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What is wrong with us who enjoy Starfield?


*Refreshes biennially
There’s nothing wrong, it’s a good game. Just some sad people have decided to dedicate their lives to shitting on it.

This. Good game. There's plenty wrong with it and in many aspects it's a downgrade from their previous SP games but there's also a lot of fun to be found if you enjoy crafting, looting, shooting, building and questing.

And there's potential for it to be excellent if they don't give up on it and pump updates regularly this year.
I don't like Starfield, but some users (majority Sony fanboys) here needs some therapy. They beat down the game to the death and still kicking the corpse.

Some people here think we are morons.

Every day Startfield threads was created behind the mask of naivety with the real face of cinism, but the truth was to be a firestarter thread to continue smashing the game. Same for the comments.

Not too long ago i avoided gaf for weeks because of that. It's just so juvenile and childish, and it's scary based on the average age of gaf users.

Just to clarify, i like Playstation more because of the third party games, but i enjoy my Xbox too.

Some jokes are fine, but this game in particular, people here crossed the line.
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Mediocrity?? Lol

You got dudes/ladies spending 100s of hours in this game. It's already winning awards, nominated for more (Dice) sold 4+ million on PC alone, racked up more Gamepass subs in a single day than any other in the history of the service and people are still talking about it and this is almost five months in.

At the end of the day your opinion is your own but, it doesn't apply universally. Not even almost.

If you look at just Metacritic both critic and user reviews, Starfield is there lowest rated single player RPG. It isn't a bad game just a mediocre game by Bethesda's standard.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
If you look at just Metacritic both critic and user reviews, Starfield is there lowest rated single player RPG. It isn't a bad game just a mediocre game by Bethesda's standard.
Meta is irrelevant. Besides, it still landed in the 80s which is still a great score. And as I mentioned, it just released a few mere months ago. This game, like most Bethesda games has a long future ahead of it. People are too wrapped up in their feelings about its exclusivity and wanting to kill it off before it ever really gets going. Just simply isn't going to happen though.

there's like the reality of starfield, then there's this ongoing narrative that's simply not true.
I don't like Starfield, but some users (majority Sony fanboys) here needs some therapy. They beat down the game to the death and still kicking the corpse.

Some people here think we are morons.

Every day Startfield threads was created behind the mask of naivety with the real face of cinism, but the truth was to be a firestarter thread to continue smashing the game. Same for the comments.

Not too long ago i avoided gaf for weeks because of that. It's just so juvenile and childish, and it's scary based on the average age of gaf users.

Just to clarify, i like Playstation more because of the third party games, but i enjoy my Xbox too.

Some jokes are fine, but this game in particular, people here crossed the line.

How much you want to bet that half the people you think are MS hatin fanboys are actually people that just really hoped Starfield would be great and are now so disappointed that they feel a need to express that disappointment?
How much you want to bet that half the people you think are MS hatin fanboys are actually people that just really hoped Starfield would be great and are now so disappointed that they feel a need to express that disappointment?
So half MS hating fanboys half children who can’t help but throw a never ending tantrum because a game didn’t meet their expectations.

Sounds about right


Meta is irrelevant. Besides, it still landed in the 80s which is still a great score. And as I mentioned, it just released a few mere months ago. This game, like most Bethesda games has a long future ahead of it. People are too wrapped up in their feelings about its exclusivity and wanting to kill it off before it ever really gets going. Just simply isn't going to happen though.

there's like the reality of starfield, then there's this ongoing narrative that's simply not true.
Yep i mean there are already thousands of mods for the gamre and the mod tools havent even been released yet (so much for 'all' modders not bothering with the game)

I'll agree with anyone that says the story was meh, in fact i didnt even finish it. The side content though is as good as ever, and classic Bethesda.

When i play through the game again, it will be all side content, which is how i play Bethesda rpg's anyway as they are probably the only games in gaming where the side content is more important that the campaign.

And i still believe 2 or 3 years from now, the game will be thought of as a very good game, and have a very loyal consistent fanbase, just like with Elder Scrolls and Fallout.
Once all the nonsense calms down .
I'm not a huge fan, but there were several missions I thought were great. The problem was that almost all of them were near the ends of questlines chock full of missions that were repetetive and banal. Being forced to jump through hoops to get to the "fun" is Starfield's bread and butter, and I just can't praise that sort of design.


I don't like Starfield, but some users (majority Sony fanboys) here needs some therapy. They beat down the game to the death and still kicking the corpse.

Some people here think we are morons.

Every day Startfield threads was created behind the mask of naivety with the real face of cinism, but the truth was to be a firestarter thread to continue smashing the game. Same for the comments.

Not too long ago i avoided gaf for weeks because of that. It's just so juvenile and childish, and it's scary based on the average age of gaf users.

Just to clarify, i like Playstation more because of the third party games, but i enjoy my Xbox too.

Some jokes are fine, but this game in particular, people here crossed the line.
After playing Starfield for 250 hours I can quickly see who has barely played it or are just trolling to start some dumb talks that will lead nowhere, and there is an ignore list, easy fix.
Those who can do real constructive criticism are important though, mixing the positives and negatives. There has been some great talks in the OT, hopefully some Bethesda dev is lurking here, it’s not a perfect game and Bethesda needs to get detailed info about what and how they could improve things.


Gold Member
Serious question here as I bought it day 0 played a week and felt like I had seen and experienced it all like it was just very dull and repetitive.

Have they updated the game at all or improved anything since launch? Or they just leaving it at v1.0


Then you will be just like Greg Miller, its his Game of the Year.

Consensus isn't that its actually bad, as far as i heard its just that it failed to deliver on the hype and it ended up being a disappointment and worse than mainline Bethesda Games according to the fans.

I have not played it yet, when i play it i will form my opinion, but based on what i watched i got the vibe that:
Starfield is a relaxing game.
Starfield has bad exploration
Starfield winning most innovative gameplay is actually legit cause Todd Howard invented a space travel faster than light (aka Loading Screens)
I mean i saw a lot of loading screens which is weird for a game like this in 2023.
Starfield looks to have decent gameplay
Starfield looks to have mediocre to bad story
Starfield looks to have outdated engine, physics system.
Starfield looks to have a lot of meaningless filler.

So i don't know, i like watching someone playing Starfield when i want to fall a sleep, when i broke my arm, i was in a lot of pain for the first weeks, i turned on Youtube and watched Asmongold play Starfield, it actually did help me sleep more cause i was having problems sleeping at night. So i guess Starfield soundtrack gives me this soothing relaxation idk if its true, but i can't hate the game cause of that, and i also didnt play it so why hate it like a sheep. lol

Anyway i decided to halt my purchase until the full edition comes out later and it will be worth it for the mods too.
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Serious question here as I bought it day 0 played a week and felt like I had seen and experienced it all like it was just very dull and repetitive.

Have they updated the game at all or improved anything since launch? Or they just leaving it at v1.0
Serious answer here, I bought it on early access and played it for 3 months and still haven’t seen it all, stopped to play some Baldur’s Gate 3 in December, returned again around year end, it was my GOTY.

They’ve updated minor things like added an eat button when you hold the cursor over food, and dlss, and fixed some bugs.
No bigger updates yet. They said updates will come frequently this year, new ways to travel and city maps is the only thing they talked about iirc, plus they’ll release an expansion.

If you have the PC version there are new things added through mods, tons of suits, better looking bodies, better UI, call my ship, ship designer questline, less restricted building mechanics, etc, over 6000 mods total.

The official modding tools will arrive early this year, bringing mods to consoles and hopefully being less restricted in what can be done.

You say you didn’t like it at release because of repetitiveness. Did you focus on the main quest? That is repetitive to me as well.

With NG+ it’s essentially a roguelike. Poof, all gone, let’s start over, new biomes generated, keep your stats and powers. It’s like playing Returnal but instead of a couple hours to finish it takes days. I didn’t like that. Not in Returnal, not here. Pissed me off tbh. They need to let me save my created content somehow before I ever step over the finishline again. I don’t care if some cool things happens with the story or whatever. Don’t erase my stuff! Make some mechanic where I can rebuild an old base from memory and have robots or a construction firm or something build it up for me

/end spoiler

You could always ignore the main quest and focus on side content, that’s what I’ve done in my second playthrough for 170 hours. Try some outpost building, I doubt you’ve done much of that in a week since it takes a long time just building up skills and doing research. Obviously repetitive if you’re not into crafting and collecting resources as always with that sort of gameplay. But awesome if you’re a creative person. In short it becomes a slimmed down No Man’s Sky (one of my all time favorites), with better shooting and roleplaying and you have cargo transports and fabricators that removes some of the most time consuming resources collecting.

Anyway, you already have the game so definitely worth checking out what goes on later on. But maybe not now, unless you play it differently as said above.

I’d say wait until a month or so after the modding tools are out, then check back in and see if something cool is out that you like. If not, return even later and so on.

I’m thinking it’ll be a fun year for fans and it’ll pull some people back who left early.

Edit: just saw this on Twitter:

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How much you want to bet that half the people you think are MS hatin fanboys are actually people that just really hoped Starfield would be great and are now so disappointed that they feel a need to express that disappointment?
No because i know their behavior here and other forums from a looong time...

King Dazzar

I'll be honest I wouldn't have loved Skyrim as much as I did if it weren't for mods elevating it. But for me on XSX, releasing Starfield as only 30fps with broken HDR, bounced me off it very quickly. It should have been better from the off for an allegedly top tier AAA first party release. But if that and the awful writing, didn't bother you, then crack on and enjoy it.

I'm sure many of us love games which have had mixed receptions. One of mine would be AC Valhalla or Far Cry. Many despise both of those titles and thats fine. I'm just glad I found something I enjoyed. I think the difference though with Starfield is, that everyone's expectations were so much higher. And the pressure for it to be a top tier AAA experience finally for the Xbox platform earned it a lot more scrutiny. Of which it fell short. Followed up with silly/arrogant PR from Bethesda, hardly endeared it to many.
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Its a good game just let down by pointless exploration/mineral collecting (personally hate that shit and the reason why i wont play NMS) i enjoyed the shooting, dialog isnt as bad as what people say it is, either are the quests, imo they are a huge upgrade to fallout 4 which is just a shit game that can't be fixed with mods but fast travel is definitely one of the worst things about the game, so is the challenges for perks and stuff


Still did alright if this is true .. or maybe it’s just break even depending on dev cost

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Well for some "enjoying" Starfield is about the same as enjoying taking a dump. The relieving feeling of pressure and pain leaving your body is enjoyable.


on it's own star field is actually an incredible piece of software with a lot of work out into it, but i believe most peoples' gripe with it is how it pales in comparison to other bethesda titles which they are known for, or how it's not as fun.
It's not all consistent. Assets and overall graphics are incredible!
But procedurally generated stuff, AI, loading screens are awful. Also overall feeling that someone has fooled you is exactly what I hate about gaming. They purposely hiding the facts about the game that people are worried about.


Bad taste, lack of standards. If you enjoy eating rotten food or from the garbage bin, wearing ragged clothes, dating unattractive people, sleeping on a fucked up mattress. I understand that you like starfield. It’s not wrong it is what you like and that is fine…. For you.
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