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What the hell ever happened to GEX?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I know you guys remember this fella:


So what happened? I always thought the 2nd and 3rd games in the series were enjoyable and I loved the pop culture references and the different worlds that showed up in each game. Did the company responsible for the Gex games, Crystal Dynamics, go under or something? Who holds the rights?

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a new Gex game.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
His 'tude gavee him a stroke in the late 90's


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
After a stressful romp in the video game industry, Gex turned his career around and presently makes mad cashing pimping car insurance.



Last I heard and this was just rumor at a E3 party. Bubsy and Gex made huge racous at past Sony party and have not been seen since. Sony bouncers can be abit rough I here.


Some of the team, including Lyle Hall, credited as the conceptual father of the series, and Justin Norr, lead designer, went down this path:


while some others went down this path (hurrah!):


Gregg Tavares, one of the lead programmers, has his memoirs of the Gex salad-days up at http://www.greggman.com/games/gex.htm.


Crystal Dynamics was handed the Tomb Raider license last year. They also make the Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain games, and they worked on Whiplash, too. The company's certainly NOT gone.


The original Gex game rocked. The two games on PSOne were alright, but sadly (much like Soul Reaver) were just too much for the poor li'l system to handle. I'd love to see a new Gex game this gen for PS2, GC or Xbox, but somehow I doubt it'll happen.

R.I.P., Gex. Twas a good run.

...and yes, you did look like an usher at a gay luau.
Brandon beat me to the details, but I just want to add that Whiplash is very similar to Gex 2 in many ways - sense of humor, gameplay and the style of the characters and environments. While playing Whiplash, and before even finding out who developed it, the first thing that came to mind was Gex 2. I wasn't surprised at all when I found out the same team was (partially) responsible for it!

In other words, if you're a Gex 3D fan who doesn't have Whiplash yet, there has never been a better time. You can't beat $9.99.


Gex was one of the reasons, besides the SNK and Capcom fighter ports, that I purchased a 3DO. I am so glad I did purchase one or else I would have missed out on the semi-great library this thing has to offer.
brandonnn said:
while some others went down this path (hurrah!):


I rented this because someone here said it was good, yet underrated. I really wasn't too into it. The humor was really forced and I felt like I was doing the same things over and over with little payoff.

I still kept playing though, until I encountered some weird bug. The game ran like a slideshow and never rectified itself. I had to turn off the PS2 and I just returned it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I saw him a few days ago, he is working for this insurance company now. Said he was doing alright, but you can tell he has matured a lot since High School.


It would be nice if he came back to platformers, given the Jak and Daxter treatment of course...the first Jak and Daxter.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Hooray for un-fenekku-gitsune-initiated Whiplash discussion!

Unfortunately I have no idea what the Whiplash folks are working on right now. Crystal Dynamics is the sort of developer that moves folks around a lot, though, so a lot of them are probably working on Tomb Raider, Snowblind, and so forth.

I heard that CD recently replaced the Gex statue in the lobby with a Kain statue :'(
I know which one I'd rather have at my party (besides spanx)
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