What was your very first kindle book purchase?


Gold Member
In light of the looming amazon crackdown on downloading/transfering kindle books to PC (which is probably an overblown fear but maybe prelude to something larger) I decided to 'back-up' my kindle library to my PC. This was about 750+ titles going back to 2009. You sorta have to do this manually in batches, so it was a bit of a walk back in tome seeing books that I had all but forgotten about. My last page, the earliest books I downloaded, brought a smile to my face.

FIRST book, April 1, 2009, was book seven of Eriksons fabulous Malazan Cycle, Reaper's Gale. I recall the whole reason I jumped on the kindle was because these books were like 1000+ pages each and just a pain to carry around. Then there were some free public domain titles, The Pagans by Arlo Bates and Children of Odin by Padraic Colum. Just a few weeks later, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Yep, my tastes have not changed much over the past 16 years since nor the 16 years prior, really.

If you are interested about the change amazon kinda tried to stealth drop, you can read about it here https://www.theverge.com/news/612898/amazon-removing-kindle-book-download-transfer-usb

Is it a prelude to ensuring that you can NEVER archive your ebooks and they can always remove or replace them with "corrected for modern audiences" versions? Perhaps. We've seen that streaming video services do have maintain eternally present catalogues and are not always interested in giving you a choice in the version you can see. Will this attitude permeate ebooks? Probably not, but it only took me a couple minutes to sent them all to my PC, though its taking a while to download since there are quite a few graphic novels in there. Also some rather risque adult titles I think I nabbed on a lark that I rather not be mixed in with the general population. Oops, forgot all about "Naked Battle Elves" though from what I recall the cover art is by far the most raunchy thing...maybe :p


Biggest Trails Stan
I bought so many books off of Kindle that I forgot what the first book I purchased is. I mostly read kindle off my phone or tablet most of the time nowadays

But I especially like reading Comics on Kindle

These recent changes that Amazon has been doing have made me more wary of them and wondering if they are going to do some even more major in the future.

If anything I've been also using this app called Kobo Books and it's a competitor to Kindle. So far it's great


Gold Member
Battle Royale.
Back then it hadn't been published in Spanish so finding it in my country was basically impossible. (The only English books you could find were very famous stuff like Harry Potter or LOTR).

Loved it. It actually made me realize the movie isn't a particularly good adaptation.


Gold Member
Battle Royale.
Back then it hadn't been published in Spanish so finding it in my country was basically impossible. (The only English books you could find were very famous stuff like Harry Potter or LOTR).

Loved it. It actually made me realize the movie isn't a particularly good adaptation.
Yeah, I think the manga was a bit out there as well. A lot more nudity IIRC. Though with translations who can ever really say what interpretation is more correct.


Biggest Trails Stan
Battle Royale.
Back then it hadn't been published in Spanish so finding it in my country was basically impossible. (The only English books you could find were very famous stuff like Harry Potter or LOTR).

Loved it. It actually made me realize the movie isn't a particularly good adaptation.

I never read the manga but I'm a huge fan of the book which is what the manga and Japanese film adapts it from
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