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What is the biggest "holy crap!" moment you're expecting from E3?


Can't wait to see what Naughty Dog can do with the PS4. I think there could be a teaser trailer for Uncharted 4 this E3 at least.

The "holy crap" moment for me would be if Sony announced a souls game with Hidetaka Miyazaki.


MS will show a new Perfect Dark game.

Sony will show a new Souls game.

Nintendo will show a new Metroid game.

It will be glorious for all.

People who think Uncharted will be coming this year are super high on optimism.


Zelda U is expected to be there, but I still hope that'll provide my biggest "holy crap" moment. Hopefully in the positive sense. Otherwise a new Metroid done in the spirit of ALBW would do it.
People who think Uncharted will be coming this year are super high on optimism.

While I agree it's unlikely, Sony don't seem to be announcing games 2 years before they come out (ignore Drive Club and TLG, ahem). I'm expecting them to have a surprise Xmas 2014 release. A new Uncharted seems unlikely, but you never know. Could be the trilogy in 1080 60fps?


Deus Next. Bob Page and Adam Jensen in full glory

I will say holy crap, and I'm kinda expecting it. Not sure which conference, Sony possibly?

More Witcher 3 gameplay would give me a similar reaction, the VGA trailer did. Fallout 4 reveal too.

But yeah, can't say what surprises would make me say Holy Crap!, because it wouldn't be a surprise :)



I'll probably stay awake longer to watch the whole sony/ms/nintendo thing if necessary but i can already sense i'd be better just sleep.


If I'm expecting it than it isn't a holy crap moment.

I'm expecting Zelda to make me say holy crap.

I'm also expecting to see FFXV and that'll make me say holy crap
this game still isn't out!

But for the most part you're right.
gameplay for DICE's Star Wars Battlefront or Visceral's unannounced Star Wars game. Namco Bandai announcing a new Gundam Wing game for PS4.


Hard to pick just one.

But this E3 will be one for the ages, I think.

Microsoft is somewhat in a make-or-break situation. Either they go big or go home.
They know that losing any more early marketshare to the competition is not an option because early adopters are largely going to determine the uptake by the masses.
Fan expectations are insane and I wonder if they'll be able to deliver. I expect drastic pricedrops and 180's. XBL Gold goes free? Who knows. I expect megatons either way.

Sony is continuously being low-balled for their E3 2014 performance. They are top dog right now, people expect them to have shot their load already. Might surprise us, who knows.

Nintendo will have to go hard if they want to prove their console is even going to be relevant this generation. They have to go balls-out.
OH! I said Fallout 4 and then realised.

My biggest holy crap moment would be if Guerilla Games is making an open world RPG, and it gets announced this year. That would be fricking rad!

Ever since KZ2, I've thought they should make an RPG.
New trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3. Crazy new footage. Tons of old and new Disney worlds are showcased.

At the end, Elsa, Captain America, and the release date are revealed.

I made a quick quick mock-up.


This plus Final Fantasy XV would kill me


Zelda Wii U with stunning graphics, new kind of gameplay mechanics using the lighting capabilities of the Wii U (Far ahead for what the 360 and PS3 can do in term of graphics )
Uncharted 4,CGI like gameplay graphics never seem before (Even on pc)
Fast Racing Neo, and Shin'en dev the new F-Zero.
Halo 4 looks stuninng (1080p60)


Persona 5. It's the only 2015 game that I am really excited about. That is, unless Nintendo announces a Dark Souls style Zelda or Metroid game...
I'm expecting a new Metroid. Not sure if it will be on 3DS or Wii U, though. The most optimistic part of me wants it to be like Prime and Fusion, with one game for each console. No way in hell that'll happen though...
I guess i always turn into a superficial graphics whore when it comes to shows like the E3, and i just want to see the most gorgeous immersive game i have ever laid my eyes upon. A fidelity that just inspires you to think about what the games will look like two years down the line.

However, with the current trend where 'gameplay-footage' in an early stage is hardly representative of the final product, and turning out to look a lot worse then what was shown, i have developed serious trust-issues. This E3 i fear i will feel just like i'm being played when i see that next jawdropping reveal of a new game. I honestly feel sad that the industry (esp. Ubisoft i guess) has 'damaged' me in this way. I know i loved being a true believer, how naieve that may have been in hindsight.


I'm expecting...

Zelda U
Something else from Nintendo
Uncharted 4
The Last Guardian

... to blow me away this year.
Here is a list of some of my expectations/desires:

- $100 pricecut on XboxOne (keeping Kinect in)
- Platinum's game for XboxOne announced (some huge IP)
- An HD remaster of Eternal Darkness and Metroid Prime for WiiU
- Miyamoto's FPS revealed
- A release dat for Morpheus
- Shenmue 3 announced

Far-fetched but who knows! It will be exciting nonetheless as no one is looking great financially and only the 3DS and PS4 are looking good sell-through wise.


Playstation All Stars 2 announcement, but as part as a whole reinvigoration of old Sony franchises. Every 3 months a new PSN remake/reboot of an old franchise is released under a new "Playstation Classics". Starting with Abe's Oddysee, followed by Parrappa the Rapper, and finally Crash....Medievil and Jet Moto in development.


Really Really Exciting Member!
All i care about this E3 is seeing the next Mass Effect and Zelda Wii U. Anything else is an extra bonus.


- Crash 4 (PS4 excklusive)
- The Last Guardian + release date
- Uncharted 4 gameplay
- FF XV gameplay
- Zelda U


- Suikoden VI (yeah, It's not gonna happen....)
First post I read and there's a Suikoden VI. Not bad :D

TLG, FF V, KH 3 and Uncharted 4 are my choices too.


not tag worthy
F Zero 3DS Wii U with cross online play, developed by Nintendo and the team that did the GC version. plus track editor.

ultra ssfiv 3ds,

Mario galaxy3 Wii-u

Star fox by treasure for 3ds,(Ikaruga/radiant silver gun style) platinum making the Wii-U version.

Steam World dig follow up for 3ds

metroid wiiu and 3ds


I live in hope.
Kind of a cheating answer, but basically desperate MS = insane exclusives announced. Price-cut too, but that will hardly be shocking.

EDIT: I should say I'm expecting to be underwhelmed by Sony; don't know why exactly, but something tells me their silence coupled with all their "restructuring" is not filling me with confidence. On the flip-side, it would not take much from them to wow me.


I will break a table if a new Metroid game is announced.

Also Zelda for Wii U. I don't expect it to happen so if it does, I'll break two tables.
Microsoft: Other than more info on already announced titles (QB, SO, Halo 2014), I expect at least one new first party exclude and one second or third party exclusive. I also expect a few higher profile Indies on stage; my guess: Playdead and That Game Company (I know they has close Sony ties, but they said they wanted their next title to be MP, and Chen seems to at least not hate MS, plus Spencer "Soulful" game announcement at E3)

Sony: I always find Sony's conference to be somewhat boring followed by a few big wow moments. Other than know games (U4, Order) I think well see two new first party exclusives, Sony has a large first party, time to see what they're up to. Sony will likely show off a few third party mp games like Destiny, but I don't think there will be any third party exclusives. I'm sure Sony will also rollout the Indies like last year.

Nintendo: Who knows, for good or Bad Nintendo always surprises.

As for all the other big publishers, I expect a really great showing from them. I'm most looking forward to EA, mainly due to Star Wars and Bioware.

As for games I don't think will be announced: HL3, Fallout 4, TLG
I have a feeling MS will money hat a big established franchise.
Something like fallout 4.

Well, if they didn't moneyhat the game last generation, they're hardly going to be able to afford to when their marketshare is smaller than the PS4's.

The next entry in Red Dead series is exclusive to PS4.

Why exclusive?

Just seeing it announced would make my day. I hope it gets a PC version too, so people can continue making it look awesome, and one day I'll get to play a photorealistic western.
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