table tennis
Mad fun.
table tennis
Soccer and basketball
Just need sneakers, a ball then find a park with a net
Archery, just you and your skill set. That focus when you draw, obtaining full control over your body, awesome feeling.
Everyone mentioning tennis or badminton but has not tried squash should give it go.
I used to play table tennis and badminton and still love those sports but squash took the crown. So satisfying to hit that rubber ball against a wall!
The most fun I had playing sport was, in order, Football (with feet), Basketball, Squash, then badminton.
That's gruesome!
Not suprising this wasn't mentioned more often, but one of the best answers. I don't watch it myself, but playing? Thrilling.Handball. It's fast and strategic.
People who've played hockey or not.
Hockey is easily the best, The issue is that its hard to play, expensive, and dangerous. So I can't really say its the best to play just for all the requirements needed. It was a thousand+ to play every year(though it included 7 months seasons and 3 times a week, with 3 tournaments). But it's also hard to recommend a sport to people where starting a list of injuries.
-1 Conscious.
-Fractured bone with torn skin. The puck tore off my skin where it hit.
-Set of stitches
-Bruised ribs
And those are the ones I went to the hospital for...
Best to play on a normal basis, Got a ball and some friends? You're good to go. It's simple to understand and the entry to play is a lot lower. Not to mention its great exercise.
Worst to play. Paintball aka People who want to shoot other people but too big of pussies to join the army. I'm being really unfair with that comment since the game is hella fun with friends or people who understand its a game. The issue is that it is a sport heavily dictated by money investment, the honor system, and people living out the COD fantasy.
Stupidest to play.... Football on ice. Ended up with some face stitches from that one in under 3 minutes of playing.
Basketball. Its super fast paced and like you said, everyone's involved in all of the action. Its probably one of the most 'team sports' out there. I don't really like playing soccer/football, as it can get boring if you're on the defensive side and have to stay back (Expecially if the other team sucks and never can get the ball near your goal)
Paintball is hella fun.
When two teams of equal skill play against each other and you're really going at it, it is such a rush.