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what was the first-ever showing of Daytona USA arcade?


anybody know what the earliest showing of Daytona USA arcade was? I mean Daytona USA in any form, be it incomplete, a tech demo or whatever. even if it wasn't *called* Daytona USA at the time. okay, Daytona USA was released in arcades in early 2004 or spring 2004. it was the very first Model 2 game. but it had been seen several times in 1993, which made its way into GameFan magazine and probably EGM.

I found an old usenet post by Marty Chinn, I think he is describing some early footage of Daytona USA, even though it wasn't known as Daytona USA at that time.


Date: Fri, 23 Jul 93 10:44:01 PDT

Did anyone go to the summer CES in chicago which was held just recently?
I just saw my 3rd video of the show and saw something on it that i didn't
see before. It was Nascar by Sega, and on the screen i saw print of 32
bit, 25 mhz, textured polygon mapping, and other such. Did anyone there
see this? The graphics looked great, what i wanted to know was is this
the Giga Drive, or is this a new arcade board they are using. It looked
better than 3DO when comparing smoothness of graphics.
They also had
another demo of some sort of space shooter for it, the graphics looked
unbelievable. Can someone give me info on this?

then we see another thread started by Marty in August 1993, talking about Daytona, Sega's new 32-Bit arcade board that runs Daytona (later to be known as Model 2) and the ensuing discussion over what Saturn was based on, if it would be Sega's newest 32-Bit board (Model 2) ...as the magazines, especially GameFan, were saying Saturn was based on Model 2, even though of course it wasn't.


Carl the system he was talking about was a 32 bit arcade board made by
sega. One game specifically shown was Daytona and the graphics and
scaling look sweet. This was not the saturn because it was nowhere to be
shown there but just their new arcade motherboard.

so one of the earliest showings of Daytona USA seems to be Summer CES 1993 in Chicago IL, my home town!
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