Was DmC: Devil May Cry The First Game To Ever Go Woke?


I thought DmC was pretty good and beat it a few times. Really cool presentation. The reboot changes never bothered me because I was only a mild fan of the series to begin with.
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The colors looked broken before the patch and even after the patch and thought this is it, screw this game.
Okay, guess I'll just post this again...

Art does not exist in a vacuum. RE5's tribal imagery is problematic because there is a rich racist history of Africans being depicted as backwards cannibals. Like in this Disney produced nonsense below.

Look, now that I've told you that it is a thing, it's on you whether or not you want to acknowledge the history of these types of images. And before you say that the RE5 designs meant no harm, I agree with you. I quite enjoy RE5 and I can accept the horror tropes that it utilizes; including the cannibal trope. At the same time, though, it's important to recognize such images as problematic lest we forget that they can leave lasting negative impressions on society as a whole. Heck, just last year, Hatian immigrants were being accused of being cannibals. Like, what the hell. In 2024 that racist garbage was still being peddled.

tribes and cannibalism are still both a thing in africa.
and some tribes are 100% backwards/retarded, spears and all--like one who insists they must drink from an obviously disease-ridden water source because they believe their ancestors live there.

problems arise when it becomes a prevalent stereotype, is used to generalize the continent as whole, and individuals arent properly evaluated/given a chance.

but man, a decent amount of africa is retarded (by western standards). like retarded-retarded.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
did they do a decent job tho?
they made a game that looked worse than DMC4 while running at half the framerate.

and they made a combat system that is so easily exploitable that it wasn't only easy to beat enemies, but also easy to get SSS scores in every fight without doing much of anything except spam the same thing over and over.

the only decent parts of the game was the general feel of the controls, which was probably as good as it was because Capcom did periodically send over developers to check in on that part specifically. with some insiders saying that at one point the Capcom guys had to step in and fix their controls. (which I am inclined to believe given how absolutely god awful Heavenly Sword was)

the good parts of DmC are the ones that came directly from the previous source material DMC3 and 4, as well as Capcom employees.

of course, since then the Definitive Edition released, which fixed a lot of the issues of the original, by being 60fps, having an improved scoring system, making color coded enemy types less annoying to fight and fixing some of the exploits.

but in its launch version it was just the wish.com version of DMC4

For a Western dev with a mixed track record, I'd say it was a win. Was it the DMC game I wanted? No. I didn't expect them to deliver honestly, so I was pleasantly surprised. They were philosophically the wrong developer to do it in my opinion, but these things happen. They probably wanted to be more experimental, but DMC did not need a reboot and the fans made it clear they weren't after one. It's probable someone in the company, high up, wanted to make a more Western-take on DMC so they could sell the IP to Hollywood. It was a different time then. This was one of the things biz dev folks were obsessed with back then.


It was super cringe but I remember the dialog. It sure AF wasn't woke, lol. The dialog is super offensive iirc. Like zero knowledge of anything but with super amount of edge.
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Gold Member
The New Dante is a Self-Insert For Tameem Antoniades

This is about the game's director. The original look for this new Dante resembled him way more. The final look doesn't as much. This obviously has never been confirmed, but it's fun to speculate.

You are onto something here
Guys looking like this wanting to be regarded as super cool heroes that can totally whoop everyone's ass by the very people that bullied them in high school is a staple of the woke genre, for whatever reason.
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