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What is "oh noes"??

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AniHawk said:
It's that special feeling you get when you learn George Lucas has decided to alter the Original Trilogy in yet another way.
The THX VHS Star Wars box set from a few years ago would rock if it was Widescreen. Is there a widescreen laserdisc that is pre-special edition? Lucas is such a douche for changing his movies.


works for Gamestop (lol)
trippingmartian said:
The THX VHS Star Wars box set from a few years ago would rock if it was Widescreen. Is there a widescreen laserdisc that is pre-special edition? Lucas is such a douche for changing his movies.

Yep, and I own them. Got the laserdiscs trilogy for $30 on Ebay, that's $10 per movie. Pretty good price considering laserdiscs are pretty expensive...at least back then


Lame Mr. Bill rip off... Am I dating myself here? Mr. Bill was a claymation type cartoon sketch on SNL in the late 70's (maybe early 80's?)
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