming website.

More like they've just made the design top-heavy by overloading with flash nonsense.

Content is obviously the same underneath.
I prefer plain HTML pages as well, but I don't hate this design. They've added loads of features and gets a thumbs up overall.


Wow, I'll never visit the site again. Not because it looks so bad, but because I am no longer even able to visit if I want to keep my sanity intact. All that unoptimized flash and whatnot does not go well with an old computer at all.

I know us who don't care to upgrade our computers are in the minority, but it's highly possible to make a nice page that runs fine on an older machine. This is just incredibly sloppy. :(


Hemmdog said:
What is considered a good looking site?

Good-looking or easy to navigate? The two are pretty exclusive of one another most of the time. ;)

I've always been fond of k10k.net's look. Yeah, not the greatest site in the world to figure out, but it's pretty. As far as clear, logical layout goes, I'd have to give Gamespot the nod (as far as gaming sites go, anyway). They've got that sweet spot inbetween looks, ease-of-use, and presentation of information.

1Up's taken a huge step backwards, and the more I look at it, the more I blame the primary font. I like where it may have been going, but it should've stayed on the grill a bit longer.

Still a bit rare, if you catch my drift.

/blatantly assuming that anyone who had a hand in designing it is reading.
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