I haven't seen a new release in a month. Are they still airing this? My friends are getting on my case as if I'm supposed to draw them a new episode or something.
The last two episodes, 11 and 12, have already aired. I looked over the deathsquad website, it seems that 2x2 Shinobuden is a bit hard to translate, with all the jokes and puns and what not. For the group Ayu, they may have hit the same problem or they are just slow.
You obviously didn't watch Grappler Baki from the beginning... one ep every 3-4 months, if you were lucky. Took Hawks like 2 years to translate s1, and they had all the raws from day one. -_- Luckily Miyuki has subbed a great deal of s2 and the ones that were left I watched HK sub style.