What is your crème de la crème of all media and why?


Similarly to the large majority of you, the media I enjoy plays a major part in my life. I couldn't imagine wasting my days away on sites like NeoGAF if that weren't the case.

There are three obvious favorites I have. I say obvious because I never shut the hell up about them.

The Buffyverse (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)​



As a lover of both horror movies, and late 90s and early 2000's youth culture, BtVS/Angel are a perfectly attuned to my interests. Wrapped neatly in a WB/UPN friendly package, nearly every episode is not only exploding with macabre themes, but romance, action, and comedy as well. To me, they're the perfect punch of everything one could turn to television or movies for. Apart from that, the writing is phenomenal as each episode takes twists and turns which aren't afraid to put its sultry young stars in peril repeatedly. Characters are all not only distinct and memorable, but bursting at the seams with amiability. The writing is sharp, and self aware, and only strengthened by the charm of the mid-budget special effects of their respective era. An absolute love letter to horror, science fiction, television in general: BtVS and Angel stand above giants. I can re-watch these endlessly.


Deftones, the perfect band. Taking my pre-teen nu metal loving roots and filtering them through a shoegazey, post-rock, dream pop filter on each album is no small feat. The serene tones of Chino Moreno's soothing croons dance so delicately with the amazingly heavy riffage of Stephen Carpenter backing them up. Not lacking whatsoever is the tight and polyrhythmic drum blasts of Abe Cunningham and Sergio Vega's bassy booms (RIP Chi) completing the rhythm section of the band. Last but not least, you have Frank Delgado complimenting the band's overall mixture of beauty and rage with his atmospheric keyboard and turntable stylings. Nearly impossible to place a genre label on throughout their career, Deftones never fail to impress.



Few games contain the amount of endless depth which Tekken does. The undisputed king of 3D fighters. Even other fighting game communities tip their hats to Tekken fans based upon the intricacies of the game itself. Like any great game, it can be played as simply or as complex as you'd like. All the characters are so damn cool, and the OST never fails to represent. With multiple characters having over 100 unique moves in their arsenal, learning matchups is a must for this insanely advanced game of footsies and highs, mediums, and lows. You could spend hundreds of hours with this game and still have something new to learn while studying new matchups or situations. Everything about Tekken is so damn cool, man. I adore it.

Like a far nerdier version of Captain Ahab, these three things are the stupid whale which bit off my leg, except I've finally caught them as opposed to them being root of my demise. While watching Buffy/Angel, listening to Deftones, or playing Tekken - I enjoy myself so much that I genuinely question why I even bother watching other movies/tv, listening to other bands, or playing other games. The way which these things scratch my itch almost feels like they're giving my brain a blowjob or something lmao. I try to talk to others about this sort of thing, and they really don't seem to fully grasp it - obviously they have preferences of their own.

For me, these three things are the crème de la crème of each of their respective mediums. So much so, that it sorta makes me dislike other things simply for not being one of these. Apart from a beautiful woman, I can think of nothing I enjoy more than these.



HOW ABOUT YOU?! What is your crème de la crème of all media and why?!

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Any albums in particular?
My latest obsessions are The Million Masks of God by Manchester Orchestra, Wellfare Jazz by Viagra Boys, and Today We're the Greatest by Middle Kids to name a few. There's a few others that I've been playing on repeat. Lots of good releases so far this year.


TV Show:
Too hard, T-dog... West Wing. It should be Frasier, but West Wing is just in such another universe in terms of story and characters that it outweighs sheer /watched time.

Instrumental Music:

Music music:
Too hard, T-dog... Tool. But not really. But yeah really. But also those other guys. And those other guys. And those other guys. And that girl with the coyote and the clouds...

Witcher 3. Runner up Deus Ex: Human Revolution, honourable mention Vanilla WoW.


Late 90s early 00s emo/post-hardcore/indie/alternative music. I can't really be specific, there's too many bands. There are exceptions, but the vast majority of the music I listen to was from that era (high school, college for me), and those genres. I should just re-buy albums digitally and get rid of my recurring Spotify charge, but...ehhhh.....that sounds like a lot of work and up-front expense

Elder Scrolls game franchise

Quentin Tarantino movies

The Masters golf tournament. Really any major PGA golf tournament, but the Masters is special and I spend an entire weekend every year sitting and watching every minute of it

Seinfeld / The Office. If I could only watch these 2 shows from now on, it'd suck but I could deal with it. They never seem to get old, and they're both long enough series that by the time you finish watching it, you're almost ready to start over again.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I worship Billain.

Although i have a broad taste in music i'm always looking for something special. As far away from the mainstream as possible.
So i ended up with things like solo piano for example on the one side and highly futuristic and experimental electronic sounds on the other end.

He's not composing everyday sound and it might be a bit to much for others but there is no denying in the fact that this man is far ahead in terms of sounddesign and creating art on his own terms.
These are not just some tracks to me. They are electronic endeavours. I don't listen to this, i experience a story.
This gets further enhaced by the fact that he is writing cohesive storys for every release, made a short movie for his first album and is also producing a full fledged animated movie for his second album.
I have most of his album covers in high quality prints framed on my wall in the living room. Every vinyl that was released by him. Just a shrine is missing.

To make it short the sound of Adis Kutkut is my shit.



Late 90s early 00s emo/post-hardcore/indie/alternative music. I can't really be specific, there's too many bands. There are exceptions, but the vast majority of the music I listen to was from that era (high school, college for me), and those genres. I should just re-buy albums digitally and get rid of my recurring Spotify charge, but...ehhhh.....that sounds like a lot of work and up-front expense

Elder Scrolls game franchise

Quentin Tarantino movies

The Masters golf tournament. Really any major PGA golf tournament, but the Masters is special and I spend an entire weekend every year sitting and watching every minute of it

Seinfeld / The Office. If I could only watch these 2 shows from now on, it'd suck but I could deal with it. They never seem to get old, and they're both long enough series that by the time you finish watching it, you're almost ready to start over again.

I like the way you stink, sausage man


The Simpsons


They had a remarkable run from Seasons 3 - 8. Some of the best television ever. The following seasons were still great, but inconsistent. Currently, it feels like the show is just spinning it's wheels and I'm okay with that. The Simspons has been on TV as long as I can remember and it's comforting to know it's still going.



This is another case of a series going on too long. Still, I find myself going back and watching old AVGN episodes, Monster Madness, Board James and the rest of their stuff regularly.


Going by time/money spent, mind share etc.

Star Wars(1-6)
Castlevania(the original games, not the shitty cartoon or the MS trash)
They Might Be Giants
Lupin III


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Tool & WoW. The two main things I loved when I was 13 that I still love at 28.


Authorized Fister
Movies, it's dark humour. Favourite of the kind is :

Music, it's Dream Trance. Most recent song I liked :

Still waking up with this song after 25 years:

TV, I mostly am nostalgic and watch old 70s/80s French anime like Cobra, Rémi, Bubble Gum Crisis etc.

Games, I prefer simulations or narrative driven games. I spent most time playing Planet Coaster on PS5.
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Reseterror Resettler
I'm a simpleton with rather generic "popular," answers.

Gaming goes to Ocarina of Time, being the first game I ever played, leading to my first console purchase, my life long love of gaming and more or less my gateway into the fantasy genre.

Movies probably goes to The Matrix. The first, exclusively. I didn't hate the sequels, but gun play, goth atmosphere, NU METAL, Kung fu, pist apocalyptic backdrop and philosophy was kind of the perfect storm for me back in the day.

TV is Breaking Bad. I mean, it's just a well written show.

And music, Trent Reznor is my favorite artist out there, be it movie scores, guest appearances, albums he produced, HTDA or NIN. I've even been known to blare some Slam Bamboo or Option30 on occasion. But if I had to narrow it down to one work, The Fragile HEAVILY resonated with me, from lyrical content to ambience, to pure(st) feeling, to composition and song structure. Criminally underrated red headed step child to The Downward Spiral.
experiments breaking GIF
tired angel beats GIF

Serial Experiments Lain
Angel Beats

animes no GIF

Rozen Maiden
Animated GIF

No game no life
no game no life et GIF

Big Order

re:creators GIF by mannyjammy

US animation

dreamworks animation netflix GIF by She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

Avatar last airbender
Angry Turn Around GIF by Nickelodeon

metroid GIF

Super metroid
teamsciencemegaforce GIF

Symphony of the night
time travel super nintendo GIF

Chrono Trigger

Saga Frontier Psx

berserk golden age arc GIF

Nausicaa(Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece)
Battle Angel Alita

TV series

video games tron GIF by RETRO-FIEND

Dark City
Matrix GIF by memecandy

David Bowie GIF

Alice in wonderland 2
alice in wonderland dance GIF

I robot
Permutation City
On intelligence
Land of Lisp
Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass


Visual novel
Song of Saya
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Music: Karnivool, Pink Floyd, Tool, Deftones, Vola, Between the Buried and Me

Movies: Star Wars, Aliens, Predator, Terminator

Games: Final Fantasy (I-X), Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil (1-3), Diablo, Everquest, Baldur's Gate, StarCraft, WoW

Books: Wheel of Time, Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, Stephen Hawking

TV: The Legend of Korra, ATLA, Lost, GoT (minus the final episode), Breaking Bad, The Wire, Umbrella Academy, The Boys
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It’s Fortnite. Fortnite is shit. Bro, why did you do this to yourself?

False. Fortnite is great. Takes more skill than most generic COD shooters. The haters WISH their favorite games had the support Fortnite does.

Besides being "cartoony graphics" and a battle royale, why is Fortnite "shit"? It's literally one of the most polished games out there and they're always updating the map and adding new events. I've stopped playing it because I'm addicted to FF14 and also trying to get through my backlog but the game is definitely not shit.


Gold Member
Difficult, because the majority of TV shows, movies & games that were my favourites for years, have been ruined by unwanted sequels and reboots. Even some of my favourite music artists have changed genre and gone to shit, I'm looking at you Tiesto!

But let's ignore the recent media and remember the good times -

Star Wars franchise
Alien franchise
Indiana Jones franchise
Terminator franchise
Final Fantasy franchise
Tomb Raider franchise
Resident Evil franchise
Red Dwarf
Game of Thrones
The Prodigy
Armin van Buuren
Ferry Corsten


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Band Of Brothers - Follows easy company through the European theater in WW2. The cast is brilliant the stories are amazing and every character mattered. I felt like at the end of the series you knew these men and had a small taste as to what they did and why they did it. The interviews with the real soldiers are part of the best part. Also Major Winters is just a brilliant kind, intelligent man. Who deserved the recognition the show brought him. The show is the same group of people that did Saving Private Ryan. It is the best thing that has ever been on tv period. I watch it regularly.

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