Fat Frog
I advertised for Google Stadia
A few glimps of hope nonetheless as Sega released another port of the game last month.Unfortunately, it does appear to have underperformed sales-wise, despite being given a simultaneous multi-plat release (a rare thing for a non-Sonic Sega game). A shame, as the reviews and gamer reception was all very good. As it stands, I would prefer the the team that made it to be given the Skies of Arcadia IP and a similar budget to VK4 and see how that goes.
Plus, the first Valkyria also bombed before the franchise being (temporary) saved by hard discount on PS3 and low price PC port.
The problem with Valkyria 4 is the price tag. Fans expected better graphic update or lower price (PS3 or PC many of us bought the first episode at 20 bucks).
During the PS3 era, many games could die if they first bombed but with the mainstream digital era, many games have now a second chance years later. (i think Sega has been surprised by digital Panzer Dragoon Orta sales on Xbox...One).
Sega games are pretty popular in Asia and it's one of the fastest growing market in the world.
If Sega keeps using Asian stars in local Yakuza versions, the franchise will be important all over the world for the next decade. Valkyria 4 had a disapointing start but with backward compatibility on Xbox, PS5, PC, and the popularity of anime type games in Asia, the franchise could make a comeback. Not in 2021 nor even 2023 but Sega didn't completely give up yet (Stadia port in december) There was many years between VC 3 and VC 4.
We must be patient. Sega's portfolio is getting more popular year after year.
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