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What popular game/system is "before your time" that you hate?


The internet is too full of love. Let's bring the hate!

I don't like Atari 2600 anything. I don't understand how anyone has nostalgia for Pong or Adventure. They're turds.

But I thought of this topic thanks to younger kids hating on older systems I think are great. I hope to see how many of you I can ignore because I just know your haircut is styled after broccoli.

I'm generally not interested in anything before 16-bit consoles/ mid-to-late 80's arcade. Even when I play the original 2D Super Mario games, I play the SNES remake versions.

"Hate" would be too strong of a word, though. More like apathy or indifference is what I feel towards early consoles/ arcade games.
platformer and adventure games that had shit cameras, I still remember being blow away when ape escape came out with the og dualshock... (just barely of my time I guess)
in terms of before i'd say fighting games with no combos
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I still have some nostalgia for the Atari 2600 games. The Activision games are the good ones.
The Odyssey was a turd. Some of they early IBM PC games were pretty bad. The PC didn't start getting cool until the 386. It hit it's stride with the 486.


Gold Member
Any 3D games that did not allow for camera movement. There were quite a bit before we got to dual analog sticks (aka games with “tank controls”).

Although I wouldn’t really say ‘hate’, there are games I’m nostalgic about still, but I would never play them again unless they change the control scheme.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
For me, it's Atari 2600 and a lot of old PC RPGs. Mostly because the former is too simplistic and the latter tends towards being completely obtuse.

The thing is, it's really not because these platforms are old - it's because the games, themselves, tend to have major shortcomings and the tech wasn't there to convey the developers' idea in any sort of decent fashion. I don't think the same could be said of games from the 90s onwards - even if there were technical limitations on one's creativity, it certainly wasn't to the same extent.


I don't like Atari 2600 anything. I don't understand how anyone has nostalgia for Pong or Adventure. They're turds.
I'm 43. I also never liked the Atari 2600.

Now, even though i'm old, i'm still not that old to be able to appreciate the system. It was still released a couple of years before i was born. So when i played it for the first time (some time in the late 80's), the Atari 2600 was already an obsolete system.

However, i did play many of it's games in the arcades or via ports in more modern systems like the NES. And i still didn't like those games. That's because 99% of them are single screen. I only fell in love with games when i saw the big, scrolling worlds. The Atari 2600 can't have such games and the few exceptions look worse than the regular single screen games.

I still like some single screen games but they are very few and the Atari 2600 wouldn't be able to handle them anyway, like Bubble Bobble for instance (good luck handling all those bubble sprites).

But the worst for me are the 8 bit home computer games. And these were things from my childhood. ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC. I can't think of a single game i would stand playing in those systems. Not because the games are bad per se, but because the systems make the whole experience miserable. You get those ugly color palettes (only the Amstrad looked good), the atrocious scrolling (only the C64 could do that smoothly), the flickering sprites and color clash of the spectrum, the slow frame rates, the input lag, the worst storage medium in history (tapes) and their unbelievable loading times and prayers that a game will actually work after a 5 minutes loading and won't produce a read error.

I really can't understand how people who had those machines had any fun with them. I get depressed at the thought i would be stuck with such a system as a kid. Even emulators that fix some of their issues don't save the situation.
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I'm generally not interested in anything before 16-bit consoles/ mid-to-late 80's arcade. Even when I play the original 2D Super Mario games, I play the SNES remake versions.

"Hate" would be too strong of a word, though. More like apathy or indifference is what I feel towards early consoles/ arcade games.
Yeah. I adore the original Sonic games but I can never get into the 8 bit versions. Anything 8 bit, doesn't really do it for me.


Gold Member
Nothing comes to mind. I can't think of a game or system I actually hated, though there's quite a long list of games I didn't enjoy. About the closest is the Atari 5200 because of the controller. I really disliked the Atari 5200 controller's joystick. And having to constantly open the controller and clean the button contacts on the keypad ribbon.


3D 90s shooters (from a visual standpoint). They never looked good and i don't understand what people see in low quality brown polygons.

As for systems? Tried the N64 recently and i cant undertand how anyone can use that stupid controller.


UFO 50 on Steam also caused me to think about this. Half the games I couldn't enjoy because they're from that time when games were too simple and boring. I didn't play a lot of various games in the 80s.


Gold Member
3D 90s shooters (from a visual standpoint). They never looked good and i don't understand what people see in low quality brown polygons.

As for systems? Tried the N64 recently and i cant undertand how anyone can use that stupid controller.
I think early to mid 90s games like Doom and the Buld Engine Shooters still look great, but i couldn't replay late 90s shooters.
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The only consoles that were retired by the time I was born are the Magnavox Odyssey, Pong and the Coleco Telstar, so it's slim pickings for me


Gold Member
The only consoles that were retired by the time I was born are the Magnavox Odyssey, Pong and the Coleco Telstar, so it's slim pickings for me
The only one of those I didn't play as a kid was Telstar, so I'm in the same boat. There really isn't a "before my time" console.


World’s Biggest Weeb
1980s PC games.

I started with Atari 2600 but really got into gaming with the NES. PC games at that time seemed so clunky and more hassle than they were worth.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Younger kids don't really look down old stuff the way millenials did. They're used to playing 10 year old games, and games that cop retro styles as affect like Minecraft. So they don't have that same sense of "this looks old and crappy" that they generations raised on bit wars did.

On topic, I'm old as shit, my first system was an Atari 2600, and I even had some earlier stuff I got at garage sales, so other than old arcade games, nothing is before my time.
I'm generally not interested in anything before 16-bit consoles/ mid-to-late 80's arcade. Even when I play the original 2D Super Mario games, I play the SNES remake versions.

"Hate" would be too strong of a word, though. More like apathy or indifference is what I feel towards early consoles/ arcade games.
I was just going to post the exact same thing.

I always looked at the Master System and thought 'what's the point?' It's like a terrible version of the Mega Drive with the same type of games but just worse.


Reverse groomer.
Gameboy games. I can't understand how people managed to have fun with a system so utterly primitive. everything runs slow, there's no backlight, it used AA batteries instead of lithium ion so you could hardly charge the damn thing, and it was a monochrome puke green screen- not even pure black and white.

Even NES is pushing it for me because it's hard to withstand all the slowdown and sprite flicker, but at least the games held their framerate more often and had color!!
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Gameboy games. I can't understand how people managed to have fun with a system so utterly primitive. everything runs slow, there's no backlight, it used AA batteries instead of lithium ion so you could hardly charge the damn thing, and it was a monochrome puke grey screen- not even pure black and white.

Even NES is pushing it for me because it's hard to withstand all the slowdown and sprite flicker, but at least the games held their framerate more often and had color!!
Because before that the only handheld games we had were things like game and watch, an LCD screen with fixed sprites, literally like a digital watch

The gameboy was leaps and bounds ahead of this, which is why it caught on so well, regardless of the display limitations
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Reverse groomer.
Because before that the only handheld games we had were things like game and watch, an LCD screen with fixed sprites, literally like a digital watch
I can understand how much of a revelation going from a tiger game to a game boy would be in the 90s. But after 2003 handhelds just got so much better in every aspect- from graphics to game library to lithium ion batteries to everything. Looking at Game Boy games now with their low resolution and their super zoomed in game viewports and no backlight and it's just.... you people were troopers for using that to game on car trips before the advent of the DS and PSP.


I can understand how much of a revelation going from a tiger game to a game boy would be in the 90s. But after 2003 handhelds just got so much better in every aspect- from graphics to game library to lithium ion batteries to everything. Looking at Game Boy games now with their low resolution and their super zoomed in game viewports and no backlight and it's just.... you people were troopers for using that to game on car trips before the advent of the DS and PSP.
Times were simpler back then for sure, I can remember getting a Tiger game of Battletoads and playing it constantly, taking it to school, round my friends, round my families houses

My family couldnt afford to get me a gameboy at the time, so £10 tiger games were about as far as my handheld gaming went until I could afford to buy a gameboy colour and pokemon with my paper round money. The only other times I got to play on a gameboy before then was on displays in shop's in town
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Spectum ZX. People love this machine but the games didnt make any sense and were awful to play.
Blasphemy, grew up on the ZX spectrum and loved every minute of it

Before the Amiga 500 released that was all we had to play at home

Cookie made perfect sense :)

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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Gameboy games. I can't understand how people managed to have fun with a system so utterly primitive. everything runs slow, there's no backlight, it used AA batteries instead of lithium ion so you could hardly charge the damn thing, and it was a monochrome puke green screen- not even pure black and white.
Bruh, you think Game Boy was bad? I had a Microvision. 16x16 monochrome boyee.


I never got into gaming until the Commodore Amiga in 1990, but i don't hate the system's before, i just thought they were kids toys at the time and i was a teenager myself for most of it, i was heavily into music in the 80's, not gaming systems.


I think early to mid 90s games like Doom and the Buld Engine Shooters still look great, but i couldn't replay late 90s shooters.
Yea those are fine. But stuff like Quake and Hexen are just dull looking.

Unlike most people born in the late 90s i have nothing against Atari 2600 though. Games can still be quite fun if you put yourself in the right mindset.


Rather than specific consoles, it is more about the visuals they produce.

For 2D I can't stand consoles that display only palettes of 4. It rarely looks good, and most of the time it looks like a patchwork of ugly puzzle pieces. 3 colors sprites look awful.
The opposite is also true for 2D though : I don't like 2D visuals with infinite palettes. We lost the art of nice pixel-art as soon as this limit disappeared. It wasn't pixel-art anymore, but stuff being hand drawn or scanned, and thrown in the game while looking like utter shit.

Very early 3D with shitty framerates and fog get a "no" from me as well. It needs to be clean and 60fps.
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