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What kind of game is Myst? Puzzle?


Back in my days of playing Magic Carpet, like NetHack, I've always heard a lot about Myst but never bothered looking into it. I was thinking of picking up the 10th anniversary DVD which includes Myst, Riven, and Exile for only $19 at Gamestop. So I figured I ask about the games before I bought them. Wouldn't want to end up with 3 suckie games. =)


Queen of Denmark
^^^ That's pretty much right. It's really a love it or hate it kind of thing. Buy them if you're into solving puzzles (picture-based, music-based, number-based), but absolutely steer clear if you're looking for any kind of action whatsoever.



Well, I guess I can use a change of pace from all the DiabloII'ing I've been doing. I haven't played good point and click game since... King's Quest 5?


Knows the Score
If you like the idea of a powerpoint presentation where you have hunt for the area to click to advance to the next slide, you'll love Myst.
The only game really worth playing in the series is Uru. Myst certainly doesn't stand the test of time, while Riven is an improvement, but still not as good. Avoid Exile.

If you can find the books, read those instead. The Books of Atrus and Ti'ana are damn good reads, and MUCH more interesting than the games could ever be.


Myst was great back when it came out, primarily because of the graphics and music, but I remember being pissed that I beat it in two days (having paid, I think, $40 for it).

Nowadays the gameplay (which really is a hunt-and-click interface) is primitive, though. And there's a puzzle or two with a totally arbitrary solution. 3 games for $20 isn't bad, though, just for the gamer's history lesson.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I liked Myst and Riven.


I still remember the day I bought Myst for my 486. It was one of the first intriguimg CD-ROM games. It was also a pain in the neck to install. Never got around to complete it.


Prospero said:
... there's a puzzle or two with a totally arbitrary solution.

nope, i sure don't remember that. all of the puzzles had clues somewhere or simply followed a strange logic you could figure out yourself


Funny no one has mentioned this, but the puzzles can be mindboggling hard. Expect to spend alot of time trying to figure some out, gamefaqs will quickly become your friend, as hard as you might try to resist.


Scary Euro Man
As always when Myst gets brought up, there are plenty of clueless comments here. Myst is all about the puzzles. They're mostly constrained to a small area of the game world, which is built up from a number of pre-rendered snapshots. They're all logical, and can be somewhat difficult to work out, rendering the Resident Evil comparison mind-blowingly inaccurate. The atmosphere in the game is pretty impressive, and the puzzles seem actually fairly well in place in their environments. There's little 'hunt and peck' gameplay - none in the way that some of the worse graphical adventures have had. A good workout for the brain, and a good change of pace.

I felt the sequels were vastly inferior.
Kobun Heat said:
Does Myst even meet the definition of a video game?

I recall many tests being done on "smart" gaming sites and they all concluded with "NO". Not that I agree with such findings, but I don't disagree strongly either.


who cares if it's a "video game"? People really wasted time arguing this? If chess came out today, people would be shitting on it for not having any action, a love interest, or numerous cutscenes.

Myst is not for everyone, that's for sure. I loved solving the puzzles that were very well integrated into the world, and i loved how you slowly got an idea what the deal with the book was and how the world came to exist. great memories


I partially credit Myst for the death of the adventure game, if you want my quick opinion on it.

It's, on the surface, a puzzle game, but not like Tetris, Columns, Puzzle Fighter, etc. The puzzles serve as "obstacles" in the greater adventure aspect of it; so it's not as simple as "Find out what happened," you have to jump through hoops A, B, C, and D to find out what happened. You'll do everything from solve logic puzzles, to more obtuse, "How did they expect anyone to solve that?" problems.

People love Myst, and an equal amount hate it. I can't say that I'm a huge fan of it, despite my best efforts to go through it just for the sake of getting to the (allegedly) rather well-thoughtout story beneath it all.

But of the many adventure games that had more literal puzzle elements than your average Lucasarts or Sierra game, I don't think you can get any better than The 7th Guest. If you can find it (and somehow manage to make it work on a modern computer), you'll probably get a kick out of it.
Vieo said:
Back in my days of playing Magic Carpet, like NetHack, I've always heard a lot about Myst but never bothered looking into it. I was thinking of picking up the 10th anniversary DVD which includes Myst, Riven, and Exile for only $19 at Gamestop. So I figured I ask about the games before I bought them. Wouldn't want to end up with 3 suckie games. =)

That's a good buy, go for it. If nothing else, just play them and enjoy the scenery. I LOVE the art style in the Myst series. Exile has an awesome soundtrack as well.


Vieo said:
Well, I guess I can use a change of pace from all the DiabloII'ing I've been doing. I haven't played good point and click game since... King's Quest 5?

In the unlikely event you find KQ6, grab it.


Tag of Excellence
Of course Myst is a game, what sort of blatent idiot thinks it isn't? This isn't opinion, it's a goddamn fact and a painfully obvious one at that.

It's just a puzzle game with adventuring elements between the main attraction. Instead of clicking somewhere and having your virtual avatar run to that location you merely click and get treated to a movie of you going there. Different way of approaching the situation, same results.

Whether or not it was a good game is up to opinion but I'm blown away that people, to this day, don't think Myst is a game.

EDIT: I personally didn't like Myst though I respected the resounding success it had with the mainstream. If you're into this style of game you really need to expand into the more traditional adventure games on the PC, they are thoroughly more enjoyable although not nearly as simple to play.

EDIT2: Leon I agree, realMyst did a fantastic job in revamping the original game. While I still don't really enjoy it, it was an awesome project to be sure. Fans of the Myst series need to hunt this gem down.
the bad thing with myst is that they have unlogical puzzles.

one of my ex-gf loved the game. i hated it (so our love could never have lasted ;D

Musashi Wins!

Kobun Heat said:
Does Myst even meet the definition of a video game?

God, I hope not. At most it's the game for those who don't like games. Either way, thanks for questioning the legitimacy of this POS.


Fifty said:
It's like Resident Evil without the action.

So is better that RE, right? Cause tank controls + limited inventory + backtracking + clunky combat + absurd puzzles =! good action for me :p

Myst and Riven were very good for their days. Unparalled art, which on the hardware of the time couldnt have been implemented in any other way than slideshows. Nasty puzzles, but thats a genre.

A similiar game that I REALLY liked was Zork Nemesis, anyone here played it?
Zork Grand Inquisitor, Return to Zork, Shivers I and II, are still on my backlog. At this rate Ill need to live a few thousand years to play everything =(

EDIT: An improvement that those games could have used, is a map showing where you can go, and allowing to teleport around.


Tag of Excellence
Ar_ said:
A similiar game that I REALLY liked was Zork Nemesis, anyone here played it?
Zork Grand Inquisitor, Return to Zork, Shivers I and II, are still on my backlog. At this rate Ill need to live a few thousand years to play everything =(
I've played all of those actually, good times.
Vieo said:
Well, I guess I can use a change of pace from all the DiabloII'ing I've been doing. I haven't played good point and click game since... King's Quest 5?

If you like point and click and puzzle-solving, play Syberia or The Longest Journey. You won't be disappointed.

Oni Jazar

I'd reccomend realMyst if you can find it. It takes the pictures and makes it into a damn good looking 3D world.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Necroscope said:
If you like point and click and puzzle-solving, play Syberia or The Longest Journey. You won't be disappointed.

If you only wanna play one, skip Syberia :)
I suggest the Broken Sword series over Syberia
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