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What happens if you get caught with weed leafs.

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What happens if you get caught with a big quantity of weed leafs in canada? Like 2 ounces or so? How bad would you have it? Let's say if you can prove it wasn't for reselling and for personal use, would it be as bad as getting caught with 2 onces of weed?


Banstick Emeritus
Hmm. I'm tempted to say that in Vancouver, nothing would happen. They're much more concerned about grow-ops, they've as good as declared personal use marijuana a crime not worth bothering with.


I think we're fined here if we get caught with 2 onces. That's still 60 grams. Hmm maybe not, I'm not sure. I guess I'm being paranoid.


2 ounces? 8) I'm buying a quarter a time and don't much like having to drive with it. Smells faintly from my pocket. Wish we had the same law as Canada. Life would be so much easier. PEACE.

EDIT: That reminds me, it's time for a toke. :D
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