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What happened to SARS?

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Saw a little kid wearing one of those hospital masks the other day, and it reminded me that I haven't heard anything about SARS in a long time. Did it go away?


Last I heard, it infected some town in the midwest and then there was no more reporting on it from there.


Unconfirmed Member
edit: ^^^ Racoon City, right?

Jesus, I still remember arguing with some one on GA who swore to me that SARS was worse than AIDS and we needed to stop worrying about things like AIDs and focus on SARS. :(

Ughghgh :mad:


scola said:
edit: ^^^ Racoon City, right?

Jesus, I still remember arguing with some one on GA who swore to me that SARS was worse than AIDS and we needed to stop worrying about things like AIDs and focus on SARS. :(

Ughghgh :mad:

Heh, I had an argument with someone about it when it was first reported. You have like 90 percent chance of surviving if it's not treated right?


Unconfirmed Member
tenchir said:
Heh, I had an argument with someone about it when it was first reported. You have like 90 percent chance of surviving if it's not treated right?
Yeah the mortality rate is ridiculously low compared to other epidemics out there and the incubation was relatively short with visible symptoms so it is "easy" to identify who has it so they can be quarantined/treated.

This person's argument was that a doctor could just put on gloves and not get AIDS from a patient but that they could not prevent themselves from getting SARS since it was airborne and that all the doctors were going to die or some ridiculous shit like that. lol

EDIT: SARS killed something over 700 people worldwide. AIDS killed 2,300,000 people in SubSaharan Africa last year alone


Haha, I worked at a pharmacy the year of the outbreak. Loons demanding masks, buying carts of Purell hand sanitizer and immediately emptying bottles on their hands... good times.

Edit: Tthe thing being spread by birds is called the Avian Flu, which I think is different from West Nile. I hear it's pretty deadly, though I'm not sure if it's worse than West Nile.


People realized that all SARS was was a really, really bad cold, that would kill you if you were old or feeble. God people can overreact about the stupidest shit, but then not bat a lash when something truly horrible happens. Thank you, media, for making us into a nation of retards.


It's not a bloody overreaction. A doctor who used to treat me when I was a kid died from SARS, so did his wife, and they weren't old, or feeble. Have some respect. Although I agree that AIDS is a much bigger problem, SARS could have been a lot worse if people did not react. And people (i.e. HK government etc.) had reacted quicker, fewer people would have suffered.

On the bright side, SARS did make Hong Kong a much cleaner place now since everyone is more conscious about hygiene.

Baron Aloha

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