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What has been the most anticipated?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
In your own thoughts, what games do you think are the most anticipated or have been the most anticipated? Do you think Halo 2 is? or Super Mario Bros. 3 was? What games do you believe have had the largest stranglehold of attention among the games industry prior to release?

Through my own eyes I thought it was Mario 64. People were going absolutely nuts about it where I live, it's like the chatter would never end! :(


Super Mario 64. My friends and I would ride our bikes up to Blockbuster and marvel at the demo for an hour or two every day for about the month before its release that they had the kiosk. Mario 64 was everywhere whether it be in print or just people talking about it where I lived. Truly the most glorious moment and important title in the history of gaming as far as I am concerned.


Halo 2. Considering the sequel was being talked about right from the Xbox launch and stores started taking reservations long ago, it's just way too crazy.

Go to any sucky-ass game forum like G4techTV's and you can gauge the public level of hype. It sickens me.

Trust me, when people go crazy over single screenshots released of a game that do NOTHING to show off anything new or interesting aside from another picture of the sword, then you KNOW a game is hyped up to a god level.


What we've learned from this thread so far? If you want ungodly levels of hype, delay your game for a year or so.


Unconfirmed Member
Zelda OoT and Halo 2 just had trailers in movie theaters. Super Mario Bros 3 had its own fucking movie about it


OoT, Super Mario Bros 3 had a movie, Mario 64 was just a "have to expierence it" sort of thing. Halo 2 doesn't feel much different than the GTA 3 sequels or MGS sequels in hype. The line I stood in for OoT stretched across half the mall and lasted all day. That's just nuts.


I don't remember FFVII being very anticipated. The magazine ads were superb, but most of it's strength came after it was released.


Junior Member
I remember making myself insane wanting Street Fighter II Turbo for the SNES...and then shelling out $88 for it at toysRus. :(


etiolate said:
Mario 64 was just a "have to expierence it" sort of thing. The line I stood in for OoT stretched across half the mall and lasted all day. That's just nuts.

The line I stood in to get my N64 was just the same, and everybody in that line also had a copy of Mario 64.


For me, it was either Super Mario 64 or Final Fantasy VII, probably SM64. I ended up buying an import N64 just for SM64, my first import console ever.

As for the most hyped game by the rest of the world...again, I would say Super Mario 64. Or Metal Gear Solid 2 perhaps.


Considering the comparatively very limited size of the Xbox userbase I don't see how Halo 2 could possibly begin to be a contender. FFVII and SM64 seem like the obvious choices. The original MGS was a big deal, too.


No one mentioned Duke Nukem Forever ?!
I think Zelda '05 and Super Mario 128 will build up a lot of anticipation once new information is released, but I doubt they'll reach Mario 64 or Oot.

the following are the bestest.



MARIo 128 (its been talked about for yonks even since GC launch?)

Any console Zelda

I think that's pretty much it.

Duke Nukem I would say is NOT on anyone's anticipated list. Its just NOT.


Being all grown up, I don't have my finger on the gaming pulse anymore... but in my circle of friends Half-Life 2 is and has been the game you have to get.
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