Screenboy said:Haha your mums maiden name is Ballz?
trippingmartian said:Always thought it was your middle name + your street name.
Always thought it was your middle name + your street name
Ristamar said:This man speaks the truth.
Azala said:Not if you listen to The Zone, the OP's formula is what they have been using for the past few years and they ask all their guests...
Middle names just aren't as porn like as pet names. I mean come on Robert versus Cuddles?
Ristamar said:I'm not familiar with The Zone. And pet names generally suck. Too much gender bending, though they can make some amusing stripper-esque combinations. I don't know of any male porn stars with the name of Cuddles, but there are some named Bob, Rob, or Robert.
Anyway, going by the middle+street combo, I'm Daniel Kister. Definitely better than Shelly Corle.
trippingmartian said:Always thought it was your middle name + your street name.
Azala said:Yes you are doofus, I sent you to their webpage at least once.
Ristamar said:Oh, right. Meh, still, I ain't buyin' it. If I want goofy I'll just go with Randy Pinkwood or some shit. Besides, we used the the street name thing for 6 or 7 years, so I'm stickin' with my roots.
And you can call me "daddy"...