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What is wrong with us who enjoy Starfield?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Mostly from charging practices early on that were fixed

Steam reviews are also highly negative for Starfield

Major outlets gave Starfield poor reviews. It’s certainly not some overwhelmingly positive perceived title

It's not an overwhelmingly negatively perceived title either.

Metacritic review aggregate is 83%, Opencritic review aggregate is 85%. These scores generally come in the Good range.
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It's not an overwhelmingly negatively perceived title either.

Metacritic review aggregate is 83%, Opencritic review aggregate is 85%. These scores generally come in the Good range.
Yeah this is what i mean. If Starfeid had got like a 20 MC score (which some poeple act like it did) then you could understand a lot of the bullshit surrounding the game, but it was a very solidly reviewed game with overall good reviews.

And thats what the game is, a good game that has several flaws. Its so silly the way certain people almost attack your itegrity if you like it, like its a terrible game or something.


Starfield is awesome.
I would like it to be a bit more focused on exploration, but for what it is- a space rpg, it's brilliant.
Ignore the haters, enjoy the game.
I don't care about building ships, but highly enjoy the story and the many cool side stories.

I've no clue if its possible to mod the xbox version, but if it is, I highly recommend a mod that clears up the saturation and makes the game pop.
It looks a bit washed out in places.


There is nothing wrong if you enjoy a game but others don't. My issue is seeing people who enjoy Starfield, but tries to invalidate opinions of people who don't like it or criticize it for not living up to the hype.

I enjoyed Gotham Knights, others shit on it. Still think the game is really fun. And get this....I'm also looking forward to Suicide Squad.

Buggy Loop


Whole video is worth a watch, but that MAIN quest development timestamped is so bad.

I mean, you can turn off your brain and enjoy a ride but ultimately, its one of the worst written RPG in quite a long time. Mass Effect trilogy is a freaking marvel compared to it in writing and that's not even a high bar.

The writer left Bethesda after dropping this turd, rightfully so.

It's a downgrade for even Bethesda RPG genre. Worse outposts than settlements. Worse writing than all of Bethesda games. Skill system is a major waste. So are the powers. The world is antithesis of Skyrim where nook and crannies would result typically in some interesting event. Only thing redeemable in the game is the ship building, and then the space combat sucks.
- The xyz procedurally generated empty planets with the same copy and paste crap over and over again is not only bad gamedesign it`s padding to the point of absolutely disrespecting the gamer`s time.
- The inconsequential world is laughable. "So I saved your life just a few hours ago, how about you help me out with a little thing then?" NPC: "I`ve never seen this man in my life"
- Tiny-----tiny levels with everything hidden behind loading screens.
- Lifeless static NPCs all around.

Skyrim did those things better more than a decade ago...for 2023 this is just a joke.
Every galaxy scope game is like this, Elite, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen etc. How the F else are you supposed to have multiple explorable planets if they aren't proc gen. Game devs with AAA budgets can't even make a whole cities worth of content let alone an entire nation. GTA, Watchdogs Witcher 3 are all tiny landmasses compared to the actual earth content they're inspired on.

So if the tech doesn't allow it through traditional means like those games are you banned from making large space faring games just cause gaffers don't like those games?
I think the criticism of Starfield is exaggerated due to its exclusivity and the console wars.
It’s definitely a flawed game, played it too safe, had a lot of elements that seemed interesting but ultimately lacking in depth.

Scotty W

I mean, where to even start? It is crystal clear to me that your enjoyment of this games is 100% performative. You have an insane emotional sunken coat in this game because you waited 10 years for it as your messiah, the source of hope in console wars. In fact, some of you first started your console warring career to simp for this game. You’ve been fighting over it before development started, with more passion than the makers themselves, and now that people are putting it on the shelf, you are still soiling your diapers. Add on to it the fact that Microsoft spent untold billions in order to play this and you have the ultimate in cope, because Microsoft is the centerpiece of the American military complex, that’s why you think you love the Xbox. You are paying for regime propaganda! Look at your games! It’s all: respect these hideous women, cut off your dick, yay diversity. Xbox and America are laughing at you, your humiliation, your degredation, and instead of having a bit of self respect, you spend your spare time defending expensive mediocrity in which you travel from one copy pasted space station to another to be harangued by Diversity Inclusion and Equity to strangers on the internet. What a perfect symbol of the decline of the Global American Empire. Thankfully you still have enough self awareness to feel some cognitive dissidence to feel some compunction about making a fool of yourself on the daily in front of people who just want to see you happy, healthy and having fun.


I enjoyed it just fine, but it's not the best game in the whole damn world most people were expecting. I wasn't expecting it to begin with because of Bethesda. It's just an average RPG. Nothing more or less.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
It's not an overwhelmingly negatively perceived title either.

Metacritic review aggregate is 83%, Opencritic review aggregate is 85%. These scores generally come in the Good range.

I would say that there's a big divergence between the user reception and reviews, and we know how much importance was placed on this game. Lots of inflated scores for this one that in retrospect should be a lot lower. I also think many reviewers were willing to just throw it an okay score because nothing is seriously or abjectly broken about it, and the scale of things you can do is certainly high. Try reviewing everything in this game with the time limitations they had. Many people played countless hours giving it a fair shake before realizing it doesn't really improve, but at points many of us were optimistic. The game's reviews likely reflect that optimism that was never really achieved.


Some people prefer to be "stuck in the past" when a lot of "trendy" games with modern design are unlikable. Nothing wrong with liking different things because there's plenty of styles to go around with so many developers and games these days.
There is being stuck in the past to go after nostalgia, and then there is creating a game that takes a step back from a game released in 2007 while at the same time touting that you've made your most ambitious game yet.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The game's reviews likely reflect that optimism that was never really achieved.

I was gonna say the above is the dumbest take in the thread so far but then I read this ..

I mean, where to even start? It is crystal clear to me that your enjoyment of this games is 100% performative. You have an insane emotional sunken coat in this game because you waited 10 years for it as your messiah, the source of hope in console wars. In fact, some of you first started your console warring career to simp for this game. You’ve been fighting over it before development started, with more passion than the makers themselves, and now that people are putting it on the shelf, you are still soiling your diapers. Add on to it the fact that Microsoft spent untold billions in order to play this and you have the ultimate in cope, because Microsoft is the centerpiece of the American military complex, that’s why you think you love the Xbox. You are paying for regime propaganda! Look at your games! It’s all: respect these hideous women, cut off your dick, yay diversity. Xbox and America are laughing at you, your humiliation, your degredation, and instead of having a bit of self respect, you spend your spare time defending expensive mediocrity in which you travel from one copy pasted space station to another to be harangued by Diversity Inclusion and Equity to strangers on the internet. What a perfect symbol of the decline of the Global American Empire. Thankfully you still have enough self awareness to feel some cognitive dissidence to feel some compunction about making a fool of yourself on the daily in front of people who just want to see you happy, healthy and having fun.

If this is a copypasta, good job. If not. Hoo-lee shit :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Its a ok game , graphics look nice , play fine, had some nice new features(ships building), lots of stuff to do, had some interesting moment, some interesting locations , bland af story , bland af npcs, bland af companion , bland af quest (maybe except a few) , most npcs you talk to have an IQ of a 12 years old .
The game would actually even better if npc doesnt talk more than 2 sentence .

I wont lie I enjoy the first 30 hours of this game , but the more "story quest" I do , the more Npcs I talk to , the more dissapointed I get . After the crimson fleet , the ryujin , and that old earth ships quest line , I just cant keep playing . The overall plot was fine , but how they did it , the writing , the npcs just make me want to burn this universe .


This sums up everything that is wrong with Starfield:



Just realized that I could literally use my playtime counter to do my GOTY list.

1. Starfield (250 hours)
2. Zelda TOTK (80 hours)
3. Baldur’s Gate 3 (25 hours)

Seems right and I’m honestly proud of myself for spending the most time on the game I liked the most, it’s how it should be. No 100 hours of playtime and a thumbs down here lol
Starfield is probably one of the games I’ve talked about the most here on GAF as well, which I’m also proud of myself for, and I have to say that the OT in general has been superb for this game, lots of good talks. 👍


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying Starfield. If you like Bethesda style games, it should be right up your alley.

What I didn't understand in the days and weeks after launch was the people complaining that it plays just like Skyrim. My reaction to that criticism was, "Well, yeah, what were you expecting? Every Bethesda developed game since Skyrim has played like Skyrim." That's like playing Devil May Cry 5 and then whining that it's a Japanese character action game or playing Elden Ring and then whining that it plays like Dark Souls.
It does not really play like Skyrim in space almost at all, actually the greenest of the greens initially were very compact in defending the game as “it is not Skyrim in space, you are playing it wrong” “I stopped playing it like Skyrim in space and I am having more fun” :D.
I would begin by saying nothing is wrong with you or anybody who likes Starfield. I think you're likely not thinking about the game critically. You see what the game offers and you really enjoy it, and that's that's. The game's issues don't bother you and therefore you look right past them. That's okay.

If you look at the game in comparison to other games, especially other Bethesda games, then you'll see just how fucked up it is. It's a major step back in pretty much most areas.

But it's cool, G. Enjoy what you enjoy and fret not. We all like things that someone dislikes.


No bad intentions to anyone who likes Starfield, you do you, but I really regret the 30 odd hours I put into it. Soulless and Boring.
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It does not really play like Skyrim in space almost at all, actually the greenest of the greens initially were very compact in defending the game as “it is not Skyrim in space, you are playing it wrong” “I stopped playing it like Skyrim in space and I am having more fun” :D.
I’d say it’s a slimmed down No Man’s Sky with roleplaying, great shooting, a ship builder and amazing visuals.

There is some Mass Effect in there too with the ship crew and big cities full of quests.

Maybe a little bit of Skyrim too with the powers and factions and looting caves and enemy outposts etc.

It’s a mix of games really and in my opinion unique in it’s complete package. There is nothing else quite like it tbh.

Anyhow it’ll be interesting to follow it’s evolution through the planned updates and expansion. No overpromise and underdeliver please Bethesda! Do it right!

And it’ll be fun to follow the modding scene. There are currently over 6 thousand mods available on PC and this is without the promised ”modders paradise” official tools said to come early this year.
I’m trying not to have too high expectations to not end up disappointed.
Can you install 300gb of sex mods yet? That's what's wrong with it (never care about what others think, it's your money and your life)
It's not an overwhelmingly negatively perceived title either.

Metacritic review aggregate is 83%, Opencritic review aggregate is 85%. These scores generally come in the Good range.
Critic reviews unfortunately don’t always reflect the actual quality of a game, because of many reasons like being an Xbox focused website, sponsored by ms money, and this is the only game to review so it must be 95% or higher e.g.

Sometimes the scores are spot on, but that’s actually more on smaller titles in which they didn’t get paid to write a critical poem masterpiece by a certain publisher or something like that.

In this case, the game is way worse than the critic average. And everyone who played it knows it. I played it for about 20 hours and it feels its just lost hours of my life, not some hours I enjoyed as it should be. It’s boring and soulless as mentioned many times by others. Also, archaic in its design and execution and there are many better games nowadays.

If this came out together with Skyrim on the same day, it would’ve been a slaughter. Skyrim would easily outsell this game, and it’s already a hundred years old by now.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Whatever floats your boat, OP.

I personally think Dynasty Warriors 3 is one of the greatest games of all time. I doubt many here would agree with me, but it's my personal opinion. It's what I like that matters.


I really enjoyed starfield but I regret rushing to finish it, I still did plenty of side missions and it took me 45 hours but people said how good the new game plus mechanic and story was that I didn’t want to be spoiled. An hour into new game plus I dropped it and haven’t played since end of September. Still have a save from just before the end of the game I think so might load the up when dlc and more patches drop


I do not like the game. I played Bethesda games for the massive world and adhd like exploration of wandering around and randomly stumbling on interesting quests. They’ve broken that part of their games with starfield. The stuff I despised from their recent games was all the building mechanics (and the procedural elements).

I do have two friends who really like starfield, and speaking to them, they couldn’t stop talking about the ship building stuff. Ie the shit I hate. So it could be that Bethesda are simply deviating from players like me, and from people who like the games they used to make, and are turning it more into Minecraft with a story which is finding appeal with a different audience.
Whatever floats your boat, OP.

I personally think Dynasty Warriors 3 is one of the greatest games of all time. I doubt many here would agree with me, but it's my personal opinion. It's what I like that matters.

Dynasty Warriors 3 was epic. I think they’ve struggled to adapt it to current gen consoles, but here’s hoping they sort it for number 10


If u enjoy good for u
I also enjoy shitty anime games like genshin inpact,honkai starrail,super robot wars series and shitty mediocore gundam games.

Difference is i dont hype those games up like its the 2nd coming of jesus and also trying to hard to convince other people that its great


Liking any game is always a personal thing anyway and shouldn't need an explanation, however to those that say the backlash and complaint's isn't justified, as a PC gamer i highly doubt the massive PC performance boost and DLSS patch would have come out just 2 months after the game without the criticism the game got, we were told to upgrade our PC's by Todd after 1 month remember,

A lot of the negativity is from fans of their older SP games, me included, that wanted a Skyrim or Fallout in space as Todd Howard also said, well we didn't get it!, so liking the game is fine but so is the complaint's and negativity, Bethesda needs to listen and hear and take note of their fans, and it's not just a few of us, well hopefully they listen!.


It's okay to enjoy a game that some people don't. That's the beauty of gaming, different strokes for different folks. Personally I always love a good space theme in a video game, and the exploration in this is totally the type of thing I can get into, especially with the usual Bethesda character depth to the game.
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I really enjoyed starfield but I regret rushing to finish it, I still did plenty of side missions and it took me 45 hours but people said how good the new game plus mechanic and story was that I didn’t want to be spoiled.
Many of us did the same thing. I don’t remember where that talk came from but from my perspective having kept playing it for 250 hours total it’s a total troll. It’s like telling someone to play No Man’s Sky and focus on rushing through the Atlas quest, turns it into some kind of collectathon roguelike.

In my current playthrough (170 hours) I’ve only done 1 main quest and then went out to do my own thing. I have a bunch of outposts with cargo links going between them, animal farms, robot defenses, greenhouses, penthouse flat, space sheriff badge, mind control device in my head, my own non-Constellation crew. Miss important Sarah still thinks I’m a noob and wonder if I’m ready to take her out on my first mission. Nah, I’m good.


It's an unusual game. It seems to elicit the full range of responses, from people that really love it, to people that really hate it.

And, of course, there's the people that like to announce they don't understand how anyone could possibly really love it. Who knew there were so many pompous farts on the internet.

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Enjoy it, you can enjoy it for me too since I think it's the biggest disappointment in years.

In all seriousness though, who cares. Play it and have fun, that's what it's there for. There's nothing wrong with you, you just found something to like about it that a lot of us didn't. Good for you!


Yeah this is what i mean. If Starfeid had got like a 20 MC score (which some poeple act like it did) then you could understand a lot of the bullshit surrounding the game, but it was a very solidly reviewed game with overall good reviews.

And thats what the game is, a good game that has several flaws. Its so silly the way certain people almost attack your itegrity if you like it, like its a terrible game or something.
Take away the reviews from metacritic that were done by publications with "xbox" or "Microsoft" in their name, and that really isn't the case, it would be sitting at around 70 without those reviews
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