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What is the deal with Street Fighter Alpha 3 on PSP?


I have read some things here and there about it, and a blurb on EB games really perked my interest in this game...

"Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX is a port of Street Fighter Alpha 3 that contains four additional characters over the original SFA3 - Ingrid from Capcom Fighting Evolution, and Yun, Maki, and Eagle from the GBA port of SFA3, as well as a tag-team variable match similiar to the VS series, and a 3-man team battle similar to the SNK KOF series."

Is this really going to be like the tag battle mechanic in the Marvel vs. Capcom series? Or is it going to be a bogus version like the ones in the Playstation 1 versions of the Street Fighter vs. Xmen games?

This is an instant purchase for me if it has that awesome tag battle. Alpha 3 is by far my favorite game of the series. How would they handle special moves (tag team moves)? Do you think they will put over the top tag team moves into the game, like MVC2? I find this hard to believe... but wonder about it


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Seems like they're trying to make Ingrid a regular character in their games. New characters are good!


Kingpen said:
Is this really going to be like the tag battle mechanic in the Marvel vs. Capcom series? Or is it going to be a bogus version like the ones in the Playstation 1 versions of the Street Fighter vs. Xmen games?

Heh. I remember I ALMOST imported a Saturn with the RAM cart just to play the full game. Ahh, memories.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
How in the world could you play a SF on a PSP? I can see people launching these things off of tables and laps trying to use the buttons and analog nub to pull off Fireballs.
DenogginizerOS said:
How in the world could you play a SF on a PSP? I can see people launching these things off of tables and laps trying to use the buttons and analog nub to pull off Fireballs.
what the hell!? :lol don't tell me you've actually seen people throw controllers on accident playing these games on consoles! And who the hell puts a psp on their lap? :lol
edit: or a table for that matter.


The PSP d-pad is so far behind any other console's that I don't think I'll ever try this. They're supposed to have 8 directions, not 7. ;_;

That, and it's not Alpha 2.

Sammy got GGXX to works very well according to Gaffers who played it and thus realized Capcom really screwed up the controls with Darkstalkers so hopefully Capcom learned from their first try.


don't blame capcom for the shitty d-pad...GGXX doesn't play that hot either...compared to any other version of GG I've played on consoles.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Comes out next week (January 19th) in Japan, and sometime in late February for U.S.

And yes, GGXX does control more responsively AND load much faster than Darkstalkers did. Not that I had a problem with DS' control myself, but GGXX is noticeably better. I do think people blow Darkstalkers' game play "issues" way out of proportion, but whatever, I doubt SFA3 will turn out that way.

I can also see Capcom porting this to consoles later on. Street Fighter Alpha 3 never did see release on PS2.


So what ever did happen to those rumors of a new Street Fighter game being announced go?

Seems like nothing caught on when the news broke, or maybe I just didn't search hard enough?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Joico said:
So what ever did happen to those rumors of a new Street Fighter game being announced go?

Seems like nothing caught on when the news broke, or maybe I just didn't search hard enough?

Nothing came of it. Every time there's a rumor of a new SF game being unveiled at an arcade show, it always ends up being false. :\

I've given up on anything new from Capcom at this point. If they do finally put out a new fighting game, I'll be all over it, but it's pretty much all SNK and Sammy at this point. Interestingly enough, at the Japanese arcades I've gone to, no one ever plays SF3. Hyper SF2 is the most popular Capcom fighter, followed by Street Fighter Zero 3, but very few people even play those games. People play KOF XI, SS Tenka, Meltybood, Guilty Gear XX #Reload Slash, and Hokuto No Ken.


Authorized Fister
So, Sony haven't repair the d-pad yet? That was a major issue with me. I thought that they would have fixed it in the recent models.


Fixing it? What was wrong with it in the beginning? I thought it was the [] button that had issues....?


Bacon of Hope
Lyte Edge said:
Interestingly enough, at the Japanese arcades I've gone to, no one ever plays SF3.

You're only saying this to anger me.

I think a port to PS2 would be bad ass. i never got into alpha becuase there were no "true to arcade" ports for any consoles except saturn I think.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
haunts said:
You're only saying this to anger me.

I think a port to PS2 would be bad ass. i never got into alpha becuase there were no "true to arcade" ports for any consoles except saturn I think.

A port to Xbox with Live support would be even better...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
haunts said:
You're only saying this to anger me.

:lol No, it just surprised me and pretty much has stopped me from playing the game now. All these people "playing nothing but Virtua Fighter 4 and SF3!!!11" must be in a few select arcades; everyone plays Tekken 5 (now Dark Resurrection), SS Tenka, and GGXX the most. I figured it was just what people played here in Kanazawa, but when I was in Tokyo, it was the same. I think I've seen like two CvS2 machines and have never seen a Vs. game here.

If they ever add the game to the Xbox 360's bc list, I'll get back online with it though.

I think a port to PS2 would be bad ass. i never got into alpha becuase there were no "true to arcade" ports for any consoles except saturn I think.

Even the Saturn version has some slow down issues when in V-Ism. Alpha 2 and 3 were easily the most played emulated arcade games on my modded Xbox.

Although you could say that the DC version is "perfect" since Capcom took it and made an arcade game out of it later on.

I'm sure a PS2 port of SFA3 will happen in some form. Capcom did release Vampire Darkstalkers Collection for PS2 after Darkstalkers Chronicle came out.


Yeah, I really want this game.

But whatever happend to Guilty Gear Judgement?

Wasn't that suppose to be out this month?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Idioteque said:
Yeah, I really want this game.

But whatever happend to Guilty Gear Judgement?

Wasn't that suppose to be out this month?

Issues with Majesco, I guess.

BTW Guilty Gear Judgement is not the same game as #Reload. The game that came out in Japan last year is just a port of #Reload; no BEU features were added.


JeFfRey said:
So, Sony haven't repair the d-pad yet? That was a major issue with me. I thought that they would have fixed it in the recent models.

They cant "fix" it, theres nothing wrong with it.

A "redesign" with a more elevated d-pad would be nice, but after a little practice I'm able to hadouken all day long with the current one anyway.


The PSP d-pad is so far behind any other console's that I don't think I'll ever try this. They're supposed to have 8 directions, not 7. ;_;

I wouldn't say behind ANY other consoles.... I'd still take it over the X360's. I figure, if I've managed to play ridiculous amounts of hours of DoA4 on a X360 crap-ass d-pad, I can handle the PSPs.

I devoted many hours to SFA3 on my PSX... now having a version I can play anywhere will be quite nice. I tried the GBA version of SFA3.... nice conversion considering the hardware, but the d-pad on the GBA was just way too small to play that kind of game with adult sized hands.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Agent X said:
I don't have problems performing special moves in Darkstalkers Chronicle on PSP.
That's because fanboys adjust them-selves. I'm sure there are fans of Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO for GC out there as well.
CO_Andy said:
You guys are complaining about the same dpad we've been using for over a decade?

I think it was something to do with how Capcom handled the control input with Darkstalkers, it pretty much looks like a PS1/2 D-pad but for some reason didn't register right.
Yeah, I've played about 3 hours of GGXX#R this evening, and haven't missed a special yet, including Dizzy's wacky-ass motions for her 2 and 3 Supers.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Personally I think the controls in SFA3 PSP are kinda piss poor, but that's just me. Yes, I do have the game. There are a LOT of options in the game, which is awesome, and the loading doesn't seem so bad. I just don't like the controls, but it's due to the PSP rather than the game.
actually, the PSP dpad sucks donkey dick.
They should do 2 things to improve it.
1.Angle it a bit, like the ps3 controller.
2. Make the dpad pop out a little more/or make it firmer so the thing doesn't sink so much when it's pressed, It's god damn imposible to register a diagonal movement.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I hadn't any issue at all with the first games I had (ridge, wipeout, hot shots). But whoever says PSP dpad isn't bad hasn't played PES. Diagonals do work erratically and break the game. SFA3 relies on precision so it will be a good test to see if developpers can adapt such games to the PSP pad. And I'm looking forward to reading some feedback about this adaptater. Could make me reconsider some PSP games purchases as well.


You guys are complaining about the same dpad we've been using for over a decade?

It isn't the same.

I can jump backwards as P1 on a PS1/PS2 pad. I can't do this 100% of the time on a PSP. Nor can I think of a worse D-pad. Maybe mine is a hardware goof and they aren't all this bad?


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
It was also improved from the original PS pad for the dual shock. It was originally really hard to press and hurt your thumb very quickly in fighting games.
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