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What is your post per day average?

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Ahh a nice post count +1 thread.

Atm its around 20 but it will definately drop, old gaf i was down to around 8 peaking around 11
Total Posts: 877 (16.89 posts per day) including this post.

Oh yeah.

It was around 25 something when NeoGAF first launched, and when we went crazy in "The OT" thread.


Dumb question... how did you check?

Total Posts/# Of Days Since You Joined?

Is there a place in the Control Panel that displays this information?


Total Posts: 476 (9.12 posts per day)

I've been hovering around 10 for a while now.

And I don't understand how the hell some of you can be at a steady 20, 30 or even friggin' 40 posts per day!? Honestly, I think I post a lot... :|
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