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What to do with about 200+ in store credit???


Due to a very dumb mistake with GameStop's paper reserve system, it looks like I am going to be getting around 200 bucks of store credit free from them. I preordered some of the really big titles this winter from them back in April and cancelled them in the summer, but somehow their system failed to log that, so I am going to be getting some free stuff. I got Metroid Prime 2 for free yesterday...

I already have pretty much all of the big titles this fall/winter for ps2 and xbox and am wondering what to do with my dilemma.

I am leaning on preordering a PSP, but they won't let me yet. I am uninterested in Nintendo stuff (their release methodology really ticks me off- not enough games released and less then good third party support).
Does anyone know if there are any trade in deals with GBA SP's right now. If I go for a PSP, I am going to be unloading my GBA SP and about 10 games

I am going to be buying xbox2 and ps3 when they are released, but honestly could sit out of the new console market for a couple of years with my backlog of games (plus I am a full time worker/full time grad student in a relationship, so I don't want to get a really big pile of games cause I already have one)

I guess the best thing to do is to get the gamebucks from them and just sit tight until I can throw it down on a reserve for PSP or something better.

Has this ever happened to anyone else with Gamestop or EB?


Wait, let me get this straight. You don't want anything Nintendo because of weird release "methodology," but you'd rather blow ALL of your cash on an untested handheld that won't be released for at least another 3 months?

Trust me, get a Cube and about 5 games for it. Why worry about release methodology when there's plenty of games you haven't beaten yet. Are you only allowed to play new titles? Talk about succombing to peer pressure.


I had a cube since launch and dumped it for an xbox about 4 months ago. I grew tired of waiting 3 months for a quality title to get released them constantly delaying titles as well.


My suggestion? Just wait a bit until you see something you like. Maybe you'll find out the PSP isn't your thing, or maybe the Xbox 2 will be cheaper than expected. It's tempting, but there's no need to waste all your cash now.


go back to Gamestop and get my cash back or get gamebucks and then just hold on to them. I know it is bad karma for taking advantage of the store, but heck I buy so much from them, that they don't question it. It is stupid to run a business that is so large as gamestops and not store things in a computer and a centralized db...

At EB, this scam wouldn't have worked out, but at Gamestop it does...


Kingpen said:
I am leaning on preordering a PSP, but they won't let me yet. I am uninterested in Nintendo stuff (their release methodology really ticks me off- not enough games released and less then good third party support).
Does anyone know if there are any trade in deals with GBA SP's right now. If I go for a PSP, I am going to be unloading my GBA SP and about 10 games

You think that the PSP is going to get more 3rd party support than the GBA did?

:lol :lol :lol

Maybe you should look at the release schedule for the PSP before you preorder it because you'll save yourself some money if you do.
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