Not to make a thread weird...
But why not.
I purchased at an actual pet shop a Chihuahua at around age...10.
I had asthma growing up and they definitely say that some people grow out of asthma. I also was a competitive swimmer from age 5 to 16. So those are my variants.
As the dog aged with me she would hack and wheeze like a 90 year old emphysema patient... and got worse and worse as she got into her old age, however this started at a very young age.
She barked and was a pain in the ass... She would use the bathroom on a pee pad, and seemed to always hit the corner so it was always a mess no matter what.
I kept her in the kitchen... Never did I have a mouse or rat or for that matter any crumbs on the floor... She ate them all.
However, once I purchased her, I never had an asthma attack again. My asthma completely cleared up. I listed above variants, however I do feel like she somehow took on the asthma for me. She lived 17 years and was a pain in the ass the whole time... ID give up a year of my life now just to play with her when she was in her prime.
I'm not one for superstition... And I think my physically active lifestyle as well as growing out of it were main factors...
But ill be damned if it doesnt make me question if I wouldnt recommend one to someone with asthma or even get another Chihuahua if it happened to a loved one.
You finally found it: The real answer to 'do Chihuahuas help with asthma?'. Quickly check out these 11 weird facts abouts Chis and asthma.